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Abortion and the Christian Morality in Our U.S. Presidential Elections
Miguel Contreras

For my Christian friends, inciting violence, slandering our neighbor, is a sin and it is as bad as having an abortion. If you are guilty of one sin, in the eyes of our maker, you are guilty of all sins.

The Wrath Of God
Shobha Shukla

The wrath of gods seems to be descending on the religious Indian masses with perilious frequency as stampedes at pilgrimages kill more people (361 in 2008 alone, and 875 in the last ten years) than even bomb blasts.

The Obama Surge: Will It Last?
Joe Klein

If Barack Obama is elected president of the United States on Nov. 4, it may turn out that he closed the deal with a simple answer to a not-so-simple question posed by Tom Brokaw in the second presidential debate: "Is health care in America a privilege, a right or a responsibility?"

So Much for the Bush Legacy
Dale McFeatters

So you're a federal employee sitting in your cubicle pondering the smoldering ruins of your retirement portfolio when you receive an interdepartmental memo asking you to list your agency's major accomplishments over the past eight years for something the White House is compiling called "The Bush Record."

The Maverick Melts Down
Bonnie Erbe

I've been doing internal 180's this whole election season, bouncing from poll to contradictory poll and changing my assessment of which candidate was going to win the White House.

Gay is a Choice? Not that Again
Nathaniel Frank

Calling homosexuality a choice is the time-tested way politicians signal their belief that it is the wrong choice. Which is why Sarah Palin's comments prompt predictable anger from gay rights advocates.

And the Winner Is...
Capitol Hill Blue

Boxing cliches are popular in Presidential debates and, using one, John McCain needed to score a knockout Tuesday night to avoid losing his second debate with Barack Obama. He didn't get one. So he lost.

America Pays the Piper, Big Time (pt.3)
The Real Network

Robert Parry: Americans and reality - the Reagan presidency further detached Americans from world reality.

Make-Believe Maverick
Tim Dickinson

A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and dishonesty. This is the story of the real John McCain, the one who has been hiding in plain sight.

Four Crises of the Contemporary World Capitalist System
William K. Tabb

This essay examines aspects of the global political economy that I hope will inform progressive governments and movements for social change.

Statement on Congressional Approval of Bailout
Dean Baker

This is the first time in the history of the United States that the president has sought to provoke a financial panic to get legislation through Congress. While this has proven to be a successful political strategy, it marks yet another low point in American politics.

America Pays the Piper, Big Time (pt.2)
The Real Network

Robert Parry: There was an effort to build an infrastructure to sell the free market and reduced regulation for business society. Cut taxes and cut the social net was the sold as the magic fix.

Reality Is No Rehearsal
Dr. Wilmer J. Leon III

Governor Sarah Palin did very well in the vice-presidential debate. She was well handled, well rehearsed and well prepared. The problem is the real world is unrehearsed; life is live.

America Pays the Piper, Big Time (pt.1)
The Real Network

Robert Parry: After 28 years of drunken optimism and blind nationalism the US wakes up to a grim future.

Palin: A Wink, a Nod and a Loss
Capitol Hill Blue

In the aftermath and varying opinions of the overhyped debate between the Democratic and Republican candidates for vice presidents, two areas of consensus appear to emerge: Sarah Palin didn't do anything TOO stupid and voters, the ones who still make the decisions on election day, feel Joe Biden won the night.

House Prices Continue to Decline as Talk of Credit Crisis Spins Out of Control
Dean Baker

The near hysterical discussion (count the times "Great Depression" appears in news stories) of the bailout still largely fails to recognize the roots of the economy's current problems in the collapse of the housing bubble.

In Mexico, They've Seen It All Before
Stephen King

Mexico, after all, has had more than its fair share of financial crises over the last 30 years, what with the Latin American debt crisis in the early Eighties and the "Tequila crisis" in the mid-Nineties.

No Bailout for Wall Street Billionaires!
James Petras

The problem is not the false alternative of bailing out Wall Street or financial chaos and collapse: The real choice is between subsidizing swindlers or establishing a responsible, responsive and equitable publicly run financial system.

Another Monumental Failure by Bush
Doug Thompson

Even before his bungling response to a financial crisis that threatens to plunge this country into a full-blown depression, President George Bush had already assured himself the title of the biggest failure in Presidential history.

Post-Debate Blues
The Real Network

On Friday presidential hopefuls Barack Obama and John McCain squared off in Oxford, Mississippi for the first of three presidential debates. Following the debate, Real News Senior Editor Paul Jay and Senior Analyst Pepe Escobar shared their collective disappointment with the debate.

Jukebox John Keeps Changing His Tune
Steven Benen

It's obvious that the McCain campaign and the RNC have decided to go after Barack Obama as a flip-flopper. What's equally obvious, though, that Republicans couldn't have chosen a worse narrative. Here's 74 different subjects where John McCain has flip-flopped or tried it have both ways.

A Fox to Protect the Henhouse?
Robert Scheer

Does it really matter which party is in charge when it comes to bailing out the Wall Street hustlers whose shenanigans have bankrupted so many ordinary folks? Not if the Democrats roll over and cede power to the former head of Goldman Sachs, the investment bank at the center of our economic meltdown.

Messages Clearly Show Innocence has Been Lost
Luis Crosthwaite

They can be found along any highway in Tijuana, over bridges, improvised banners that carry personal messages, birthday wishes or declarations of love. They are anonymous signs that lovers or friends leave for each other, simple words that try to manifest a feeling of affection and that stay up until municipal workers remove them.

The UN, Cash for Trash and a Multipolar World
The Real Network

World leaders met at the UN general assembly on Tuesday. They spoke about the global financial crisis and the need for sweeping reforms of multilateral institutions. The Real News Network analyst Pepe Escobar comments on the emergence of new global realities.

The $700 Billion Dollar Bailout
Paul Crist

Paul Krugman’s 4-step analysis of the meltdown is (no surprise) right on. He’s an economist with amazing intelligence and the unique ability to simplify the explanation so any non-economist can understand it.

The $700 Billion Bailout Plan's Fine Print
Nomi Prins

Treasury Sec. Hank Paulson's $700 billion bailout plan now has a name: the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP. But even as Capitol Hill debates TARP, few seem to have noticed the proposal item that puts taxpayers on the hook for future bailouts.

An Open Letter to Independent and Undecided Voters
Gary Kamiya

This is an open letter to those American voters who are not affiliated with either major political party, or who have not yet decided whether to vote for Barack Obama or John McCain.

When All Else Fails, Try Socialism
Martin Schram

It was a true September Surprise. A calamitous financial crisis that not only toppled Wall Street's corporate icons and sent global markets plummeting but may have given Barack Obama's seemingly mired campaign the one thing he may never have secured on his own: Victory.

How Can the World Take Us Seriously?
Andres Martinez

Isn't Washington's socialistic takeover of financial sector going to make it impossible for next president to be taken seriously by rest of world on economic issues?

No Sane Person Should Want the Job
Dan K. Thomasson

The problems facing the next president of the United States are so daunting that anyone seeking the office is mentally suspect. The word "nuts" comes to mind.

Obama's Governing Philosophy
Paul Crist

Last week, Barack Obama gave a major policy speech in Colorado on the economy and financial sector regulation. As I was listening, I began to hear something unarticulated, yet clear to anyone with an ear for it.

Mexico Violence: Is America's Neighbor at War?
El Paso Times

Columnist Pablo Hiriart wrote in the Mexico newspaper Excelsior that Mexico is now at war. Noting that columnists write opinions - they write what they think - we have to ask the question: Is Hiriart correct? It sure looks like he is.

V.P. Candidate Alexander: Fed Rescue Plan a Temporary Fix
Socialist Party USA

At first the Bush administration said the price tag to rescue the U.S. economy would cost $500 billion and within days the price tag was revised to a whopping $700 billion; if the rescue plan is approved by Congress, working people will be in a financial black hole for $11.3 trillion.

Palin Can Launch Us Back in Time
Janis L. Karpinski

My intuition is kicking into high gear on the nomination of Sarah Palin as vice president on the Republican ticket. It is haunting me. There is something sneaky behind her and me thinks it is the devious orchestration of Karl Rove.

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