Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Another year has come and gone. Welcome 2013 and welcome all of our snowbirds! We had a very busy summer. I don’t believe there’s such a thing as “low season” any more, at least not when it comes to health care items. We decided to skip all clinics in December due to the hectic holiday pace for our physicians, but now we are ready to really get back in to the swing of things! Please read carefully through this newsletter that contains all of the upcoming clinic information and our speakers programs!
**Important** All appointments for the clinics must be made via HealthCare Resources via email and require the person’s name. The appointments are for the specified date(s) only. You will receive a confirmation with complete and detailed information as to your appointment.
Ear Clinic – January 9, 2013
$375 pesos – PLUS members pay $325 pesos
This is one of our most popular clinics. Complete evaluation of your ears by an ENT and cleaning, if needed. Note: This is NOT a hearing test! If you need a hearing test, we have an audiologist that comes from the United States once a month. It's amazing the gunk that builds up in our ears here!
Mammogram Clinic – January 11, 2013
$920 pesos - PLUS members pay $820 pesos
Includes digital mammogram, ultrasound (if deemed necessary), manual exam. We now have a female radiologist who is a breast specialist!
Women’s Clinic – January 15, 2013
$775 pesos - PLUS members pay $690 pesos
Includes consult, pap smear, pelvic exam with a wonderful (female!) GYN.
Foot Clinic – January 16, 2013
$300 pesos - PLUS members pay $250 pesos
Includes a review of your feet and toes, pulses, balance and recommendations by a super podiatrist. Bad pedicure? Corns? Hammer toes? This clinic is for you.
Vascular Clinic – January 18, 2013
$400 pesos - PLUS members pay $350 pesos
Includes: Evaluation by a vascular specialist, checking your legs/pulses/carotids - see how well your blood is flowing! You will receive a complete report with recommendations.
Skin Clinic – January 24 and January 31, 2013
$300 pesos - PLUS members pay $250 pesos
Another one of THE most popular clinics - these fill up quickly! Have your skin checked from scalp to your toes by an oncologist.
Cardiac Clinic – January 25, 2013
$550 pesos - PLUS members pay $500 pesos
Includes EKG, Blood Pressure Check, Consult/Interview with a cardiologist, and their recommendations. We recommend prior to the appointment, you have a cholesterol profile. We are offering a very discounted price for this at $322 pesos.
Eye Clinic – January 29, 2013
$400 pesos - PLUS members pay $350 pesos
Complete vision exam, pressure (for glaucoma) by an opthamologist.
Men’s Urology Clinic – January 30, 2013
$700 pesos - PLUS members pay $650 pesos
Includes: Consult/Interview, ultrasound of kidneys, bladder and prostate, measurement of residual urine. We recommend prior to your appointment a PSA and Urinalysis. We are offering a very discounted price for these of $470 pesos
Monday, January 14, 2013 - 9:00 am
Breakfast With A Vascular Specialist
Hospital Medasist – Fourth Floor
Cost: No charge
Our Breakfasts with the physicians are very popular! Very informal as we sit down over coffee, a light breakfast and ask questions. Join us as we chat with Dr. Escoto, a well respected vascular specialist and surgeon and ask him about everything from varicose veins to carotid arteries – anything you want! RSVP Required – Space is limited.
Monday, January 28, 2013 - 9:00 am
Breakfast With A Plastic Surgeon
Hospital Medasist – Fourth Floor
Cost: No charge
Thinking of a little tuck? Maybe some lipo? Botox? This is your opportunity to ask some questions! No harm in obtaining information as we welcome Dr. Miguel Saldaña (who, I am proud to say, did my plastic surgery a few years ago!) RSVP Required – Space is limited.
What a title! But this is really what it is!
January 30, 2013 - 9:00 am until 12 noon
Anything and Everything To Do with Women’s Breasts
Anatomy, Mammograms, Breast Cancer, Perception, Self-Image, Implants, Breast Reduction, Nursing to Menopause – and much more.
We are proud to present:
Dra. Claudia Moral – Radiologist and Breast Specialist
Dra. Laura Garcia – OB/GYN
Dra. Adi Dominguez – Psychiatrist
Dr. Miguel Saldaña – Plastic Surgeon
Along with a few surprises (and humor which is important!)
If you are a female, you will want to attend. This is a no charge event. We only ask that you bring one of the following items: • Some type of school supplies
• Baby blanket (for newborns) (new please)
• A bag of beans or rice
Location: To Be Announced
RSVP ONLY. Space is limited.
Medical Matters Conference
On February 11, 2013 from 9:00 am to 6 pm, HealthCare Resources, The US Consular Agency and the Hotel Marriott CasaMagna will proudly present the annual Medical Matters Conference at the Hotel Marriott CasaMagna in Marina Vallarta.
If you have attended in the past, you know this is a one-of-a-kind conference! This is a no-charge event featuring over 60 health care providers including local hospitals, clinics, physicians, labs, diagnostic centers so that you, the public are able to learn (and chat/interact) with all of the health providers in the area.
We will have on-going speakers (every 45 minutes) with two rooms running beginning at 9:30 am. The speakers' schedule (and massive publicity) will be out very soon. Last year we had approximately 1,200 attendees with fabulous feedback, and we are just as excited for this year!
HealthCare Resources is here for all of your healthcare needs. From insurance recommendations, physician referrals, colonoscopies, information on how the healthcare system works in the area – anything and everything healthcare related. We work with 26 physicians of which we are extremely proud of! I am more than happy to meet with you and have a one on one chat regarding your healthcare needs, or speak at your group/condo association, etc.
We do have a membership program (but absolutely not required for assistance) which you can learn about by clicking HERE.
I’d like to put in a plug here for the Hacienda Jalisco – operated by our family. High in the Sierra Madre Mountains (but an easy drive from the Vallarta area) this is a wonderful escape - and check out this wonderful new blog by a well known photographer who recently visited us.
Here’s to a healthy 2013 to one and all. Let’s try to be kind to one another as much as possible.
Pamela Thompson
Phone (322) 107-7007
Blog: pampv.wordpress.com/

Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta.