Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - It’s hard to believe it is already March. Semana Santa/Semana Pascua is around the corner and many of our "snowbirds" will be returning north. As in the past, we do not schedule any clinics during these 2 holiday weeks. Traffic is horrendous! But of course, we are available for your healthcare needs.
The past few months, there isn’t a day that goes by without my receiving complaints that go something like this: "I sent an email to my physician and he hasn’t answered me!" Or "I texted/called my physician on his cell phone and he hasn’t returned my call!" The bottom line is this: Don’t do it! I know! I know!
Physicians hand over their card and say "Email me" or "Call me," but the bottom line is that they are overwhelmed with emails and don’t answer. And in reality, this is not the way to communicate with your physician.
Do you think he/she remembers who you are in an email or a phone call? And do you really think they can diagnose you with an email? So – do not email your physician. If you have a consult and they order diagnostic studies, it is your responsibility to have a follow up consult with them to go over the results and obtain treatment. There is usually no charge (or only a minimal charge) to do this. All of this can be done through HealthCare Resources. After all, this is what "my" physicians pay me for.
By advising me of the studies you have had done, or are going to have done, I can obtain the results and set up your follow up appointment. You should see some of the emails people are sending physicians. It has gotten way out of hand and we are diligently working on a solution. The internet is a great thing but is sometimes a great big pain! So please, think twice before you send your physician an email. Send it on to me!
Medical Matters
The 2013 Puerto Vallarta Medical Matters Conference was a huge success, and thank you all so very much for attending! We are now planning ahead for next year. I hope to have the speakers repeat their talks in April and May in case you were not able to attend some of the talks that you wanted to.
March Health Clinics
Below, please find the schedule of clinics. These are SCREENING clinics which means no procedures are performed. All appointments for the clinics must be made via HealthCare Resources. We do our best to accommodate your time request but due to the huge response to many of the clinics, we are not always able to do this. If you would like to participate in any of our clinics, please email me with the person’s name.
March 13, 2013
Ear Clinic
$375 pesos – PLUS members pay $325 pesos
This is one of our most popular clinics. Complete evaluation of your ears by an ENT and cleaning, if needed. Note: This is NOT a hearing test! If you need a hearing test, we have an audiologist that comes from the United States once a month. It's amazing the gunk that builds up in our ears here!
March 14, 19 and 21, 2013
Skin Clinic
$300 pesos - PLUS members pay $250 pesos
Another one of THE most popular clinics - these fill up quickly! Have your skin checked from scalp to your toes by an oncologist.
March 15, 2013
Mammogram Clinic
$920 pesos - PLUS members pay $820 pesos
Includes digital mammogram, ultrasound (if deemed necessary), manual exam. We now have a female radiologist who is a breast specialist.
March 15, 2013
Eye Clinic
$400 pesos - PLUS members pay $350 pesos
Complete vision exam, pressure (for glaucoma) by an opthamologist.
March 18, 2013
Foot Clinic
$300 pesos - PLUS members pay $250 pesos
Includes a review of your feet and toes, pulses, balance and recommendations by a super podiatrist. Bad pedicure? Corns? Hammer toes? This clinic is for you.
March 20, 2013
Men’s Urology Clinic
$700 pesos - PLUS members pay $650 pesos
Includes: Consult/Interview, ultrasound of kidneys, bladder and prostate, measurement of residual urine. We recommend prior to your appointment a PSA and Urinalysis. We are offering a very discounted price for these of $470 pesos.
March 20, 2013
Cardiology Clinic
$550 pesos - PLUS members pay $500 pesos
Includes EKG, Blood Pressure Check, Consult/Interview with a cardiologist, and their recommendations. We recommend prior to the appointment, you have a cholesterol profile. We are offering a very discounted price for this at $322 pesos.
March 21, 2013
Women’s Clinic
$775 pesos - PLUS members pay $690 pesos
Includes consult, pap smear, pelvic exam with a wonderful (female!) GYN.
March 22, 2013
Vascular Clinic
$400 pesos - PLUS members pay $350 pesos
Includes: Evaluation by a vascular specialist, checking your legs/pulses/carotids - see how well your blood is flowing! You will receive a complete report with recommendations.
What is a "PLUS" member? You can read about the PLUS membership HERE.
Ongoing: Colonoscopy, Endoscopy, Men’s Check Up, Women’s Check Up. As well, we do not sell insurance but we are happy to assist you with questions/referrals to several insurance representatives. If you’d like to sit down, go over any healthcare related questions from finding a physician to End of Life questions, just send an email and we can set that up.
Wish List
If you would like to receive an updated Wish List of items needed, please send me an email requesting it. I have updated it along with some photos. Please consider assisting those less fortunate in the greater Banderas Bay area.
It has been a whirlwind past few months and as always, I have not been able to do half of the things that I WANTED to do such as more speakers programs, more individual meetings and a whole lot of other things. But they are in the works and there is always mañana!
A Couple of Plugs
• Mailbox Etc on the southside of Vallarta is THE place to go for any and all of your "mailing" needs. They also do pick-ups and have arrangements for mailboxes in the northern part of the bay. If you’d like more info, let me know.
• I am nearly always at the Saturday Market Co-op hawking everything from hamburgers to our Hacienda Jalisco coffee. Please do visit us – it’s a wonderful place to pick up yummy food, wonderful products and have a good chat and catch up with friends! Doors open at 9 am. Location is Paradise Community Center – Pulpito #127 between Olas Altas and Amapas. The hot weather is coming soon. If you don’t have a Cooling Tie, you’ll want to stock up – see these at the Market.
• The Blood Bank is ALWAYS desperate for blood! Please! Consider donating the "Gift of Life". Click HERE for requirements.
• Yes – I have Shingles Vaccines. The price is $900 pesos and I must order at least 7 days in advance. If you are interested, please let me know.
• I really need more homecare workers. If you are legal/licensed, have experience and can provide references, please contact me.
• I am so open to suggestions, comments and ideas so please feel free to send them on!
Have a wonderful Easter holiday and for those heading north this month, we will miss you and look forward to seeing you in the fall!
Thank you and ANIMO!
Pamela Thompson
Phone (322) 107-7007
Blog: pampv.wordpress.com/

Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta.