Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Dr. Jose Riva Palacio (Dr. Pepe) is one of the most respected radiologists in the area. He was born in Mexico City, grew up in Cuernavaca, and attended Medical School in Mexico City.
After graduation, he was an active air evacuation crew member for a non-profit Mexican foundation for children who were burn victims, accompanying them on flights to the United States for Treatment.
As part of Healthcare Resources Puerto Vallarta's 'Hot Topics' program, Dr. Pepe will present 'Medical Imaging for Dummies' at 9:30 am on Tuesday April 12, 2016 at Hospital San Javier Marina. This program will cover all aspects of medical imaging, what is available in the Banderas Bay area, the pros and cons of various studies, and much more!
You'd be surprised what you DON'T know about imaging! Expand your own knowledge and be informed! Afterwards, take a tour and see the imaging equipment. Be sure to bring your list of questions for Dr. Pepe to answer.
This is a NO CHARGE event, but reservations are required. pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com TODAY!

Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta.