Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Yes! It is hot and humid. Not a darned thing we can do about it and it comes as no surprise! Stay hydrated. Use sunscreen. Go to the movies. Take naps. And remember we are here for all of your healthcare needs.
We have two speakers programs this month!
Rain and humidity brings more mosquitoes! It is the responsibility of everyone here to do as much mosquito prevention as possible. Please join us on June 12, 2018 at 9 am as Dr. Jaime Zayas will speak on Dengue, Zika, Chinkingunya, Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment. Learn the facts! Space is limited so an RSVP is required by email only. No charge event. Very important information! Location Hospital San Javier Marina.
Our "Breakfast with a Physician" programs are very popular! A great way to pick a specialists brain in a casual, comfortable setting. Your chance to ask questions and ask for suggestions. On June 19, 2018 at 9 am we will be with Dr. Javier Diaz-Nunez, our Ear, Nose and Throat specialist. Join us and bring your questions about your ears, sinuses, throat and anything related! This is a no charge event and we will provide a light breakfast. Hospital San Javier Marina. Space is limited, so RSVP required.
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Travelers Insurance: It is time for those that come in the fall/winter months to begin to do their homework for travelers insurance. This is super important! We do not sell insurance but we are more than happy to answer any questions, provide some guidance. Just send an email.
Medical Matters Column: I will toot my horn and remind everyone that near or far, you can keep up with my weekly articles in the PVTribune each week HERE.
There's a New Business in Town: The Print Company - Oh my! What a place! State of the art laser printing with graphic designers on site. From business cards to billboards, they can do it! Bilingual too! Check them out on Facebook.
Air Evacuation Policy: I would like to put a plug in for Skymed. If you are looking for an air evacuation policy, I highly recommend that you contact one of their local representatives. An air evacuation is expensive! At minimum, just across the border to the US will be $25,000 USD that you must pay out of pocket before that plane will even take off down the runway. For further information, please send me an email.
Save the Dates: October 5, 2018 will be our annual Pink Cocktail to kick off breast cancer awareness month. As always, I need volunteers to assist with making pink ribbons and some other things. And February 11, 2019 will be Medical Matters. Yes, I skipped last year but we are moving forward for 2019! Watch for plenty of information over the next few months. And again, volunteers are needed.
Time for a Physical? We have a Men's and Women's check-up/physical at a discounted price right now. Complete studies with a follow up consult by a bilingual GP.
All of our clinics are screening clinics, offered nearly every month at discounted prices. To participate all you have to do is send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com with the clinic you want to attend, name and time preference. (We do our best!)
Foot Clinic
June 13, 2018 in Puerto Vallarta
June 19, 2018 in Bucerias
300 pesos – PLUS members pay 250 pesos
Have a complete evaluation of your feet and toes by our foot specialist. Check for fungus, corns, and bunions – the works! Our feet take a beating on the cobblestones here. ***BONUS*** All participants in the Foot Clinic have the opportunity to have a wonderful Medical Pedicure the day of the clinic at the cost of 100 pesos! (Regular price: 300 pesos)
Vascular Clinic
June 15, 2018
400 pesos – PLUS members pay 350 pesos
Our Vascular specialist will evaluate your blood flow, varicose veins, and your risk factors for vascular disease. You will receive a report with recommendations.
Eye Clinic
June 18, 2018
425 pesos – PLUS members pay 400 pesos
Vision exam, pressure test for glaucoma, exam and evaluation by an ophthalmologist.
Ear Clinic
June 18, 2018 in Vallarta
June 21, 2018 in Bucerias
425 pesos – PLUS members pay 375 pesos
These clinics are performed by an ENT who will check inside your ears and clean if necessary. Note: This is NOT a hearing test! We do have a wonderful audiologist if you need a hearing test.
Thyroid Clinic
June 20, 2018
450 pesos – PLUS members pay 400 pesos
Includes consult/interview with our endocrinologist. We highly recommend a thyroid profile (lab study) prior to the appointment. We offer this at a discounted price.
Cardiology Clinic
June 22, 2018
Price: 650 pesos - PLUS members pay 600 pesos
Includes consult/interview with a cardiologist, EKG, Blood Pressure check. We recommend that prior to your appointment, you have a cholesterol profile and we are offering this at a discounted price. (This is an amazing savings – outside of our clinic, the price for this is 1,200 pesos).
Men's Urology Clinic
June 25, 2018
700 pesos – PLUS members pay 650 pesos
Includes consult/interview with our urologist, ultrasound of kidneys, bladder and prostate, measurement of residual urine. We recommend prior to your appointment a PSA and Urinalysis and we offer these at a discounted price.
Women's Clinic
June 26, 2018
Option #1:
Price: 775 pesos – PLUS members pay 690 pesos
Includes consult, Pap smear, pelvic exam by a female GYN.
Option #2:
Price: 1,000 pesos – PLUS members pay 900 pesos
Includes consult, Pap smear, pelvic exam and trans-vaginal ultrasound by a female GYN.
* No Mammogram or Skin Clinics this month because Dr. Velasco will be out of town.
Slowly but surely we are re-doing our website! It is so old and outdated I am embarrassed. Also, I am just about finished updating the new PLUS program. Information out very soon and thank you for your patience with this!
We have a very long list of items needed for those less fortunate including medical supplies, newborn items, medications, gently used clothing for the Regional Hospital. Also, we continue to work with Canicas (Kids with Cancer) and they have ongoing needs. For information on any of this, please send me an email. and thank you so very much!
Our summers remain busy but not at the maniac pace of the fall and winter months. Here's to a summer filled with good books, good movies and good naps!
Stay cool!
Pam Thompson

Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta.