Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - We are combining our July and August newsletter for several reasons - the main one being that I am behind! We will do the same for September and October as well. And then, hopefully, the November newsletter will be jam-packed with loads of new "fall-winter season" items.
July-August Clinics
These screening-only clinics are offered at a discounted price available only through HealthCare Resources. They are held in various locations and can be booked by sending an email with the name(s) of the clinics, your name and phone number, and any questions you may have to Pamela(at)HealthCareResourcesPV.com.
Cardiac Clinic
July 27, 2012
$550 pesos - PLUS members $500 pesos
Includes: EKG, Blood Pressure Check, Consult/Interview with a bi-lingual cardiologist and their recommendations. (We recommend prior to the appointment, you have a Cholesterol Profile. We are offering a very discounted price for this at $322 pesos.)
Ear Clinic
July 31, 2012
$375 pesos - PLUS members $325 pesos
Includes: Complete evaluation by an ENT of your ears and a cleaning (if needed) – you’d be amazed at the “gunk” that builds up in our ears here due to the humidity. Note: This is not a hearing test! **We do have an audiologist that comes frequently to the area. If you would like an appointment with her, please let me know. She will be here again sometime in August.
Vascular Clinic
August 2, 2012
$400 pesos - PLUS members $350 pesos
Includes: Evaluation by a vascular specialist, checking your legs/pulses/carotids – see how your blood is flowing! You will receive a complete report with recommendations.
Foot Clinic
August 3, 2012
$300 pesos - PLUS members pay $250 pesos
Includes: Review of your feet/toes, pulses, balance and recommendations by a podiatrist. Our feet take a beating here! Take care of your tootsies! And if you haven’t yet had a "medical pedicure" – you should! It’s fabulous!
Women’s Clinic
August 7, 2012
$775 pesos - PLUS members pay $690 pesos
Includes: Consult/Interview, pap smear, pelvic exam, colposcopy. Wonderful female GYN. Note: If you are concerned about a hormone imbalance, we recommend having the labwork prior to the appointment. We have a special price for this.
Eye Clinic
August 8, 2012
$400 pesos - PLUS members pay $350 pesos
Vision Exam, Eye Pressure Exam (Glaucoma check), consult.
Mammogram Clinic
August 9, 2012
$920 pesos - PLUS members pay $820 pesos
Includes: Digital mammogram, ultrasound (if necessary), manual exam, review of mammogram. Please ladies, this is important!
Men’s Urology Clinic
August 10, 2012
$700 pesos - PLUS members pay $650 pesos
Includes: Consult/Interview, ultrasound of kidneys, bladder and prostate, measurement of residual urine. (We recommend prior to your appointment a PSA and Urinalysis. We are offering a very discounted price of $470 pesos for these.)
Skin Clinic
August 15, 2012
$275 pesos - PLUS members pay $225 pesos
Includes: Review of your skin, from scalp to toes by an oncologist. Get those funny spots checked!
Ongoing Clinics
Colonoscopies, Endoscopies, Men’s and Women’s Check Ups
Our PLUS membership program has become quite popular the past couple of years. For further information, please visit HealthcareResourcesPV.com. (Prices are in pesos!)
If you are preparing for your return in the fall/winter, we urge you to make sure that you have the proper insurance coverage. Please email me with any questions that you might have regarding this. And if you are in the area now, I am more than happy to sit down and have a chat about all of your healthcare needs. I have a new (and air conditioned!) office at Hospital Amerimed. I hope you will come by for a visit! As well, I am happy to give you a tour of this new, state-of-the-art facility.
Are you attempting to lose a few pounds? Or perhaps lower your cholesterol? Are you borderline diabetic and would like to get things under control? Please know that we work with a very knowledgeable, multi-lingual (and great!) registered dietician. Consider a few sessions with her and be prepared for success!
Other Stuff
Mailbox Etc in El Centro has a great new service for the communities of Nuevo Vallarta, Bucerias, La Cruz and San Pancho! Beginning July 16, 2012 anyone who signs up for a mailbox to receive their US/Canadian mail will receive mail delivery to their area! This is a simple, secure way for you to receive your mail, magazines and online purchases. They will also be collecting out-going mail. They can set up your service prior to your arrival if you are coming in the fall-winter. Please email Jessica Corley jcorley61(at)msn.com for further information. This is a wonderful service they will be providing!
The Saturday Market Co-op has been a huge hit this summer! Every Saturday at the Paradise Community Center you will find a huge variety of vegetables, flowers, food galore (all kinds!), jewelry, soaps, purses, clothing and lots more. Email me for further details.
Archie’s Wok now has Air Conditioning in the main dining room, after so many years of steamy summers! Enjoy a refreshing escape from the heat, cool summer savings, and a delicious meal at Puerto Vallarta's favorite Asian restaurant. Click HERE for more info.
If you feel like you are going to spontaneously combust from the heat and humidity, consider a night or two at the Hacienda Jalisco in San Sebastian. You’ll even need a blanket at night! Outstanding food, fresh from the garden. And an easy and short drive from Vallarta. To learn more about Hacienda Jalisco, Click HERE or send me an email.
Cooling scarves are the hit of the summer here! In a vast array of gorgeous fabrics, wear them around your neck to keep cool. And there are ones for doggies as well FABULOUS! Email me at pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com for more information.
School will be back in session before we know it! Every year, New Life Mexico provides hundreds of school supplies to very deserving low income students. We hope you will consider donating a few items. They are inexpensive to purchase here in the area at Office Depot/Office Max and other stores. Please email me for a detailed list.
We certainly hope that you are having a stupendous summer, wherever you are! Stay cool! Remember that we are here for all of your health care needs. For all of the latest news, look for HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta on Facebook.
WARM regards,Pamela Thompson
HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta
Cell: 044-322-107-7007
Blog: PamPV.wordpress.com

Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta.