Editorials | Opinions
««« Click HERE for Recent Opinions The Cost of War on Reserve and Guard Service Members David Lord
Our Military branches need to address the problems troops face when returning home with Combat Stress. Their families often are dealing with a different person, one changed by war in many ways not anticipated by the family prior to their return.
Senate Housing Bill - More Grief For Homeowners Stewart A. Alexander
Socialists across the nation are rejecting a U.S. Senate housing bill that offers little help to struggling homeowners facing foreclosure, while providing tens of billions for banks, financial institutions and big corporations.
A Speech About Nothing David Brooks
Barack Obama delivered a speech in Pittsburgh on Monday on the economic stresses facing American workers. In the speech, he devoted one clause in one sentence to the single biggest factor affecting the workplace: technological change. He then devoted 45 sentences to one of the least important: trade deals.
Court Should Halt Rush to Complete Fence on Border Mercury News
In giving the administration the power to waive laws affecting the fence, Congress abdicated its responsibility to protect the environment. If that wasn't bad enough, it forbade federal appeals courts to question Homeland Security's decisions. Such weakening of the balance of power is unwise, if not unconstitutional.
Uproar Over Vodka Ad Just a Tempest in a Shot Glass Ruben Navarrette
The latest skirmish in the never-ending culture war between Mexico and the United States was Absolut nonsense. In fact, the flap was part controversy and part cocktail. Here's the recipe for conflict.
Why U.S. Diplomacy is on the Ropes Doug Saunders
Around the world, Jan. 21, 2009, has become the key date in politics. Diplomats and senior officials in a half-dozen countries have told me frankly that little of any significance is going to happen until that fateful Wednesday when either Hillary Clinton, John McCain or Barack Obama is inaugurated into office.
Mexico's Urgent Hour The Arizona Republic
Mexico today is filled with foreboding that very bad things could happen in pursuit of something very good - progress.
10 Reasons to Look Critically at Dissolving Mexico-US-Canada Borders Manuel Pérez Rocha & Sarah Anderson
This month, President Bush will host the leaders of Canada and Mexico to advance the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), a project Lou Dobbs has predicted will "end the United States as we know it."
Five Myths About NAFTA Philippe Legrain
The Democratic rivals have bought into most of the myths that have been peddled about the agreement and have placed their opposition to NAFTA at the center of their campaigns. Here’s some information that could help them update their stump speeches.
Absolute Phony Outrage Randy LoBasso
After a Mexican billboard and press campaign by Swedish Vodka maker Absolut Vodka depicted our border with Mexico before the Mexican-American War an "Absolut World," the right-wing fringe went nuts with calls to boycott the product.
US Truckers Protest, the Resistance Begins Barbara Ehrenreich
Until the beginning of this month, Americans seemed to have nothing to say about their ongoing economic ruin except, "Hit me! Please, hit me again!" You can take my house, but let me mow the lawn for you one more time before you repossess. Then, on April 1, in a wave of defiance, truck drivers began taking the strongest form of action they can take - inaction.
Turning 60 in Mexico Jose Perez
Turning 50 was traumatic enough, but 60 - WOW! - that is old in anybody's book. Age 60 has caused me to take time more seriously. Am I doing what I should be doing and living where I should be living? My kids are not going to move to Mexico...
Playing Monopoly in Mexico Mary Anastasia O'Grady
16 months into Mr. Calderón's government, the effort toward even limited reform at Pemex is in serious trouble. To understand why, do as Deep Throat famously advised Bob Woodward and "follow the money."
Outraged US Nativists Reclaim Mexico From Absolut Vodka Wonkette
The rampant, raging Absolut vodka controversy took on new dimensions this weekend when a pack of insane nativists vowed to boycott Absolut and demanded the firing of the employee who approved an ad that encourages the Mexicans to take over the Northern Hemisphere.
Grains Gone Wild Paul Krugman
These days you hear a lot about the world financial crisis. But there's another world crisis under way - and it's hurting a lot more people. I'm talking about the food crisis.
Players in Mexico's Upcoming PEMEX Debate Allan Wall
The Mexican government is gearing up for a big debate over PEMEX, the Mexican state oil monopoly. Who are the players in this upcoming debate, and what are they likely to do?
Yell about Brenda Lynne Cohen
As Canada's former director general of consular affairs, you'd expect Gar Pardy to defend his former colleagues' efforts on behalf of Brenda Martin, a distressed citizen abroad. Instead, his column reads like a brief on behalf the Mexican government.
Forty Years Later, Still Far From the Mountaintop Isaiah J. Poole
"You know, Jesus reminded us in a magnificent parable one day that a man went to hell because he didn't see the poor... If America does not use her vast resources of wealth to end poverty, to make it possible for all of God's children to have the basic necessities of life, she, too, will go to hell."
The Bush and Cheney Oath Michael Webster
The Bush Cheney administration has spent billions of dollars on the failed war on drugs and is expected to spend well over a trillion dollars on the failed war on terror before their terms end this year. The serous question is why?
U.S. Must Embrace Obligations of Global Citizenship and Ratify and Apply International Treaties Center For Inquiry
The recent United States Supreme Court decision in Medellin v. Texas, allowing the State of Texas to ignore a judgment of the International Court of Justice, highlights the country’s shameful failure to live up to its obligations as a global citizen, according to the Center for Inquiry, a leading humanist organization.
Maybe Obama Should Drop Out of the Race Bonnie Erbe
Here's a statement you're hearing all over the place: one of the Democratic presidential candidates should drop out of the race. Here's a suggestion you'll hear nowhere else: Why shouldn't that person be Sen. Barack Obama?
Castro's 'Reforms' Will Not End Tyranny Bradenton Herald
The so-called "reforms" recently announced by dictator Raul Castro's government may provide some creature comforts - that is, if Cubans can afford them on their average salary of about $250 per year - but the fundamental nature of the Havana regime remains unchanged.
Socialists: Re-Thinking Electric Cars and Automobile Industry Stewart A. Alexander
In March 2006, while running as a candidate for California Lieutenant Governor, I introduced a $75 billion plan that was designed to revive the struggling U.S. automobile industry; manufacturing electric cars and hydrogen vehicles.
How to Strengthen Latin America Jaime Daremblum
It seems that after a history of disastrous economic policies, self-destructive political radicalism, and horrific poverty, Latin America is getting its act together.
Canada's Glass House Robert Marshall
By now most Canadians have heard of Brenda Martin, the Canadian who's locked up in Mexico, on a suicide watch and the catalyst for many other Canadians to go out and mount their high horses.
Religious Freedom or Murder? Alan Burkhart
The Declaration of Independence clearly states that we all have the "unalienable right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." There is no exception made for children whose parents object to medical treatment on religious grounds.
Race and the Social Contract Eduardo Porter
As obviously sensible as Mr. Obama’s proposition might be in a nation of as many hues, tongues and creeds as the United States, it struggles against self-defeating human behavior: racial and ethnic diversity undermine support for public investment in social welfare.
Drugs, Guns and Immigrant Ruben Navarrette
It's been my experience over many years of interviewing and writing about these "Mexicrats" that most come from the privileged class with life experiences far removed from those of average Mexicans and even further removed from the millions of Mexicans who head north in search of better lives.
Disorder on the Border Timothy Egan
For now, the demagogues have left the stage. Talk radio has moved on — from fear of Mexicans at Home Depot to fear of a black preacher in a pulpit. We are left with the 12 million illegal immigrants — hanging Sheetrock, setting sod and cleaning hospital bedpans — as before, in the shadows.
Racial Memories Alan Burkhart
For the first time in our history there is a realistic possibility of a US President who is something other than a white male. Oh sure, Jesse Jackson once sought to be the first black president, but no one ever believed he had a chance.
The Real Meaning of 4,000 Dead Lieut. Sean Walsh
The passing of the 4,000th service member in Iraq is a tragic milestone and a testament to the cost of this war, but for those of us who live and fight in Iraq, we measure that cost in smaller, but much more personal numbers.
The Little Administration That Couldn't: Rebuilding the American Economy, Bush-Style Tom Engelhardt
Don't get me wrong - when it comes to the arcane science of economics, like most Americans, I'd benefit from an "Economics for Dummies" course. What I do know something about, though, is history, a subject that hasn't been on the Bush administration's course curriculum since the President turned out not to be Winston Churchill and conquered Iraq refused to morph into occupied Germany ‘n Japan 1945.
The Economics of Living and Working in Mexico Jose Perez
I don't live in Mexico to save money. I live in this country because my quality of life is better. However, my quality of life owes a lot to economics. In Baja, I can afford medical care, enjoy more free time and indulge in a little decadence...
Pentagon Holds Thousands of Americans "Prisoners of War" Penny Coleman
American soldiers are effectively signing away their freedom indefinitely when they join the military. They are prisoners of an ill-defined and undeclared war on a tactic - terrorism - that dates back to Biblical times and will be with us indefinitely.
Yes, This is an Election About Race Bill Maxwell
At last, thanks to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright's "liberation theology" sermons, race has returned to center stage in the American conversation. Perhaps now the nonsense that race is a thing of the past will stop.
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