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Business News 
««« Click HERE for Recent Business News Five Tips for Surviving a Recession
Daniel Gomez
 Downturns cause panic amongst everyone. It is a knee-jerk reaction to throw the baby out with the bath water. While your business may be suffering, it is not the only one. Mijo! Brands offers some advice on how to survive this longer than expected economic turmoil.
Mexico's FEMSA in Talks Over Beer Business Deal
 Mexican brewer and bottler FEMSA said it is in talks with several companies about a possible deal involving its beer business
US Unemployment Climbs to 9.8 Percent
Christopher S. Rugaber
 The unemployment rate rose to 9.8 percent in September as employers cut far more jobs than expected, evidence that the longest recession since the 1930s is still inflicting widespread pain.
International Support for USW Strike
The Real News Network
 Union leaders from around the world gather in Sudbury, Ontario to support Vale Inco workers strike.
Without US Federal Funds, Recovery Sputters to a Halt
Capitol Hill Blue
 As long as the federal government pumps money into stimulus programs like "cash for clunkers," the economy shows some signs of recovery. But when the federal dollars run out, so does the economic bubble the cash created.
Pablo Escobar: 5 Things You Didn't Know
Ross Bonander
 In most businesses, seeing a return on investment (ROI) of 100% would be more than enough for a company to thrive. By some estimates, notorious Colombian cocaine kingpin Pablo Escobar enjoyed an ROI of as much as 20,000%. Put another way, for every $1 he put into his business, he got about $200 in return.
US Immigration Crackdown with Firings, Not Raids
Julia Preston
 Obama administration officials say that they have not followed the Bush pattern of concluding investigations with a mass roundup of workers. Those raids drew criticism for damaging businesses and dividing immigrant families.
Mexico's Infonavit Mortgage Lending Dips 9.6 Pct
Gabriela Lopez
 Mexican lender Infonavit said on Wednesday it made 9.6 percent fewer mortgages in the first nine months of the year, but it is still on track to achieve its goal for 2009.
Consumer Spending Up: Is US on a Rebound?
Martin Crutsinger
 Consumer spending, the bulwark of economic growth, is showing signs of life as the economy transitions from recession to recovery.
Nayarit Ranks Tops for Private Investment
Rumbo de Mexico
 According to the first report from the federal Secretariat of Tourism in the National Projects Registry, Nayarit is the most attractive state for private investment, said the state Secretary of Tourism, Edwin Hernandez.
Mexico's Homex Says Could Sell Shares or Debt
Noel Randewich
 Mexican homebuilder Homex, hit earlier this year by a slumping economy, could sell debt or shares over the next three years to raise working capital, according to a filing with U.S. regulators.
Perspectives on the Real Estate Industry
John K. Glaab
 More than four hundred Realtors attended the recent Forum, 'Perspectives on the Real Estate Industry' presented by the Guadalajara Section of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI).
Mexican Stocks Rise on Stronger U.S. Housing Data
Michael O'Boyle
 Mexican stocks advanced on Tuesday as U.S. housing prices rose for the third straight month, adding more evidence the battered housing market in the United States was bottoming out.
World Bank Head Sees Dollar’s Role Diminishing
Edmund L. Andrews
 The president of the World Bank said on Monday that America’s days as an unchallenged economic superpower might be numbered and that the dollar was likely to lose its favored position as the euro and the Chinese renminbi assume bigger roles.
Bills Could Transform US/Cuba Business
 When it comes to crafting Cuba policy, Congress has been in the back seat of late. The sweeping new rules released last month that loosen the 49-year-old U.S. embargo against the island came from the executive branch and the Office of Foreign Assets Control.
Wall Street Spending Big to Buy US Congress
Capitol Hill Blue
 Wall Street has showered nearly $11 million on the Senate since the beginning of the year, and more than 15 percent of it has gone to a single senator: Democrat Chuck Schumer of New York.
Alexander: Electric Vehicles Could Save Jobs for Auto Workers
Peace and Freedom Party
 The day when Toyota closes the Fremont, California plant, 4,700 auto workers will be added to California's unemployment lines and tens of thousands of additional workers that supply parts for the plant will also be out of work. Now there is a seed of hope that the NUMMI auto workers may keep their jobs manufacturing electric cars.
Robert Campbell
 Mexican oil production fell again in August but state oil company Pemex said it had some early indications the rapid fall in output at its giant Cantarell field may be slowing.
Mexico Says Time to Coordinate Exit Strategies
 The time has arrived for world leaders to start planning an exit strategy for the unprecedented monetary and fiscal stimulus that has been in place for the past 12 months, Mexico's Finance Minister said on Friday.
Walmart Expands as 3rd Superama Opens
The News
 With the opening of the third Superama store in the state of Puebla, Walmart of Mexico is demonstrating its confidence in the solid economic growth of the state, said Ivonne Monteagudo, Superama vice president.
Realtors to Congregate in San Diego
John Glaab
 Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice will address the General Session at the National Association of Realtors Annual Conference and Expo, which will be held from November 13th-16th in San Diego, California. More than 20,000 Realtors are expected to attend the event.
Mexico Promo Event in San Diego Nov 14th
Ana Bravo
 The Mexico Promotional Event, presented by the Mexico Tourism Board and AeroMexico Airlines, will take place at Liberty Station in San Diego on November 14, 2009. The Event will feature exhibitors promoting Mexico travel, tourism, culture, and real estate products from over 20 destinations.
US Dollar Under Scrutiny at G20 Summit
Agence France-Presse
 The embattled US dollar is expected to come under scrutiny at a summit of developing and industrialized nations following China-led calls to review its role as a reserve currency.
Tycoon Slim, Grameen to Begin Mexico Microloans
Cyntia Barrera Diaz
 Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim has teamed with a famed Bangladeshi banker to launch a $45 million micro-lending program in Oaxaca, one of country's poorest states, a Slim spokeswoman said on Thursday.
Downgraded Tourism to be Part of a New Ministry
Darío Celis Estrada
 There is no doubt that the disappearance of the Mexican Tourism Secretariat comes at the worst moment, when all indicators of the sector are down due to the combined global financial crisis, insecurity, and influenza outbreak.
Foreign Trust Reporting Deadline Extended
John Dillinger
 On September 21, 2009, the Internal Revenue Service announced a one-time extension of the deadline for special voluntary disclosures by taxpayers with unreported income from hidden offshore accounts. These taxpayers now have until Oct. 15, 2009.
Factbox - Mexico Tax Reform Debate
 Mexican lawmakers are debating President Felipe Calderon's proposal to raise taxes and lower the government's dependence on Mexico's declining oil industry.
Mexico on Agents' Top 10 Travel Lists
Associated Press
 Mexico took four of the top 10 spots on a list of international destinations booked by agents, managers and agency owners from the Travel Leaders company (formerly Carlson Wagonlit Travel Associates).
Mexico's Jobless Rate at 6.28 Percent in August
Associated Press
 Mexico's unemployment rate rose to 6.28 percent in August, the highest rate in more than 13 years.
The Mexico Tourism Board Participates in The Motivation show in Chicago
Ozgur Tore
 The Mexico Tourism Board is proud to once again take part in the largest incentive travel industry show of the America’s: The Motivation Show 2009 which returns to Chicago’s prestigious McCormick Place on September 29th through October 1st.
Know Yourself, Know Your Brand
Daniel Gomez
 The current economic crisis is causing havoc not only for Vallarta businesses but for consumers as well. Some long established brands that were once considered unshakeable pillars of capitalism are now hardly recognizable.
US House Moves to Extend Unemployment Benefits
Jim Abrams
 Despite predictions the Great Recession is running out of steam, the House is taking up emergency legislation this week to help the millions of Americans who see no immediate end to their economic miseries.
Switzerland, Mexico Sign Revised Double Tax Agreement
Dow Jones
 Switzerland and Mexico signed a protocol to amend the double taxation agreement, DTA, in the area of taxes on income in Mexico City, the Swiss government said Monday.

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