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Tough Times Ahead for Walmex
 Walmex, the Mexican arm of U.S. retail giant Wal-Mart Stores Inc., is set for another tough year amid an economic slowdown that is making it more difficult for customers to buy anything from food to clothing.
Calderón Speaks to Business Council
Presidency of the Republic
 Excerpts from speech by Mexican President Felipe Calderón to Mexican Business Council of Foreign Trade, Investment & Technology, April 4, 2008, in Mexico City.
The New Economics of Outsourcing
Rachael King
 Companies that traditionally rely on India for offshore IT services have been looking for that something beyond India for years, citing such reasons as high employee turnover and unreliable communications. But the search has taken on added urgency recently, especially for US companies.
When U.S. Economy Hurts, Mexico Feels It
Jane Bussey
 While Mexico is the Latin American country most vulnerable to the U.S. slowdown, experts say political changes and globalization mean Mexico is more able to weather a downturn than in the past.
Vodka-Maker Absolut Apologizes, Ends Ad Showing California, Texas as Part of Mexico
Associated Press
 The Absolut vodka company apologized Saturday for an ad campaign depicting the southwestern U.S. as part of Mexico amid angry calls for a boycott by U.S. consumers.
After Success, Problems for Microfinancing in Mexico
Elisabeth Malkin
 Carlos Danel and Carlos Labarthe turned a nonprofit that lent money to Mexico’s poor into one of the country’s most profitable banks. But not all of their colleagues in the world of microlending are heaping praise on the co-executives of Compartamos. Some are vilifying them as “pawnbrokers” and “money lenders.”
Mexico Bank Loans Seen Up to 25 Percent
Robin Emmott & Armando Tovar
 Mexican banking credit will likely grow up to 25 percent in 2008, slightly above last year's expansion led by strong demand from the private sector and unaffected by the U.S. credit crisis, the Mexican banking association said this week.
Mexico's Homex Optimistic About Growth
Noel Randewich & Jason Lange
 Homex, Mexico's top homebuilder, sees a massive housing shortage fueling several years of solid growth, as it also looks at eventual expansion into Brazil, India and China, a senior executive said.
US Poll: McCain More Business Friendly as President
 From Wall Street to Silicon Valley, this week’s question, “Who do you think will be more business friendly as President?” was posted to U.S. businesses. More than 45% of respondents picked John McCain as the best choice for business.
Investors Receive Alert About Mexican Firms
Cassandra Kyle
 A Mexican-based company under investigation by the Saskatchewan Financial Services Commission (SFSC) has contacted its Canadian investors with an admission it did not register to do business in Canada, according to the commission.
Citi Sees Strong Mexican Loan Growth
Robin Emmott & Armando Tovar
 Citigroup's Mexican arm, which accounts for around 10 percent of the group's global operations, sees strong growth in its loan portfolio this year despite the U.S. credit crisis, the bank said on Friday.
Technology Boom Helps Explain Immigration Boom
Jim Landers
 High-tech companies looking for high-skilled immigrants put in their visa applications today. Once again, demand for these H-1B visas will quickly outstrip the number offered by the federal government.
Mexico Expects Economic Growth to Accelerate in 2009
Jens Erik Gould
 Mexico's government forecasts economic growth will quicken to a three-year high in 2009 because of a recovery in the U.S., its biggest trading partner. The Finance Ministry said expansion may accelerate to 4 percent next year from 2.8 percent in 2008.
Aerospace Industry Migrating to Mexico in Greater Numbers
Chris Hawley
 Chances are much of your car was built in Mexico. Increasingly, the planes you fly on are, too. Aerospace companies are streaming to Mexico, drawn by lower wages, enthusiastic government promotion, a new safety agreement with the United States and an increasingly sophisticated workforce.
Mexico Debating Oil Future
Prensa Latina
 The Progressive Broad Front (PAF) reiterated on Wednesday its proposal for Mexico to hold a great national debate about the future of Petroleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) Company and rejected any intention to privatize that industry.
Wendy's to Expand Into Mexico City
Associated Press
 Hamburger chain Wendy's International Inc. is expanding into Mexico City and the northern Mexican city of Monterrey with more than 60 restaurants.
Mexico Economy Still Strong: Cenbank
Noel Randewich & Alistair Bell
 Mexico's economy has yet to suffer a significant slowdown despite a feared recession in the United States, as industrial output and investment stay fairly healthy, says Central Bank Gov. Guillermo Ortiz.
Banks Attempt to Bribe Squatters to Prevent Destruction of Properties Before Eviction
Wall Street Journal
 Glitzy Las Vegas isn't immune to the foreclosure crisis and WSJ's Michael Phillips reports bitter homeowners aren't leaving quietly. Now, banks are offering to pay them not to strip down or vandalize their foreclosed homes.
Mexico to Start Afresh in Oil Reform Talks
Catherine Bremer
 Mexico will start afresh this week with multiparty talks over a planned oil reform, the government said on Sunday, further reducing the chances of a law being passed before Congress winds up at the end of April.
US Construction Skid Sidelines Latino Immigrant Workers
Susan Ferriss
 Latino immigrants like Jose Espinosa, legal and illegal, were the backbone of California's housing boom, and they are feeling the pain of what Espinosa calls "una recesion."
Mexico Real Estate: How to Navigate Mexican Tax Laws
Linda Neil
 Mexico real estate is becoming increasingly more attractive to foreigners. The influx of foreigner investors has led to an increased demand for housing and has made the acquisition of rental properties an increasingly attractive investment.
The Economics of Living and Working in Mexico
Jose Perez
 I don't live in Mexico to save money. I live in this country because my quality of life is better. However, my quality of life owes a lot to economics. In Baja, I can afford medical care, enjoy more free time and indulge in a little decadence...
Cubans Now Free to Buy Gadgets, PCs
Economic Times
 The Cuban government will officially lift restrictions on the retail sale of computers and electronic home appliances such as television sets to the general public from April 1.
Study Ranks Mexico First In Low-Business Costs
John Flowers
 Mexico claimed the title as the most cost-effective of 10 countries studied in which to do business. The U.S. leapfrogged its European competitors for third place thanks to the declining dollar.
Mexico's Ruling Party Drafts Proposal to Open Border Oil Wells
Adriana Lopez Caraveo & Jens Erik Gould
 Mexican President Felipe Calderon's party has drafted a bill that would allow state oil company Petroleos Mexicanos to jointly develop border oil wells with private and foreign companies.
US Businesses Control Mexican Tequila
Prensa Latina
 US businesses assumed control of Mexican tequila, turning ever more assembler than the producing country of its emblematic beverage, said La Jornada daily on Monday.
Mexico Plans Big Splash with New Baja Port
Marla Dickerson & Ronald D. White
 Mexico's government is preparing to open bidding on the largest infrastructure project in the nation's history, a $4-billion seaport that could transform this farming village into a cargo hub to rival the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
"Mortgage Rescue" Scams Hit Close to Home
Pierre Thomas, Jack Date & Theresa Cook
 As the mortgage crisis continues to unfold, the FBI says incidents of suspicious financial activity banks reported to the bureau has skyrocketed, jumping from 28,000 cases in 2005 to 48,000 last year.
Mexico March Consumer Prices Climb More Than Expected
Jens Erik Gould
 Mexico's consumer prices rose more than twice as fast as economists expected in the first half of March, reducing speculation the central bank may cut lending rates this year.
Enjoying Mexico Rental Property Income
Linda Neil
 For the Mexico real estate investor who is thinking of acquiring properties for rental there are a couple of important considerations: one is the way to hold title and the other is how to declare and pay taxes on income.
Mexico's ICA Buys Toll Highway for $81M
Jason Lange
 ICA, Mexico's largest construction company, said on Monday it bought the owner of a concession for a toll highway that serves the Caribbean resort city Cancun.
Mexico's Inflation Jumps in Early March
Jason Lange & Noel Randewich
 Mexico's 12-month inflation jumped unexpectedly in the first half of March to 4.24 percent, putting more pressure on the central bank to delay cutting interest rates despite fears of an economic slowdown.
"Pay Day" Loans Exacerbate Housing Crisis
Nick Carey
 As hundreds of thousands of American home owners fall behind on their mortgage payments, more people are turning to short-term loans with sky-high interest rates just to get by.
The Other Chapter 11
Peter Brieger
 When agribusiness giant Archer Daniels Midland Co. quietly filed court documents this month to overturn - and increase - a multi-million-dollar trade penalty it won against the Mexican government, the move shone a light on Chapter 11, perhaps the most controversial clause in the North American Free Trade Agreement.
A Better Alternative to a Showdown Over Free Trade
Marcela Sanchez
 I recently had the chance to talk with two of Mexico's most prominent business leaders, Emilio Azcarraga Jean, and Roberto Hernandez Ramirez. Among other things, we spoke about the pledges of candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement. Both dismissed such talk as campaign rhetoric with little consequence.
Mexico Marks Oil Nationalization Anniversary with Country Divided Over Reforms
Olga R. Rodriguez
 exico marked the 70th anniversary of its oil industry's nationalization Tuesday amid a heated debate between those who oppose private investment in the state oil monopoly and those who consider it necessary to boost sagging production.

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