Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Your New Year's Resolutions are freshly written and as usual at the top of the list:
1. Get in shape... this year for sure!
Organic Stretching: bodymind movements has the perfect way to start the year as they offer their once-a-year beginners' workshop from January 9 - 11, 2015, at the Inkarri Vallarta meditation center (across from Mega). The painless, improvisational system gently guides you past old limitations using supported, intuitive movements.
This unique program was developed in Puerto Vallarta seven years ago by founder Pat Henry. After a chance encounter with Heather Wallace, the creator of the Wallace Method of pain management therapy, a highly beneficial on-the-table approach, and Pat's subsequent training and certification in Heather's system, Pat began teaching people how to create effective movements in their own bodies based in the same principles.
It is a completely different approach to stretching, focusing on the connective tissue system rather than on muscles. In lives that are increasingly sedentary, connective tissue loses its fluidity and range of motion capability. With simple, focused, slow movements the body begins to soften and release restrictions.
Information on the system, the workshop, and registration are available online at organicstretching.com. The Friday program runs from 4:00-6:00 pm, and Saturday and Sunday begin at 10:00 am and end at 3:30 pm with an hour-and-a-half lunch break.
There are discounts for early registration (until midnight Monday, Jan 5) and for signing up with a buddy, so register TODAY!