Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Two of Puerto Vallarta's star physicians, Dra. Leslie Swindle (cardiologist) and Dr. Antonio Matilla (internist) are going to be away from Puerto Vallarta for the next year as they expand on their already learned professions. This will be in Barcelona, Spain, Dr. Matilla's home country, at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona and the University of Barcelona.
Dr. Matilla is a highly respected internist, who we (lovingly) dubbed "House" a number of years ago due to his on-spot diagnostic ability. He will be doing a Masters Degree in Immune Disease, as well as a fellowship in Critical Care of the Geriatric Patient. Upon return a year from now, this will add another feather to the cap of the local medical community as, at this time, there is no one with these specialties here in Puerto Vallarta.
Dra. Leslie Swindle is a valued cardiologist, who is known for not only the extra TLC given to her patients, but also for her knowledge of cardiac issues. She will be doing a fellowship in Clinical Cardiology and Echocardiogram, which will include trans-esophageal and Dobutamine echocardiogram, as well as Cardiac Rehab. So, upon her return, we will (finally!) be able to put together a complete and much needed Cardiac Rehab Program.
They will both most definitely be missed this next year, but the end results will be well worth their absence. All of us who know them, whether it be as their patients or their co-workers, wish them well and are not saying "Adios," but "Hasta Luego!"
If you are a patient of either Dr. Matilla or Dra. Swindle, you are welcome to contact me at pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com to discuss an alternative physician for your care while they are in Spain.

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