Editorials | Opinions
««« Click HERE for Recent Opinions Danny Glover on Obama as the Lesser of Two Evils The Real Network
Danny Glover has been very critical of the policy stances that Barack Obama has taken in his campaign for President. Despite this, Danny is about to go campaign on his behalf in swing state Nevada.
The Endorsement From Hell Nicholas D. Kristof
John McCain isn't boasting about a new endorsement, one of the very, very few he has received from overseas. It came a few days ago: "Al Qaeda will have to support McCain in the coming election."
Badly Disorganized Thoughts About Mexico Fred Reed
Damn. The longer I live in Mexico, the more I realize that I know less about it than people who don’t. To understand Mexico, it seems important to do so from somewhere else. Things are so much clearer that way.
A Preliminary Assessment of Mexico's Energy Reforms George Baker
In relation to Mexico's Energy Reform Bill, I have gone through the Pemex Administration Act of 2008, the so-called Ley Orgánica. Below are my preliminary comments and observations, in reply to questions posed by a journalist in Mexico.
U.S. Can Play Key Role in Stemming Mexico's Rising Drug Violence Pamela Starr
In the interest of national security, the United States must aggressively police its border with Mexico. But the cause of concern is not the northward flow of migrants and drugs. Rather, our focus should be on the southward flow of arms and ammunition that is fueling an explosion of drug-related violence in Mexico and that soon could threaten U.S. interests.
Stop the Raids in the First 100 Days David Bacon
The first of the 388 workers arrested in the immigration raid on the Agriprocessors meatpacking plant in Postville, Iowa, were deported last week, having spent five months in federal prison. Their crime? Giving a bad Social Security number to the company to get hired.
Desperately Seeking Seriousness Paul Krugman
As the economic scene has darkened, Americans have rediscovered the virtue of seriousness. And this has worked to Barack Obama’s advantage.
Broken U.S. Immigration Policy is Self-Defeating Ruben Navarrette
It is remarkable that so many of those who rail against illegal immigration don't really understand the terrain. This includes folks at Washington think tanks who write about immigration without interacting with actual immigrants, TV commentators who remake themselves for higher ratings, and opportunistic politicians who spin anger and prejudice into votes.
Desperation Makes for Dangerous Politics Dr. Wilmer J. Leon III, Ph.D.
As America moves into the final days of the 2008 presidential campaign Senator McCain and his surrogates are desperately seeking any message that will resonate with the American people. The problem is that their desperate actions are resulting in dangerous and ugly politics.
No Child Left Behind Fails Us All Demitrious C. Sinor
No Child Left Behind doesn't consider strong relationships in the classroom, and cannot measure smiles, teamwork, camaraderie or the overcoming of adversity.
Zinn: Vote for Obama but Direct Action Needed The Real Network
Howard Zinn says vote against McCain, vote for Obama. Even though Obama does not represent any fundamental change, he creates an opening for a possibility of change.
Powell's Endorsement an Indictment of GOP David Yepsen
Gen. Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama on Sunday was more than just a nod of approval. It was also an indictment of the state of the Republican Party and the way John McCain has conducted himself and his presidential campaign.
Why I Feel Let Down by Senator McCain David Lord
We Veterans should have had a most powerful advocate in Senator McCain. The former Pilot and Admiral's son had all the experiences to champion Veterans struggles; instead he divorced himself from issues we Veterans needed made into law.
Like It or Not, Race is a Factor Mackenzie Carpenter & Mark Roth
It's out there. Regardless of the protests over U.S. Rep. John Murtha's remark Wednesday that Western Pennsylvania was "a racist area" - and his subsequent apology - many people who live in this region believe Sen. Barack Obama's skin color will be a factor in this election.
A Mighty Hoax From ACORN Grows Michael Winship
ACORN and election fraud. Hang on. As soon as I can get the alligator that crawled out of my toilet back into the New York City sewers where it belongs, I can turn my attention to this very important topic.
Block the Vote Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & Greg Palast
Will the GOP's campaign to deter new voters and discard Democratic ballots determine the next president?
The Real Plumbers of Ohio Paul Krugman
I don't want to suggest that everyone would be better off under the Obama tax plan. Joe the plumber would almost certainly be better off, but Richie the hedge fund manager would take a serious hit.
Mexicans Coexisting with the Mexican Drug Cartels Allan Wall
Human beings have the uncanny ability to adjust to all sorts of bizarre, unpleasant, dangerous and harmful situations, and get on with their lives. It’s a coping and survival mechanism.
The Torture Time Bomb Philippe Sands
As the US presidential election reaches a climax against the background of the financial crisis, another silent, dark, time bomb of an issue hangs over the two candidates: torture.
Mexico's Civil War Ignites in America Roger Hedgecock
The Mexican government and the drug cartels that operate throughout Mexico are locked in a battle over control of the country. With the Mexican army fully deployed and often fighting ex-Mexican army special forces working for the cartels, this is, in scope and casualties, truly a civil war. And now, that civil war is spilling over into the U.S.
He Just Can't Quit W Frank Rich
Old Mr. Straight Talk has become so shaky a speaker that when he does talk straight, it's startling. On Wednesday night, John McCain mustered exactly one such moment of clarity: "Senator Obama, I am not President Bush. If you wanted to run against President Bush, you should have run four years ago."
Barack Obama for President The Washington Post
The nominating process this year produced two unusually talented and qualified presidential candidates. There are few public figures we have respected more over the years than Sen. John McCain. Yet it is without ambivalence that we endorse Sen. Barack Obama for president.
The Future of Marriage in America Ben Boychuk & Joel Mathis
In California, voters are preparing to decide the fate of Proposition 8, a measure that would knock down the California Supreme Court's 4-3 ruling from earlier this year that homosexuals have a right to marriage. Do gays and lesbians deserve the same rights as their heterosexual neighbors? And how will gay marriage change America?
American Financial Fumbling David Lord
With the U.S. Presidential Candidates immersed in heated rhetoric, we watch their personal divides deepen, but we see that there is not a nickel's worth of difference between the Democrats and the Republicans holding positions in Congress.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the Corporate Takeover of Our Government truthout
This is the most concise and informative piece of film on the most important issue of our time: the media. And judging by some of the comments on here, people still don't get it.
McCain, Latest Pander Plan Keith Olbermann
The GOP ticket is inciting supporters to violence against Barack Obama.
Life in the Midst of a Drug War Josie Whittle
The expression ‘war on drugs’ is a familiar one used by tough-talking politicians. For Mexicans however, a government-led crack down on the drugs trade has meant that this is now a terrifying reality.
Abortion Rights on US Ballots, Again New York Times
Once again this year, opponents of women’s reproductive rights have managed to get initiatives aimed at ending or limiting abortion rights on ballots — in South Dakota, Colorado and California. These measures, which violate women’s privacy and threaten their health, have implications far beyond those states.
V.P. Candidate Alexander: U.S. Economy is Beyond Recession Socialist Party USA
With only 22 days before the November General Election, the economy is making the big headlines; and as the U.S. and global economic crisis deepens, millions of Americans are concerned that the two major presidential candidates, Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain, are not prepared to meet the economic challenges that continues to mount.
The Moment John Cory
Senator McCain. Was this the moment? The epiphany? The realization that stoking the flames of bigotry and fear had come home to roost?
The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama Frank Rich
If you think way back to the start of this marathon campaign, back when it seemed preposterous that any black man could be a serious presidential contender, then you remember the biggest fear about Barack Obama: a crazy person might take a shot at him.
Alaskan Independence Party: The Last Refuge of a Scoundrel Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
If McCarthy-era guilt-by-association is once again a valid political consideration, Palin, it would seem, has more to lose than Obama.
Justice Department Scandal Almost Buried by Financial Crisis Marilou Johanek
At any other time, what happened in the U.S. Justice Department last week would have been big news. At any other time, when internal reports by Justice Department call for more investigation into a case of unethical, if not criminal, conduct on the part of lawmakers and the White House, the administration would have a lot of explaining to do. But the Bush administration got lucky.
Juárez Shows Moxie with Invite to Tourists El Paso Times
Pluck, perseverance ... guts. Juárez city officials have moxie, all right. With drug-cartel murders rampant, bank heists increasing, ongoing kidnappings and police corruption ... still, billboards are going up in El Paso and other cities that encourage tourism in our sister city.
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