Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta is extremely proud to present "Medical Matters 2015" in conjunction with the Hotel Marriott Casamagna and the US Consular Agency on Monday, February 9th. This is the fifth year of the event, and each year it seems to become even more exceptional!
If you are a Banderas Bay area resident or visitor interested in your health and well-being, then you most definitely do not want to miss this day. The spacious grand ballroom at the Hotel Marriott will be filled with exhibits offering a plethora of health-related services, including hospitals, physicians of all specialties, diagnostic centers, ambulances, chiropractors, physical therapy professionals, insurance agents, laboratories, air evacuation, dentists, acupuncturists, and much, much more.
This is your chance to have a face-to-face chat with all of these professionals, ask questions and obtain information. In addition to the exhibitors, there will be tremendous speakers programs with three rooms going at the same time! The Hotel Marriott offers very generous discounts to the attendees in all of their restaurants on this day, so people can plan the day accordingly to include breakfast or lunch.
There is no charge to attend this event and there's no registration necessary.
The doors open at 9:00 am and the event finishes at approximately 4:30 pm. There is no need to "line up early" to get in. There is plenty of time and room throughout the day.
The Speakers Schedule will be out shortly, so please check here on Banderas News for the schedule and an outline of each speaker and their presentation. We are very proud to have so many incredible speakers and topics!
For further information, please contact: Pamela Thompson at 322-107-7007 or email pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com.
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Medical Matters Conference Speakers - Part 3

A no charge community healthcare event featuring options for the Banderas Bay Community regarding day to day well-being and emergency healthcare needs, Puerto Vallarta's annual Medical Matters Conference will be held at the Marriott Resort on February 9, 2015 from 9 am to 5 pm.
Vallarta Medical Matters Conference Speakers - Part 2

Meet physicians, ask questions, learn about local labs, diagnostic centers and hospitals – any and every thing to do with your health and well-being - during the Vallarta Medical Matters Conference at the Marriott Resort on February 9, 2015. Here's a line-up of some of our featured speakers.
Vallarta Medical Matters Conference Speakers - Part 1

HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, The US Consular Agency, the Hotel Marriott and Sharp Hospitals are proud to be hosting some very distinguished physicians as featured speakers at this year's Medical Matters Conference, including Dr. Hector Escoto and Dr. Siavash Jabbari.
2015 Vallarta Medical Matters Conference Speakers

The 2015 PV Medical Matters Conference sponsors - HealthCare Resources, the US Consular Agency, and the CasaMagna Marriott Puerto Vallarta Resort & Spa - are proud to welcome some very distinguished medical practitioners as featured speakers at this year's event.