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Technology News 
««« Click HERE for Recent Technology News After Cyber-Attack, Wikileaks Switches Servers
Louise Nordstrom
 Wikileaks was forced Friday to switch over to a Swiss domain name, wikileaks.ch, after a new round of hacker attacks on its system prompted its American domain name provider to withdraw service.
It Had to Happen: Porn in 3-D
 French porn producer Marc Dorcel, maker of such hardcore classics as “Citizen Shane” and “Casino — No Limit,” is bringing Europe a new dimension in erotic entertainment with the launch of a 3D video-on-demand service for porn videos.
Americans Turn Off Cable TV as Online Grows
Agence France-Presse
 The economic downturn has US cable television companies shedding subscribers in record numbers and Americans increasingly "cutting the cord" in favor of cheaper online options, new research shows.
To Wrap Up the Year, Riviera Nayarit is Featured in Online Media
 The strong brand positioning generated after being featured in blogs, websites and social websites has encouraged the CVB to join new initiatives with the CPTM to draw the attention of digital journalists.
Biodiesel Plant, Mexico's Commitment in Fight against Climate Change
Suzanne Stephens Waller
 During his tour of the state of Chiapas, President Felipe Calderón led the inauguration of the Biodiesel Plant. This new plant "is proof of Mexicans’ commitment in the fight against climate change," declared the President.
Homeland Security Shuts Down Dozens of Web Sites Without Court Order
Daniel Tencer
 The Homeland Security Department's customs enforcement division has gone on a Web site shutdown spree, closing down at least 76 domains last week, according to online reports.
$335,906 is the Price of the Constitution
Daniel Greenfield
 When Senators give speeches, they will say that you can't put a price on freedom. But as it turns out you can. You can actually put an exact dollar amount on the Constitution. And that amount is $335,906. That's the amount that Hollywood gave Senator Patrick Leahy. And in return, Leahy gave them COICA.
National Science and Arts Prize Giving Ceremony 2010
Suzanne Stephens Waller
 Every year since 1945, the country has acknowledged the most outstanding Mexican men and women for their work in literature, fine art, history and the social sciences, exact sciences and technology.
The Next Big Change: TV
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 You will be able to watch global news from Europe to China from Russia to Africa and from Canada to Ushuaia when the big cable companies furnish wider and wider internet connection spectrum.
New Underwear Protects Privacy
Associated Press
 It’s a special kind of underwear, with a strategically placed fig leaf design, and the designer says it’ll get you through the airport screeners with your dignity intact.
FBI Pressuring Google, Facebook to Allow Back Doors for Wiretapping
Daniel Tencer
 FBI Director Robert Mueller traveled to Silicon Valley this week to convince major Internet players to build "back doors" into their software that will allow law enforcement to wiretap data on their networks, says a news report.
SC10 - World’s Leading Supercomputing Forum, New Orleans November 2010
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 The SC Conference series has always been a rich source for education in the supercomputing community, and this year SC10 offers a unique opportunity for seasoned practitioners and new professionals to sharpen their skills through the tutorials program.
Debt Collectors Using Facebook to Stalk and Humiliate
David Edwards
 It's not just friends that are noticing your status updates on Facebook. Debt collectors are now combing through social networks to learn about the lives of those who owe them money in order to embarrass them into paying up.
Robot Actress Steals the Show
 A remote-controlled android makes its stage debut in Tokyo. Tara Cleary reports.
Reflexions on Surveys
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 Why is it that whenever you read a survey you and the people around you never agree to the results? This question is asked to me as a statistician more often that you can imagine.
Tools to Help Companies Manage Their Social Media
Tanzina Vega
 As companies move to aggressively market themselves through Facebook fan pages, blog posts and Twitter updates, they are waving goodbye to the days when a corporate message could be tightly controlled by just a few managers in a communications office.
Mexico Uses Robot to Explore Ancient Tunnel
Jorge Barrera
 The first robotic exploration of a pre-Hispanic ruin in Mexico has revealed that a 2,000-year-old tunnel under a temple at the famed Teotihuacan ruins has a perfectly carved arch roof and appears stable enough to enter, archaeologists announced this week.
Can Facebook Get You Fired? Playing it Safe in the Social Media World
Stephanie Chen
 Workplace complaints posted on popular sites such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace could get you fired. But one federal agency has taken an unusual step to protect one complaining worker.
U.S. Eavesdropping On Whole World Through “ECHELON” Spy Intercepts
Sherwood Ross
 The United States and four of its good buddies are operating “a network of massive, highly automated interception stations” codenamed ECHELON that is eavesdropping on the entire world, a distinguished Washington journalist reports.
Pentagon's Cyber Command Seeks Authority to Expand its Battlefield
Ellen Nakashima
 The Pentagon's new Cyber Command is seeking authority to carry out computer network attacks around the globe to protect U.S. interests, drawing objections from administration lawyers uncertain about the legality of offensive operations.
SocialMiner: New Software Allows Employers to Spy on Twitter, Facebook, Social Networks
Eric W. Dolan
 New software allows employers to spy on Twitter, Facebook, social networks. Now, it seems, you have nowhere to hide.
“What’s In a Name?” Vertical Social Networks
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 A Vertical Social Network consists of a list of goals, needs, interests that when grouped, builds up the social network itself.
Useful and Playful Robot Gift Ideas for a Merry Christmas Holiday Season
Sherwood Ross
 Why not give a robot this Christmas - Zhu Zhu Hamster just $37, ranging to PR2 for $400,000 (A bit pricey but he'll stand you to a game of pool).
What’s New in the Social Networks?
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 BUMP is a social network that combines a new dimension: your license plate as part of your information or way to get hold of you.
Remote Control Your Car With OnStar's Mobile Apps
 If you don't feel like you're giving off enough of a James Bond vibe—and happen to own a 2011 Cadillac or Chevy — OnStar's new MyLink apps might help. And they're useful! Unlock doors, check gas levels — even start the ignition.
Web System Helps US, Mexico Track Weapons
Maggie Ybarra
 The U.S. and Mexico are using an Internet-based system to help Mexican authorities continue their battle against violence and gun-trafficking by drug cartels.
Pentagon’s Threat-Prediction System Would Scan Emails, Texts
Daniel Tencer
 In an effort to prevent the next Fort Hood-style shooting before it happens, the Pentagon has launched a program to scan massive amounts of communications and detect anomalies in behavior that could predict "insider threats" to the military.
Has WikiLeaks Landed in Cyberattack Crosshairs?
Declan McCullagh
 Forget China or Al Qaeda. In a twist that would have been inconceivable even a few months ago, the WikiLeaks.org Web site is being proposed as the first public target for a U.S. government cyberattack.
Faked in China: Inside the Pirates' Web
Doug Palmer & Melanie Lee
 Counterfeit commerce over the Internet has soared in the past couple of years, turning what had been an irritant to businesses into a serious competitive threat, officials say.
Google Finally Admits that its Street View Cars DID Take Emails and Passwords from Computers
Vanessa Allen
 Google was accused of spying on households yesterday after it admitted secretly copying passwords and private emails from home computers.
WikiLeaks’ 400,000 Iraq War Documents Reveal Torture, Civilian Deaths
Kevin Poulsen & Kim Zetter
 The secret-spilling website WikiLeaks released almost 400,000 U.S. Army reports from the Iraq War on Friday, marking the largest military leak in U.S. history.
The Future of Real Estate: IPad Reinventing Real Estate Sales
Sylvia Gomez
 The days of sending out just a brochure (or e-brochure) to sell a property are long gone, according to Ezine.com. With the advent of smart phone technology Social Media and the popularity of the iPad, real estate agents are being forced to reexamine their marketing strategies.
Accelerator Aims to Open Doors for Mexican Entrepreneurs
Kristi Heim
 When video-game developer Ricardo Villarreal graduated from the DigiPen Institute in Redmond WA in 2003, he returned to his native Mexico and started his own company, Xibalba Studios. Now he's back in the Seattle area with another ambition — to go global.
Facebook... Again
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 The problem now is all that has been written recently in the media about facebook. It is very well summarized in a Mexican saying: "If the river is noisy, it's because it carries stones..."

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