Business News 
Sojo Reveals Details of Calderón´s Growth Plan
El Universal
 Newly-named Economy Secretary Eduardo Sojo this week said President-elect Felipe Calderón is prepared to launch two new programs to create jobs and boost economic growth.
Mexican Bolsa Gains on Cabinet Appointments
William Freebairn & Alexander Ragir
 Mexican stocks rose for the first day in three, surging to a record on confidence the government will restrain spending and lure investment after President-elect Felipe Calderon named his economic team.
Calderon Names Business-Friendly Cabinet
Associated Press
 President-elect Felipe Calderon on Tuesday named top economic aides to his Cabinet less than two weeks before his term begins, saying his new government will focus on creating jobs as "the only effective path to fighting poverty."
Oregon Christmas Tree Growers Branch Out Internationally
Michael Rose
 One of Oregon's signature industries is hustling to put freshly cut Douglas and noble firs in homes around the world. About 13 percent of Oregon Christmas trees harvested in 2005 were sent to Mexico.
Hike in Gas Price is Blasted
Kelly Arthur Garrett
 Premium gasoline went up by 29 centavos per liter at the nationally owned Pemex pumps, and the price of a liter of diesel fuel increased by 16 centavos, while the government vigorously defended the increases as "an act of responsibility" necessary for maintaining fiscal health.
Hot Market In Housing
Lisa W. Hess
 South of the border, home builders are hot. Shares of the dominant Mexican builders rose 50% on average over the past 12 months, and will go higher. You should buy some.
Wal-Mart Rides Mexican Retail Banking Wave
Noel Randewich
 Wal-Mart de Mexico's soon-to-be-launched bank will be the largest in a growing wave of Mexican retail banks expected to take business from big financial groups.
US Democrats Join Forces to Raise Minimum Wage
Associated Press
 Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts said Thursday that increasing the federal minimum wage from $5.15 to $7.25 would be his top priority as chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.
Mexico Economy Prepared for U.S. Growth Slowdown, Gil Diaz Says
Jeb Blount & Oriel Morrison
 Mexico's economy is prepared to weather a U.S. slowdown thanks to a growing housing- construction industry and higher-value exports, Finance Minister Francisco Gil Diaz said.
Does Your Supply Chain Strategy Include Mexico? It Should!
Al Brown
 Mexico’s position as a world-class manufacturer of moderate to high value-added goods continues to strengthen. Mexico offers a strategic competitive advantage over other Low Cost Countries in the world.
Mexican Stocks Set Sixth Straight All-Time High
 Mexican stocks set an all-time closing high for the sixth consecutive session on Wednesday as shares emerged from negative territory amid a positive performance in U.S. markets.
Sourcing in Mexico Gets Easier
David Hannon
 The global sourcing boom has put Asia and Eastern Europe in the spotlight recently. But buyers polled say the increasing logistics costs and risk management strategies are leading them back to where they started global sourcing: Mexico.
Ross Perot's Company is Now Hiring, in Mexico
Elisabeth Malkin
 Ross Perot, the Texas billionaire and one-time U.S. presidential candidate, railed against the North American Free Trade Agreement in the early 1990s, arguing that it would create a "giant sucking sound" of good American jobs pulled to low-wage Mexico. Last week, Perot Systems announced that it was hiring - in Mexico.
Protesters Storm Wal-Mart in Mexico City
Kathleen Miller
 Demonstrators stormed a Wal-Mart on the outskirts of Mexico City on Tuesday, accusing the U.S.-based retailer of selling low-cost goods at the expense of workers, farmers and public markets.
Mexican Stocks May Falter After Rally as Growth Slows
William Freebairn
 Mexico's four-year stock rally may end as economic growth slows and investors shun shares that have become too expensive. The Bolsa Index is up 36 percent this year, reaching a record yesterday, on the fastest economic growth in six years.
Will Mexico be Ready When Oil Runs Dry?
Augusta Dwyer
 The Cantarell field - second in size to Saudi Arabia's Ghawar complex and source of 60 per cent of Mexico's total production - has begun to decline. And its waning only seems to underscore the challenges facing the country's monopolistic state-run oil giant, Petroleos Mexicanos.
Oil Revenues Fuel Resistance to US
Kim Murphy
 Iran, Venezuela and Russia are flush with petroleum money, a buffer allowing them to challenge perceived American dominance.
U.S., Mexican Activists Fight Wal-Mart
Mark Stevenson
 U.S. and local activists formed a common front on Sunday to fight the expansion of Wal-Mart stores in Mexico, saying small stores and the national culture are under threat from what is already the world's biggest retailer.
Mexico Inflation Climbed to 15-Month High in October
Thomas Black
 Mexico's annual inflation rate rose to a 15-month high in October as the price of tomatoes, electricity, milk and onions surged. Inflation quickened to 4.3 percent in the 12 months through October from 4.1 percent in September, the central bank said. Consumer prices rose 0.44 percent in the month after increasing 1.01 percent the previous month.
Schwarzenegger in Mexico for Trade Talks
Peter Nicholas
 Fresh off his reelection victory, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger arrived here Wednesday night for a two-day trade mission to Mexico, where he will act as a celebrity pitchman for California produce and tourism, and strive to forge ties with the nation's incoming president.
Mexican Telecoms in New 'Calling-Party-Pays' Dispute
 Several Mexican fixed-line carriers have filed complaints against mobile operators due to technical problems associated with the implementation over the weekend of calling-party-pays for long-distance calls.
The Trouble with Mexico's Economy
Milton Ezrati
 Mexican politics remain too divisive to implement the fundamental reforms that might truly develop Mexico into a full trading partner, relieve immigration strains, and realize the country's economic potential.
Cell Phone Firms Happy with Incoming Call Changes
Samuel Kovac
 Having a cellphone has never been cheap in Mexico. In the past, users have had to pay not only for the calls they make, but also for incoming ones. However, as of November 4th, the majority of incoming calls to cellular phones are free.
Better Business Across the Border
Ronald D. White
 Trade between California and Mexico accounted for $16.2 billion in exports and $24.2 billion in imports through the state’s three customs districts in 2005, according to the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp.
New Fees for Calling Cellphones in Mexico
James S. Granelli & Alana Semuels
 Say adios to cheap calls to cellphones in Mexico. Started Saturday, the Mexican government is imposing a surcharge of at least 14 cents a minute to complete international calls to cellphones, more than doubling or tripling rates callers pay.
Mel Gibson Receives Award from Latino Business Organization
Associated Press
 Actor Mel Gibson, whose drunken driving arrest and anti-Semitic remarks ignited a scandal four months ago, was honored by a Latino business organization for his upcoming film "Apocalypto."
Australia's Rinker Rejects 12.9 Billion Dollar Bid by Mexico's Cemex
 Australian construction materials company Rinker Group Ltd said its board had rejected a 16.8 billion dollar (12.9 billion US) hostile takeover bid by Mexico's Cemex SAB de CV.
Mexican Firms Set to Profit from Canal Vote
José Meléndez
 Following a plebiscite vote in Panama to widen the Central American nation´s canal to allow for the passage of larger container shipping vessels, a number of Mexican companies are poised to capitalize.
Border Wall Saddens Greenspan
Jeannine Aversa
 Freed from the burden of potentially moving financial markets worldwide with his every utterance, Alan Greenspan cut loose on the economy, the Iraq war, construction of a fence along the U.S.-Mexico border and a host of other topics.
It's All About the Internet
 After enjoying three years of success in the Banderas Bay area, the Puerto Vallarta based full-service video company, Video Diva Productions, is gaining recognition in the United States via the Internet.
Wal-Mart Wins Approval for Store in Baja Sur
El Universal
 Opponents of Wal-Mart´s plan to build a store in the picturesque resort town of Cabo San Lucas vowed to continue demonstrations after the retail giant won preliminary approval for the outlet after an almost two-year battle.
Mexican Lawmakers Attack Arizona's Interception of Money Transfers from Migrants
Associated Press
 Mexico Mexican lawmakers passed a resolution denouncing Arizona's plan to intercept money transfers to Mexico, a measure they said could harm hundreds of families who depend on remittances. more »»»
Mexican Energy to Go Private
Prensa Latina
 Mexico's governing PAN party (Accion Nacional) confirmed on Monday that opening the Mexican energy sector to private investment will be one of the priorities for the government of President-elect Felipe Calderon. more »»»
Mexican Retailer Comerci to Delist US Shares
 Mexican supermarket chain Comerci will delist its New York-traded shares because there is very little trade in them. Comerci said on Friday its global depositary receipts will be delisted from the New York Stock Exchange on Nov. 3 and investors will have the option to exchange them for its shares in Mexico. more »»»
Cancun Bounces Back a Year After Hurricane Wilma
 Mexican tourist officials are promoting their Caribbean haven as being fully revamped and made bigger, better and more glitzy than it was before Wilma. Public and private investment for the rebuilding has totaled $1.5 billion, they say. more »»»
New Ways of Exporting Money
Yvette Armendariz
 The options are popping up because of the growth of the remittance market, which has expanded from $8.9 billion in 2001 to $20 billion last year. Mexican financial companies are estimating as much as $22 billion in remittances from expatriates this year. more »»»
Don Jr. Trump-ets Mexico's Pacific Coast
 The change in Mexico's real-estate climate is drawing U.S. developers, including Donald Trump, to build communities on the Mexico's Pacific coast. more »»»
Insurers Put Wilma Damage at $3 Billion
Associated Press
 Hurricane Wilma is the costliest storm in history, not only for Mexico, but for all of Latin America, with damages totaling nearly US$3 billion (euro2.4 billion), the director of the Mexican Insurance Association said Thursday. more »»»
Banorte Offers Mexican 30-Year Fixed-Rate Mortgages
William Freebairn
 Grupo Financiero Banorte SA, Mexico's fifth-largest bank, will offer home mortgages it said are the longest fixed-rate loans available in the country. more »»»
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