Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - That special energy is in the air as we begin our "high season" here in Puerto Vallarta. Our snowbirds are returning and we see friends on the street that we haven't seen for a few months - welcome back one and all!
Be Prepared for Medical Emergencies
No one WANTS to experience a medical emergency - but they do happen. Be prepared! I can send you some basic information - just send an email. Be aware: the new "911" system is working in the state of Nayarit, but not in the state of Jalisco. Would you like an emergency class covering basic first aid/CPR? Would you like your condo group to be part of a unique new program called "CardioProtect," where every single person is prepared? Would you like information on a new "SOS portable alarm button/keychain" that we have available that with one push of that button, you will be put in touch with an English speaking physician and all of your information available to him immediately? Please email for information and details!
Hot Topics
We have some great programs this month! These are no-charge events. Space is limited so, if you would like to attend, please send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com to make your reservation.
Breakfast with a Pulmonologist - Tuesday, November 15 at 10:00 am
Sit down, have a casual chat, ask questions with our pulmonologist/lung specialist, Dr. Alejandro Rios. Everything from allergies to asthma! He is an amazing physician and here is your chance to pick his brain!
What You Need to Know About Pain Control - Tuesday, November 22 at 10:00 am
Who doesn't have pain at one time or another? From minor to severe? How to control? What is safe and what isn't? Our pain control specialist, Dr. Felipe Martinez will present an enlightening talk on this. You won't want to miss this!
Re-Cap of End of Life Panel - Tuesday, November 29 at 10:00 am
Every September we do a complete presentation with a large panel of professionals on end of life decisions in the Banderas Bay area. I will do a re-cap of some of the major points of this presentation for those who were not able to attend.
Vallarta First Responders Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser
Although our first-responders don't seek recognition for their dedication and devotion to the Puerto Vallarta community, from time to time we have the opportunity to say, "Thank You." We invite you to help us honor them at the Third Annual Spaghetti Dinner Friend-Raiser on Sunday, November 20, 2016 from 3-6 pm. For a $150 peso donation (around $10 USD), you'll enjoy a great meal, a live exhibition, a tour, and lots of great surprises, while supporting our bomberos and lifeguards.
In addition to tickets, the Department is hoping event-goers will contribute to "Bring-a-Thing" by donating ace wraps, antibiotic ointment, cleaning supplies, gauze sterile dressings, non-sterile and sterile gloves, over-the-counter medicines for pain relief, personal hygiene supplies, powdered infant formula, thermometers, toothbrushes and toothpaste, towels, vitamins, cleaning supplies, crutches and other items. If you cannot join us, please consider making a donation of any size. I have tickets so please contact me! Let's support our firefighters and first-responders!
Vaccines - a very PERSONAL decision!
The current Flu vaccines are available for free now at the Salud (Health Department). If you do not know where your Salud is, send me an email and I will send directions. On November 30, 2016 we will be having a vaccine clinic offering both the Shingles Vaccine and the new Dengue vaccine. If you would like information on these vaccines, please let me know and I will send details.
November Health Clinics
All of our clinics are screening clinics. This means that procedures are not performed at the time of the clinics. The clinics are in various locations. To participate, just send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com indicating which clinic and the name of the person. We will send you an appointment time with complete details including location, time - the works! The clinics fill quickly!
Pulmonary Clinic
November 10, 2016
Price: $550 pesos - PLUS Members $500 pesos
A complete evaluation by our lung specialist along with recommendations. We require a basic chest X-ray to be performed prior to the clinic - and we will set it up for you at a discounted price.
Foot Clinic
November 15, 2016
$300 pesos - PLUS members pay $250 pesos
Have a complete evaluation of your feet and toes by our foot specialist. Check for fungus, corns, and bunions - the works! Our feet take a beating on the cobblestones here. **BONUS** All participants in the Foot Clinic have the opportunity to have a wonderful Medical Pedicure the day of the clinic for just $100 pesos! (Regular price: $300 pesos)
Bone Density Clinic
November 16, 2016
$1,300 pesos - PLUS members pay $1,100 pesos
This is performed with a brand new bone density machine.
Mammogram Clinic
November 17, 2016
$1100 pesos - PLUS members pay $950 pesos
Includes a digital mammogram using low-radiation technique, breast ultrasound (if deemed necessary), manual exam and a complete review and explanation of your films. These are performed by a breast specialist and an oncologist.
Skin Clinic
November 18, 2016 and November 25, 2016
$300 pesos - PLUS members $250 pesos
This is a skin cancer screening check by an oncologist (not by a dermatologist). He checks from your scalp all the way to the bottoms of your feet.
Thyroid Clinic
November 23, 2016
$450 pesos - PLUS members pay $400 pesos
Includes consult/interview with our endocrinologist. We highly recommend a thyroid profile (lab study) prior to the appointment. We offer this at a discounted price.
Men's Urology Clinic
November 22, 2016
$700 pesos - PLUS members pay $650 pesos
Includes consult/interview with our urologist, ultrasound of kidneys, bladder and prostate, measurement of residual urine. We recommend prior to your appointment a PSA and Urinalysis and we offer these at a discounted price.
Ear Clinic
November 23, 2016
$375 pesos - PLUS members pay $325 pesos
These clinics are performed by an ENT who will check inside your ears and clean if necessary. Note: This is NOT a hearing test!
Vascular Clinic
November 25, 2016
$400 pesos - PLUS members pay $350 pesos
Our Vascular specialist will evaluate your blood flow, varicose veins, and your risk factors for vascular disease
Eye Clinic
November 28, 2016
$425 pesos - PLUS members pay $400 pesos
Vision exam, pressure test for glaucoma, exam and evaluation by an ophthalmologist
Cardiac Clinic
November 29, 2016
$650 pesos - PLUS members pay $600 pesos
Includes consult/interview with a cardiologist, EKG, Blood Pressure check. We recommend that, prior to your appointment, you have a cholesterol profile done and we are offering this at a discounted price. (Amazing savings - outside of our clinic, the price for this is $1,200 pesos.)
Women's Clinic - December 2, 2016
Option #1
$775 pesos - PLUS members pay $690 pesos
Includes consult, pap smear, pelvic exam by a female GYN.
Option #2
$1,000 pesos - PLUS members pay $900 pesos
Includes consult, pap smear, pelvic exam and trans-vaginal ultrasound by a female GYN.
Let's Have a Chat!
If you would like to sit down, one on one and go over health care information for the area, I am more than happy to do that - let's schedule! We can discuss your insurance (or lack of!), physicians, your health questions - anything you want. Just send me an email. Of course there is no charge for this.
Fantastic New Dermatology Shop
This is about the best way that I can describe this new Dermatology Store - as Fabulous! It is called "Lumaderm." It's sleek, clean and sharp. They carry every imaginable product for skin care and dermatology products. We will be having an open house soon so watch for that but in the meantime, we highly recommend that you stop by, have a look around. You will love it! Ave. Grandes Lagos #303 (Email me for a map)
A Little Bit of This and That
• Do you need some lab work? MRI? CT scan? Let us help! Just send an email.
• Colonoscopy/Endoscopy? Just get it over with! We can set your procedure up.
• What is the PLUS program? Click HERE to find out! You can purchase online BUT there is a staggering % added on to use Paypal. Best to set a time to meet!
• Register with your consulate! If you need the link (Canadian or US) - send me an email.
• Insurance - we do not sell it but we do work with several representatives. If you need information, send an email.
• Want to lose a few pounds? We work with a marvelous dietician. Contact me for details.
• Or - are you extremely overweight and considering bariatric surgery? It's the best decision I ever made - contact me for details.
• We now have a geriatric specialist! So very much needed in the Banderas Bay area. Contact me if you need an appointment.
• Save the Date! Medical Matters is February 13, 2017. I am now beginning to put the call out for volunteers. If you can spare a few hours on that day, please do let me know.
• I am now writing a weekly column for the PV Tribune! If you have some topic suggestions, please send them to me!
• Ease into the "social whirlwind" or you might just end up sick. Learn to say no - after you do it once, it gets easier.
• I have a good-sized Wish List for those less fortunate. I try to help as much as possible to the folks at Regional Hospital - the state hospital for the poorest of the poor. If you would like the Wish List, let me know.
• I am always in need of magazines for patients, doctor's offices. In Spanish too!
• We have a great audiologist here full time now. Do you need a hearing test, hearing aids, hearing aid repair? Contact us for information.
Thank you for your time, your support, your participation! We are here to assist in all of your health care needs.
Pamela Thompson
Cell: 322-107-7007

Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta.