Editorials | Opinions 
Totalization is a Bad Idea
Ron Paul
 Through a Freedom of Information Act Request, a private group recently obtained a copy of a 2004 agreement between the United States and Mexico that will allow hundreds of thousands of noncitizens to receive Social Security benefits.
Mexico Today, and the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America
Barnard R. Thompson
 The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), another issue of national concern to the United States — actually of trilateral trepidation or hope as Canada and Mexico are directly involved and effected, can be expected to make growing headlines in coming months.
AIM Report: U.S. Borders: Going-Going-Gone!
Wes Vernon
 Some experts say that up to a million people in Texas stand to lose their homes and 584,000 acres of rich farm and ranchland are to be destroyed, all for a privately funded highway.
Getting a Firsthand Look at the Border
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
 I think a lot of people see the Southwest border as a wide-open, expansive desert area. Sometime within the next few months, immigration reform will again take center stage - not necessarily a surprise with a Congress controlled by Democrats and a president longing for comprehensive immigration legislation.
Mexico's New 'Great Wall'
Michael Werbowski
 On a promotional visit for his new film "Rocky Balboa" Sylvester Stallone, who embodies two of America's greatest and most beloved on-screen heroes, "Rocky" and "Rambo," opined on the 700-mile wall to be built along the Mexico-U.S. border. He declared in the local media that the scheme was "crazy" and "ridiculous." This is true.
Think Free Trade Agreements Work? Look at Mexico
Kristen Petros
 We need to reflect upon the ways in which neoliberal trade agreements such as NAFTA have had devastating effects on communities, families, and individual human beings south of the border.
For Some Maya, 'Apocalypto' is a Thrill
Louis E. V. Nevaer
 Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto" has academics decrying the "shallow" portrait of a great civilization as well as Latino activists lamenting that a story of Maya-on-Maya violence - that actually occurred 1200 years ago, long before the Spanish arrived - shouldn't eclipse the white-on-brown violence throughout most of the 20th century.
Monsters in Paradise: Why Do We Shoot the Mexicans?
Jeanne Sparks-Carreker
 How can we expect people who believe the streets in America are made of gold to stop trying to come here, while they and their beloved families are living a daily hell?
The Problem with Needing Passports at our Borders
Bridget Johnson
 The line to get back into the United States was as long as I'd ever seen it, including many Mexicans waiting to cross over for the holidays. As vendors worked the line, selling pork rinds and sweet bread, I mused that it would probably save time to pay a coyote to smuggle me across.
A Failed Revolution
Paul Krugman
 After first attempting to deny the scale of last month's defeat, the apologists have settled on a story line that sounds just like Marxist explanations for the failure of the Soviet Union.
Catholicism Absorbing Latino Culture
Andrew Greeley
 The New York Times magazine last Sunday suggested that American Catholicism is being "Hispanicized." As usual, when the subject is the Catholic Church, the "good, gray" Times is tone-deaf.
Is Homeland Security Served by Denying Mexican Woman with Downs Syndrome from Visiting Disneyland?
Marisa Treviño
 I often wonder if it was what God intended when He created earth - that man would divide and section off every piece of available space to claim as his own. Somehow it goes against the logic of the "bigger picture."
Negative Stats Show Mexico is Ripe for Revolution
Kent Paterson
 Some observers note the tendency for Mexico to explode in revolution every century. The 100th anniversary of the last upheaval, 1910, is just around the corner.
Improving Education is Essential to Any Plan to Revitalize Mexico
Mark C. Alvarez
 Felipe Calderon wisely heeded the call of his opponent's slogan - "For the good of all, first the poor" - in articulating his priorities. Calderon must now act upon that wisdom.
Bush Allows Drug Dealers To Walk and Sends Border Agents To Prison
Dave Gibson
 In less than a month, U.S. Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean are scheduled to begin their 11 year and 12 year prison sentences respectively. Their crime?...Chasing and shooting a Mexican drug dealer!
Our Opinion: Good and Bad Voiced by New Leader of Mexico
Tucson Citizen
 We commend Mexico's new president, Felipe Calderón, for vowing to create good jobs in his country to bolster the economy there and deter Mexican migration to the United States.
Three Reasons to Impeach
Ramsey Clark
 There are three reasons why it is imperative for the American people to demand that their elected representatives impeach President George W. Bush and the officials of his administration responsible for the U.S. war of aggression against Iraq now.
Crossing the ID Border
The Monitor's View
 Americans learned last week they can no longer look the other way when someone else hires an illegal worker. A federal raid on six Swift & Co. meatpacking plants in the US nabbed more than 1,250 "undocumented" migrants - and dozens were charged with using the IDs of real people, perhaps even of children.
O Palapa, O Palapa
Kevin Kalley
 I was showing acquaintances some photos from the last of 15 Christmas holidays spent in Puerto Vallarta when one woman chastised me. "Why are you helping kids in Mexico? We have plenty right here that need Christmas toys!"
Move Over San Miguel de Allende: Here I Come
Doug Bower
 I’ve written quite a bit about The Ugly American Syndrome. In my columns, print and online magazines, and in every book I’ve written, I’ve mentioned this topic. I get a lot of mail from readers, either praising and agreeing with me or chiding and condemning me.
Impeachment Is Not a Partisan Issue; It's a Democracy Issue
Dr. Wilmer J. Leon III
 As we look toward January 3, 2007, the day that the Democrats take control of the House of Representatives and the Senate, one of the issues that must be addressed is whether or not the impeachment of President George W. Bush and others in the Bush administration should take place.
A 'North American Union' Will Drag Us Down
Earl von Kaenel
 How many readers are aware that our government is planning a North American Union right now? Planning for this union began in March 2005, when the governments of the United States, Canada and Mexico agreed to create the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America.
President Inaugurated Under Backdrop of Repression, Resistance
LeiLani Dowell
 Resistance to the Dec. 1 swearing in of Mexican President Felipe Calderón turned the traditional ceremony into a farce, symbolic of the fraudulent elections that granted Calderón the victory in July.
Congress Must Insist Bush Isn't Above Law
Jesse Jackson
 Should President Bush be impeached? The very idea seems extreme, if not loony. Incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has explicitly ruled impeachment off the Democratic majority's agenda. But activists and legal scholars are organizing to pressure Democrats to begin impeachment hearings.
Brave Mexican Editor Set Example for US Reporters
Mary Sanchez
 The journalism of J. Jesus Blancornelas hearkened to phrases etched in stone above the halls where US journalists earn degrees: “The truth shall set you free.” “The pen is mightier than the sword.”
Is "Apocalypto" Pornography?
Traci Ardren
 A scholar challenges Mel Gibson's use of the ancient Maya culture as a metaphor for his vision of today's world.
How Mexican President Calderon Kept His Word
Allan Wall
 Mexican Inauguration Day was looking to be a real disaster — but it turned into a triumph for Mexico’s new president, and hopefully for Mexico.
The New Mexican Administration
 Judging by the conceptions so well expressed by Felipe Calderón in his speech after taking the oath of office as president of the Republic of Mexico this Friday, December 1st, it is logical to expect that his government will be administratively and politically excellent.
The Mexican Standoff
 Now that Felipe Calderón is President, Mexico is just another casualty to the US imperialistic empire - a country filled with the very poor, living in wretched slums and working for pennies, while the country is infested with greedy modern day hacienda owners benefiting from Mexico's new business-friendly government.
Mexico Is Not Drifting Left
Kurt Grela
 Mexico is not drifting left or going with a populist government. Instead, it is going with a newly elected President. Yes, again, it is happening. For the first time in six years, there were elections in July 2006 and one leader, Felipe Calderon, barely won.
Letter to the American People
H.E. Dr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
 In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. O, Almighty God, bestow upon humanity the perfect human being promised to all by You, and make us among his followers. Noble Americans...
Mexico's Dirty Little War
Jose de la Isla
 The question I had for Joaquin, my father's cousin, was what circumstances led him to join the Mexican Communist Party in the 1930s? A decade ago, I met him for the first and only time. He was one of my last surviving relatives and already in his late 80s.
Torture, the Geneva Conventions and the School of the Americas
Ann Wright
 When I was in the military, I never heard from other US military personnel that SOA was training students in torture techniques. But there were rumors from non-military organizations of SOA involvement.
Mexico Needs to Give Loser a Corner Office
John M. Ackerman & Irma E. Sandoval
 The challenge is to encourage Lopez Obrador to operate as a responsible opposition leader and take concrete steps to collaborate on strategies to democratize the management of power and eradicate poverty and inequality.
Time To Move On
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
 Sore loser. Thorn to democracy. Mexico's biggest embarrassment. Take your pick - each of those phrases would aptly describe Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the left-leaning politico who lost Mexico's presidential election back in July by a slight margin but refuses to accept defeat.
US V. Bush, Et Al.
William Fisher
 The scene is a Federal Grand Jury room. There, impaneled ordinary citizens listen intently as a veteran federal prosecutor asks them to return an indictment unique in American history. The charge is Conspiracy to Defraud the United States, and the defendants are George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, and Colin Powell.
All Praises to the Pause
Alice Walker
 One of the many gifts I received from strangers after writing The Color Purple 24 years ago was a bright yellow volume of the I Ching. It opened to the 63rd hexagram: "After Completion." Interestingly, according to the I Ching, this is a time not of relaxation, but of caution.
Did the CIA Kill Bobby Kennedy?
Shane O'Sullivan
 In 1968, Robert Kennedy seemed likely to follow his brother, John, into the White House. Then, on June 6, he was assassinated - apparently by a lone gunman. But Shane O'Sullivan says he has evidence implicating three CIA agents in the murder.
Is It Patriotic To Act Un-American?
Erik Gable
 Have you ever noticed that the people who are most vocal about waving the American flag are sometimes the most likely to ignore what it represents?
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