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Loser of Mexican Vote Puts Democracy in Peril
Sun-Times News Group

Like Napoleon crowning himself emperor of France, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador stood in the Zocalo, the main square in Mexico City, and had the green, red and white presidential banner placed across his chest while declaring himself the "moral" president of Mexico.

Send in the Subpoenas
Ron Suskind

Senate Foreign Relations Committee aides debated last Tuesday whether to call deposed Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld to the hearing table for a public flogging. The decision was no - at least for now.

Brad Will's Second Murder
Carlos Vigueras

It is right in these times, to ask for a serious, impartial investigation, seeking the truth, and not an official version that tries to find and to plant new blame to continue maintaining the granting of twisted justice for benefit of a few.

Past Sins Might Keep Rumsfeld From Roaming World
Ann Woolner

As he packs up his office in the Pentagon, Donald Rumsfeld can look forward to more free time. Before he rings up his travel agent to book any overseas trips, he would do well to consult an attorney.

Who Will Build Wall Between US & Mexico?
Harry Cline

Building a 700-mile long fence Mexican nationals will go over, around or under is more than absurd. Someone has called it a piece of the puzzle. When that puzzle is completed, it will be something to behold.

Washington's Racist Plan to Divide U.S. & Mexican Workers
Jon Seid and Melissa Sanders

Although the United States is the most prominent example of a nation based on foreign immigration, the U.S. government has long discriminated again immigrants. In recent decades, the focal point of the immigration debate has become our neighbor to the south, Mexico.

Sending The Message
David Lord

Last week, our Troops in Iraq were given the support of the American citizens who voted to exchange the "stay the course" policy for a new direction in policy to be initiated by newly elected Democrats in Congress and the Senate.

Impeaching Bush to Preserve the Constitution
Elizabeth Holtzman

This is a transcript of a talk given at the Impeach for Change conference, on November 11, 2006, Veterans Day, at the Constitution Center, in Philadelphia, facing Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell.

Will Calderon also be Obsessed with Mexican Emigration?
Allan Wall

Will Felipe Calderon, scheduled to become Mexico’s president on December 1st, be as obsessed with emigration as President Vicente Fox has been for six years?

A Bulk Rate on Printing Subpoenas?
David Swanson

A democracy that limits itself to elections will die. A democracy that appears like Brigadoon for a day every two years and then becomes a dictatorship for 729 days is dead. Citizen activism begins today, November 8th. We have a moral duty to impeach and distant elections be damned.

The Retiring Type? Not Me
Garrison Keillor

Congress, which once spent an entire year investigating a married man's attempt to cover up an illicit act of oral sex, has shown no curiosity whatsoever about a war that the administration elected to wage that has killed and maimed hundreds of thousands and led our own people to commit war crimes and squandered hundreds of billions of dollars.

The Rat Pack
William Rivers Pitt

"Blaming George W. Bush for everything that has gone wrong these last years is a lot like blaming Mickey Mouse when Disney screws up."
- Me

The Popular Uprising in Oaxaca, Mexico
Rogelio Cuevas Fuentes & Lindsay Windhager

The crisis in Oaxaca, Mexico has intensified over the last week. The popular uprising, which began with teachers' strikes and has now extended into a wider revolt, and open confrontation with the Mexican state.

Bush Owes Troops Apology, Not Kerry
Keith Olbermann

There is tonight no political division in this country that Bush and his party will not exploit, nor have not exploited; no anxiety that he and his party will not inflame.

Day of the Dead in Oaxaca

Today is the first day of the celebration of the Day of the Dead in Oaxaca. This year, many Oaxacans will not only honor and feed their ancestors, but also their friends, fellow workers and neighbors who have recently fallen at the hands of hired guns.

Is American Press Spotlighting Again?
Doug Bower

As an American expat living in Mexico now for more than three years, let me just say: We are not having to dodge bullets each time we leave the house nor are we in danger of having our heads whacked off by murderous drug lords.

Mexican Federal Police Invade...But the APPO Still Controls The Heart Of Oaxaca
Gregory Berger

After a full day's assault, the thousands of Mexican Federal Police that invaded Oaxaca City today have now occupied the town square and other key parts of the city. But there are many tonight that maintain that the fight is far from over.

Another Stolen Election Headed Our Way?
Andy Ostroy

Mark Crispin Miller is a very serious guy. Mark's been sounding the alarm on election fraud for years, convinced that both Al Gore and John Kerry were robbed of the presidency in 2000 and 2004. And he's afraid, very afraid, that the problem these days is worse, not better.

Dobbs: Border Fence Will Leave Texas-Size Hole
Lou Dobbs

I've said from the beginning that we can't reform immigration laws until we control immigration, and we can't control immigration unless we control our borders and our ports.more »»»

The 72 Virgins War
Marc Kramis

It is time to end the war on terror. Neither religion nor government can win. Religion and government were created to serve people, when they kill people they fail their sole function.more »»»

Myths Related to Mexican Elections are Revealed
Carlos Luken

The most important result to come from Mexico’s first official citizen certified presidential election was that National Action Party (PAN) candidate Felipe Calderon won, by a razor thin margin, over Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO).more »»»

America's Chinese-Mexican Autobahns
Richard Babb

Whatever one thinks of the idea of the NAFTA Superhighways, it is not being hotly debated. Given the changes which occurred fifty years ago, there is one question which begs to be asked: What is this transportation plan going to mean for our communities?more »»»

10 Years in a Mexican Jail: Tightening Immigration Policy

Let’s take a look at the policies enacted by our neighbors to the south and largest supplier of illegal immigrants: Mexico. In Mexico, they have very specific provisions in their constitution regarding immigrants and their admittance to the country.more »»»

A Major Event
William Rivers Pitt

A lot of smart people have been saying for several years now that the number one tactic deployed by the GOP during moments of political stress is simple and straightforward: they aim to scare the almighty Hell out of the American people.more »»»

Madmen Bent on Destruction
Carlos Alberto Montaner

Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez will build 20 military bases in Bolivia. The plan reprises an old dream and early strategic concept created by Fidel Castro and Che Guevara: to turn Bolivia, a country in the heart of Latin America, into the subversive bastion of South America.more »»»

300 Million and Immigration: Separating the Issues
Joseph A. D'Agostino

America’s population reached 300 million people this week. Those of us who see people as a resource will celebrate, especially since we recognize the need for more workers to support America’s baby boomers in their impending retirement.more »»»

Mexico Needs Reform, Not Mass Emigration
Jeffrey Schmidt

Every pair of feet that cross the Rio Grande is a testament to the utter failure of the Mexican government. It has failed to provide economic opportunity to millions of its people.more »»»

Class Struggle in Oaxaca, Mexico, Raises People’s Power
Teresa Gutierrez

Revolutionary or mass political and social developments in Mexico are perhaps one of the most important signs that imperialism is in crisis. So it is with great interest that progressives and revolutionaries monitor the events that have been sweeping Mexico in the recent period.more »»»

A Nation Still at War
Cindy Sheehan

While Democrats are busy counting their unhatched chickens and Republicans are getting muscle cramps from pointing fingers at everyone but themselves, Congress has been busy erasing from common law and our Constitution our centuries-old rights to habeas corpus.more »»»

Christopher Columbus and the Iraq War
Bill Bigelow

From their earliest days in school, students are taught to identify with white Europeans: the explorers, discoverers, and conquerors. The people Columbus "discovers" are incidental to the main tale of heroism - there, but not there.more »»»

Let's Work with Mexico on Fixing Border Issues
Oscar J. Martínez

Sealing the border with a gigantic wall would be exorbitantly expensive and would not stop undocumented migration. With or without such a barrier, poor Mexicans will continue to enter the United States as long as their economy is unable to produce enough good jobs.more »»»

Best Congress That Money Can Buy
Ed Gant

A while back someone said that we have the best Congress that money can buy. That is for sure, and they have bought their jobs with money that we do not have and sold out to folks that have been feeding grandly at the public trough.more »»»

Troops Threat to Protestors in Oaxaca, Mexico
Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group

The Edinburgh Chiapas Solidarity Group has issued urgent appeals to the Mexican Embassy in London, to President Fox of Mexico, and to other Mexican authorities to urge that the Mexican government desist from sending in the military to attack protestors in Oaxaca, southern Mexico.more »»»

The Arrogant, the Misguided, and the Cowards
Sean Penn

The following is a statement by actor Sean Penn given on October 2, 2006, at the Great Hall of Cooper Union, New York City. It was read by Mark Ruffalo at an emergency meeting of "World Can't Wait - Drive Out the Bush Regime" held in response to passage of the Torture Bill and in preparation for protests happening on Thursday, October 5, in over 190 cities nationwide.more »»»

Are We Rich If We Don't Feed the Poor?
David R. Francis

The richest 1 percent of Americans have seen their incomes pull away dramatically from the merely rich, the middle class, and the poor. That 1 percent in 2004 got 17 percent of all income nationwide. The bottom 90 percent got less than 58 percent.more »»»

Oaxaca is the Football, and the PRI, PAN and PRD Are Kicking it Around
Nancy Davies

There are three and half million in the state: the nation’s largest indigenous population, the nation’s largest teachers union, and the nation’s poorest, or close to it. Put it all together and it spells trouble for a repressive force. More, I would say, not like kicking a hard ball but like squeezing a balloon.more »»»

Frankincense In Aisle Five!
Anna Quindlin

0 ye of little faith, who believe that somehow the birth of Christ is dependent upon acknowledgment in a circular from OfficeMax - read this!more »»»

Illegal - but Essential
David Streitfeld

The jobs that flow out of thousands of day-laborer hiring spots around the state - some as informal as a street corner - are all but invisible to the state and federal governments, but are a pillar of the state of California's economic strength.more »»»

Neo-Liberalism has a Patchy Mexican Record
J. Bradford DeLong

Having witnessed Mexico's slow growth over the past 15 years, we can no longer repeat the old mantra that the neo-liberal road of NAFTA and associated reforms is clearly and obviously the right one.more »»»

In Case I Disappear
William Rivers Pitt

By writing this essay, I could be deemed an "enemy combatant." It's that simple, and very soon, it will be the law. I always laughed when people told me to be careful. I'm not laughing anymore.more »»»

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