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Technology News 
««« Click HERE for Recent Technology News Mexican Billionaire Donates Laptops
Mark Stevenson
 Carlos Slim, one of the world's richest men, said Thursday he would donate 250,000 low-cost laptop computers to Mexican children by the end of the year and as many as one million in 2008.
North American Travellers Can Now Make Unlimited Calls Home
 Callture introduces a new service, Talk Unlimited, to call from any regular phone worldwide to any phone in North America without any software or hardware and avoid paying outrageous hotel phone costs.
A Click for Zapata
Jo Tuckman
 Since 2005 the Mexican government has put Enciclomedia into more than 145,000 classrooms. Enciclomedia is truly ushering in the 21st century digital blackboard to Mexico — and setting the example for bringing broadband to schools everywhere.
Travelers Face Greater Use of Personal Data
Paul Lewis & Spencer S. Hsu
 The United States and the European Union have agreed to expand a security program that shares personal data about millions of U.S.-bound airline passengers a year, potentially including information about a person's race, ethnicity, religion and health.
Alibaba.com, Shark Fans and the Flap Over Finning
Bruce Einhorn
 Alibaba.com provides small and midsized companies in China the chance to find buyers and sellers overseas. Among the thousands of products displayed on Alibaba's site are numerous types of shark fins, prized by many Chinese as the vital ingredient in shark fin soup.
MySpace Deletes 29,000 Sex Offenders
 Popular Internet social network MySpace said on Tuesday it detected and deleted 29,000 convicted sex offenders on its service, more than four times the figure it had initially reported.
Mexican Navy to Build 5 Anti-Terrorist Radars in Gulf of Mexico
Associated Press
 Mexico's navy said Monday that it plans to build five radars near oil installations in the Gulf of Mexico to safeguard against terrorist attacks. The radars will monitor the sea and air.
US, Canada, Mexico Vow Energy Tech Co-Operation
Allan Dowd
 Canada, the United States and Mexico pledged to co-operate on developing energy technology on Monday in an agreement that could reduce trade barriers to alternative energy development.
MySpace Launches Fully Localized Site in Mexico
Business Wire
 MySpace.com, the leading global lifestyle portal, announced today the official launch of its Mexican community. In celebration of its launch, MySpace will host a Secret Show performance featuring famed Latin alternative rock band Café Tacuba in Mexico City on July 31.
Democrats Answer to the People in YouTube Debate
Ewen MacAskill
 Democratic candidates in the 2008 presidential race last night launched a new, more direct and livelier form of political debate. YouTube joined with CNN to allow a cross-section of Americans to question the challengers in 30-second video clips.
Pizza Patron Debuts Groundbreaking 'Unlimited' Phone Card to Mexico
 Pizza Patron has been named the premier distributor for the initial launch of BlagCard(TM), the world's first truly unlimited calling card to Mexico. The chain will begin retailing the cards in each of its 65 locations beginning Friday, July 27th.
Vallarta Orchid Society Lecture Series - Identifying Local Orchids
T.J. Hartung
 Scheduled to take place at the Botanical Gardens on July 28th, the next talk in the Vallarta Orchid Society's continuing series of lectures will focus on the orchids found in the Puerto Vallarta area, and how to use a computer to identify them.
Rise of the Microgiants
Scott Duke Harris
 Tucked inconspicuously into an older office building in downtown San Mateo is a young, small company that churns out online applications - slide shows, animations, glittery text and more - that anybody can use to jazz up and decorate their online alter egos in blogs or profiles in MySpace or Facebook.
Interactive Google Map Shows Puerto Vallarta Locations
Cayo Dave
 A new interactive map of Puerto Vallarta has been released, which shows the locations of hotels and resorts in the Banderas Bay region.
NewCorrespondent.com - Multi-Media Reporting of Latin American Journey
Robert Andrews
 Deborah Bonello, a writer for outlets including CNN Traveller and The Guardian, and Tom Parker, a photojournalist who has contributed to Time and Portfolio, started NewCorrespondent.com to document efforts to produce mobile overseas journalism using an array of new technology.
High-Tech Border Network Could Fall Prey to Cyberattacks
Bob Brewin
 The Homeland Security Department's planned wireless network of high-tech towers to watch for illegal immigrants crossing the border from Mexico into the United States is vulnerable to cyberattacks that could shut the system down, according to security experts.
Online Gambling Accepted by Mexico?
 It appears from an article in Interactive Gaming News this week that the Mexican government has accepted the legitimacy of online gambling, in stark contrast to the policies of next door neighbor the USA which seeks to cripple the pastime with financial restrictions.
Cannon Suggests Google to Eyeball Border Fences
The Salt Lake Tribune
 Rep. Chris Cannon, R-Uta, says the government needs to prove it can do something about the flood of undocumented people into America. His idea: use Google Earth to make it possible for concerned citizens to see for themselves where the fence has been completed.
Protest Will Silence Some Online Music
Hiawatha Bray
 A swath of the Internet went silent today, as online music broadcasters shut down to protest a plan that will sharply increase the royalties they pay to recording companies and musicians.
The Bounty Hunter Campaign To Drop Charges Started Online
 YouChoose.net has launched a petition that will be sent to Mexican Attorney General Daniel F. Cabeza de Vaca asking him to stop the attempted extradition of Duane ‘Dog’ Chapman and his family to Mexico from the US.
Courthouse Camera Captures 'Ghost'
 Paranormal observers from around the United States weighed in via the Internet after a courthouse camera in New Mexico captured a mysterious image.
Flying Rocket Belts Go on Sale in Mexico
Amy-Mae Elliott
 Mexican company TAM is claiming to be the only company in the world that offers a "turn-key" flying rocket belt package - if you weigh less than 136kg and have a spare $250,000 USD.
Mexican Maps: A New Market for Electronic Routing and Navigation
 "South of the border" there is a significant market - and some routes to find, too. That's where the idea came from, when in October 2006, Mapsolute GmbH, the company behind Map24.com, Germany's number one routing portal, chose their partner for Mexico.
Web Help for Getting a Mortgage the Criminal Way
Julie Creswell
 Want to buy a home, but hampered by bad credit, an empty bank account or no job? No problem! That may sound like an exaggeration of a late-night infomercial. But it is, in effect, the pitch that a number of Web sites are making to consumers.
Gemalto Delivers Mexican Driving License
 Gemalto has completed delivery of Mexico’s first smart card driving license to the city of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon state, Mexico. The company says the contract was for 900,000 driving licenses over a three year period.
The World's First Network of Book On Demand Libraries
 Through the purchase of the InstaBook systems for their public libraries, Mexico is becoming a world leader in the application of this new technology by offering services that no other country is offering to their readers.
Website Links Lenders With Small Businesses
Simona Siad
 The Kiva website contains hundreds of profiles of entrepreneurs from developing nations – their credit history, personal story, pictures and plan for action. In only two years, nearly 70,000 people have used Kiva to lend money to 11,000 entrepreneurs in transactions totalling $7 million.
Naked Bikers Take On Global Car Culture
Der Spiegel
 What with smog and congestion, biking through the world's big cities is hard work. Thousands of cyclists - all completely naked - took to city streets on Saturday to protest world car culture.
Chichen Itza Debuts on Second Life
Erick Laseca
 Ancient! Contemporary! Futuristic! Second Life? Famed archaeological site and finalist towards becoming a new seventh world wonder, Chichen-Itza, will be making its debut in the virtual world, Second Life (SL) on June 10, 2007 at 1:00 pm PTD, featuring a seven hour music showcase.
Snapshots That Do More Than Bore Friends
Michelle Higgins
 Few sentences in the English language are more dreaded than this seemingly innocent offer: “Oh, I must show you the pictures from my vacation.” Who wants to see endless shots of a friend lounging by a pool or in front of a monument? But, of course, those very same shots can be extremely useful when researching your own trip.
Digital Tools Bolster Property Claims Against Cuba
Greg Allen
 Exiles from Castro's Cuba are using new technology to help them find their former homes in the island nation. Some have filed claims against frozen Cuban bank accounts in the United States for their losses, but coffers are running low after a few large payouts.
Mexican Digital Wave
Jo Tuckman
 A classroom in Mexico City: hands shoot in the air. A nod sends one boy bounding to the digital board at the front, where he taps the nipple of a three-dimensional body image. There is a loud "ping" and a hyper-reality picture of the mammary glands is highlighted with such vigour it seems to jump out of the wall.
New Technology, Cameras Roll Along Mexico Border
Associated Press
 When Elizabeth Isaman leaves the El Mirador Ranch on the Mexican border, she can see a tall metal tower packed with cameras, radars and sensors about a quarter-mile away.

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