Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Are you worried about parasites in paradise? Now I am not talking about the two-legged kinds who want to be your friend but then end up sucking all your energy.
I am talking about the kind with no legs that get inside your body, usually your gut, and make you a bit miserable until eradicated! They build up gradually, sometimes you don’t even realize you’ve got them, starting off with some minimal discomfort, growing into a love affair with the toilet.
This is the tropics and typical parasites include the microscopically small Protozoa and amoeba, worms and fungi that are just part of life here. You can get them from untreated water, under-washed fruits and veggies, under cooked meat, bad hygiene, touching someone else who is infected or even just breathing in dust that might have the eggs of the parasites attached.
Symptoms may include: chronic diarrhea or/alternating with constipation, nausea, intestinal cramps, dizziness, changes in appetite, vomiting, fowl-smelling gas, indigestion, bloating, loss of appetite or weakness and fatigue.
Most folks living here make sure to include plenty of pro biotics and yogurt in their diet to keep their intestines happy. I eat yogurt daily with my morning cereal or smoothie. Locals swear by fresh coconut water... drink the liquid of one coconut daily then eat the fleshy meat. Supposed to keep you free of parasites.
It is also a common practice to do a cleanse every six months, using either herbal preparations found in health food stores or a one shot pill called Vermox Plus found in all pharmacies, no prescription needed. Young Living Essential Oils offers detailed information and recommends several of their oils found HERE.
So don’t let this situation keep you from Mexico... parasites exist all over the world, even in the most civilized countries. According to several sites I checked, parasites and pollutants are the two most common causes of health challenges and disease worldwide. Wash your hands, wash your veggies, and cleanse twice a year.

Click HERE to read Escape Route Vallarta articles by Sandra Cesca.