Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - In November, HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta has two presentations planned that you won't want to miss. On the 11th, two bi-lingual cardiologists will go over 'What's New in Cardiology,' and on the 16th, learn 'Everything You Need to Know About HealthCare in the Banderas Bay Area.'
Both presentations begin promptly at 10:00 am at O’Rourke & Associates, located on the far south end of Plaza Marina, in the local previously occupied by Lloyds. Parking tickets will be validated.
Both are no charge events, but we do ask that you bring one of the following items for New Life Mexico and Hospital Regional: Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Bar of soap, Baby blanket, Glue stick, Ruler or Baby booties.
Friday, November 11, 2011
"What’s New In Cardiology"
Presenters: Dra. Leslie Swindle & Dr. Adolfo Curiel (cardiologists)
They will cover all things "heart" – new meds, new equipment, new studies and much more, including a question and answer period.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
"Everything You Need to Know About HealthCare in the Banderas Bay Area"
Insurance, hospitalization, outpatient services, emergency services, what’s new in the area, veterans services (medical) and pretty much anything that I can think of! After the question and answer period, we will go across the street to tour the new Amerimed Hospital.
If you plan to attend either event, please RSVP so that we are able to plan accordingly. If you have specific questions that you would like covered, please email them to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com.
Welcome back everyone!
Pamela Thompson
HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta
Cell: 044-322-107-7007
Blog: PamPV.wordpress.com
Pamela Thompson has lived and worked in Puerto Vallarta for over 17 years, 10 of them in health care. Pamela now leads HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, a local healthcare resource network. Her years of experience and expertise are available to you by emailing your questions to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com or by visiting HealthCareResourcesPV.com.

Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta.