Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Here at HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta, we stay busy and our clinics stay full all summer. Ok, so it is a little "less busy," but our clinics always fill up fast, so make your appointment today!
Clinics, Speakers Programs and Other Stuff
All of our clinics are screening clinics performed by our physician specialists. To make an appointment, please email pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. Our speakers programs are at no charge but an RSVP is required, so please email to reserve your space.
Summer Things
As in summers past, if you would like to be added to an email list to be notified of various summer activities (if you are here most or all of the summer) just let us know. Activities such as going to the movies, day trips to San Sebastian, a breakfast here and there, book exchange low key but fun things to do with the pace in Puerto Vallarta a TAD less hectic than in the "high season."
May Speakers Programs
Monday, May 18, 2015 9:00 am
Hospital San Javier Marina
Dr. Jaime Zayas
"Diarrhea A common illness in the summer months"
Not the most fun topic, but a very important one. Learn causes, prevention & treatment.
Monday, May 25, 2015 9:00 am
"Breakfast with a Plastic Surgeon"
Hospital Medasist
Dr. Miguel Saldaρa
Join us for a casual chat with Dr. Saldaρa, posing your questions and concerns regarding any type of plastic surgery.
PLUS Program
What is the Healthcare Resources PLUS Program?
This program includes "extra perks" including discounts at our clinics, 50% discount on teeth cleaning with our dentist, discounts on colonoscopy, lab and diagnostic studies and more. Email for pricing information. As well, HealthCare Resources keeps your medical record for you. It is important to note that one absolutely does not need to be a PLUS member to receive our services! Just some extra hand-holding!
May Clinics
Remember, our clinics are screening clinics. There are no procedures performed at the clinics. By appointment only!
Foot Clinic
May 14, 2015
Price: $300 pesos PLUS members pay $250 pesos
Have a complete evaluation of your feet and toes by our foot specialist. Check for fungus, corns, and bunions the works! Our feet take a beating on the cobblestones here.
Ear Clinic
May 15, 2015
Price: $375 pesos PLUS members pay $325 pesos
This clinic is performed by an ENT who will check inside your ears and clean if necessary. Note: This is NOT a hearing test!
Mammogram Clinic
May 21, 2015
Price: $1,100 pesos PLUS members pay $950 pesos
Includes a digital mammogram, breast ultrasound (if deemed necessary), manual exam and complete review and explanation of your films. This is performed by a breast specialist and oncologist.
Women's Clinic
May 22, 2015
Price: $775 pesos PLUS members pay $690 pesos
Pap smear, pelvic exam and consult with our (female) OB/GYN. **Optional lab work prior to clinic at discounted price.
Eye Clinic
May 25, 2015
Price: $425 pesos PLUS members pay $400 pesos
Vision exam, pressure test for glaucoma exam and evaluation by an ophthalmologist.
Skin Clinic
May 26 and May 29, 2015
Price: $300 pesos PLUS members pay $250 pesos
This is a skin cancer screening check by an oncologist (not by a dermatologist.) He checks from your scalp all the way to the bottoms of your feet.
Cardiac Clinic
May 27, 2015
Price: $550 pesos PLUS members pay $500 pesos
Cardiac evaluation with an electrocardiogram performed by a cardiologist. **Recommended lab work prior to the clinic (discounted price).
Men's Urology Clinic
May 28, 2015
Cost: $700 pesos - PLUS members pay $650 pesos
Bladder, prostate and urinary evaluation by a urologist. **Lab work recommended prior to the clinic at a special discounted price.
If you would like to reserve at any of the above clinics, send an email with your name to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com. We will send you an appointment with complete details include time, location and directions.
We also offer: Colonoscopies, Endoscopies, Complete Men's and Women's Check-ups, MRI, Plastic Surgery, Physical Therapy, MRI, Shingles Vaccines and much more!
We are also very happy to set up a time to meet, one on one, to go over a personalized health plan for YOU. From personal physician referrals to end of life decisions (not a fun topic but very important!) Just email for an appointment. And of course, there is no charge for this.
A huge thank you to everyone who we saw this past fall and winter! It was an amazing "season!" And remember, we are here for ALL of your healthcare needs.
Happy Summer!
Pamela Thompson
Phone (322) 107-7007
Blog: pampv.wordpress.com/

Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta.