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Technology News 
««« Click HERE for Recent Technology News Lonely Guy Shocked To Get $83,000 Phone Bill
Claire Sibonney
 Piotr Staniaszek, a 22-year-old oil and gas well tester in rural northwest Alberta, became a figure of international media attention this week when his father went to the press to complain about the size of his son's bill.
Japan's New Age Matchmakers
 Matchmaking was once an integral part of many Japanese marriages, but lovelorn in the Land of the Rising Sun are increasingly trying New Age intervention to help find Mr. or Ms.
Latest Fad a Smart Bet
Jim Mateja
 Fads sometimes require sacrifice. Like inhaling sushi. Or conserving fuel. Thanks to the Swatch watch people, Daimler is selling a car that saves gas without hiding batteries under the back seat. There is no back seat.
Film Tickets in a Banner
 Using the newly-launched Tailgate enabled transactional banners to promote and sell tickets for their up coming blockbuster movie The Kite Runner, Paramount are leading the way by transforming movie ticket purchasing into a quick and easy process.
Bride Plans Wedding Online
Kathleen Hennessey
 My wedding felt like a blind date. Not with my groom, of course — that part looked familiar. But the rest — the village church with the bright orange walls, the better-than-the-pictures flowers, the 1960s-era organ — they were all nearly as new to me as they were to the 50 Americans I had persuaded to come to Scotland for the event.
Online Politics for Rednecks
Kristin M. Hall
 From behind an anchor desk ringed with empty Budweiser cans and Jack Daniel's bottles, the pundits of "Red State Update" dissect election politics from the good ol' boy point of view.
World's Eyes on Fresno Blog
Vanessa Colón
 A Fresno chef has drawn international attention, but not for her pastries. The chef's Web log on food has been getting hits from all over the world since it recast its mission and started raising awareness of - and money for - flood victims in Tabasco, Mexico.
CompUSA to Shut Shop After Holidays
Jyoti Pal
 Bogged down by intense competition, CompUSA, the computer retailer will shut shop soon after the U.S. holidays. The retailer, owned by the Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, has been acquired by the restructuring firm Gordon Brothers Group.
Space Diving Could be the Future for Astronauts and Extreme Dare-Devils
 Does the idea of leaping out of a spaceship with just a specially adapted spacesuit and parachute thrill you? Thanks to a group of space scientists, the day you find yourself awaiting the order to jump 120,000 feet above Earth could be closer than you think.
Peru Signs Up for 260,000 OLPC Laptops
Liam Tung
 One month after the One Laptop Per Child charity went into mass production with its $188 laptop, the Peruvian government has signed a contract to purchase 260,000 units.
Robot Wars!
 Around 25 powerful world-class competitors gathered for the Robo-One ground championships at Tokyo's convention centre. The spectacle strikes a close resemblance to a real boxing or mixed martial arts match as robots trade jabs, dodge punches and eventually knock out opponents with a crushing blow.
Facebook's Beacon More Intrusive Than Previously Thought
Juan Carlos Perez
 A Computer Associates security researcher says that Facebook's controversial Beacon online ad system goes much further than expected in tracking people's Web activities.
VeriFone to Offer Managed Payment Services to Mexico Merchants
Business Wire
 VeriFone Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: PAY) today announced formation of VeriFone Access to provide merchant hosted services for managing electronic payments, beginning in Mexico. VeriFone Access was formed with VeriFone's investment and in partnership with Tienda-kit, an innovative Mexican third-party acquirer and merchant services provider, which now operates as VeriFone Access.
Researchers Examine Einstein's Theories on the Universe
Texas A&M University
 Einstein’s self-proclaimed “biggest blunder” – his postulation of a cosmological constant (a force that opposes gravity and keeps the universe from collapsing) – may not be such a blunder after all.
Butterfly Naming Draws $40K Bid
Associated Press
 A butterfly species discovered in Florida has a new name after a bidder paid $40,800 for the naming rights in an online auction.
Mexican Internet User Base Estimated At 20.8M - Study
Telecom Paper
 Of Mexican homes at end-March 2007, 22.1 percent had one or more computers, up around two-fold vs December 2001, according to a study by Inegi, Mexico's national institute of statistics, geography and IT.
Internet Users Give Up Privacy in Exchange for Trust
Economic & Social Research Council
 With public concern over online fraud, new research, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, has revealed that internet users will reveal more personal information online if they believe they can trust the organisation that requests the information.
Israel Launches Anti-Hijack Pilot ID System
Dan Williams
 Israeli authorities plan to issue a new anti-hijack identification system to incoming aircraft which they say is foolproof, but some experts are not convinced it will plug all the security holes on the horizon.
"Lust, Caution" Prompts Virus, Medical Warnings
 A Chinese anti-virus company has warned against free downloads of Ang Lee's steamy spy thriller, "Lust, Caution", saying several hundred sites offering the service were embedded with viruses. And Chinese doctors have warned moviegoers not to try some of the more ambitious sexual positions featured in the uncut version of the film.
Latin America: New ‘Cyber Paradise’ for Pedophiles and Racists?
Fabiana Frayssinet
 The crackdown in eastern Europe and the United States on websites posting racist content or child pornography could expose Latin America to the risk of becoming a new "cyber paradise" for on-line pedophilia and racism, experts say.
Mexican Video Game Industry Nears $1-Billion Mark
 As tens of thousands of visitors descended upon the Western Hemisphere's largest video game event last month, the Electronic Game Show in Mexico City, the buzz was about more than the latest game titles.
A New Vision of Social Networking
 Bebo unveils its new Open Media platform that allows media companies to broadcast to its 40 million users using bespoke media players, and allow users to store their favourite video and music content within their profile pages, and share it with others on the network.
Security Loophole Found in Windows Operating System
University of Haifa
 A group of researchers headed by Dr. Benny Pinkas from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Haifa succeeded in finding a security vulnerability in Microsoft's "Windows 2000" operating system.
Mexican Space Agency Considered
Leonard David
 There’s discussion regarding creation of a Mexican Space Agency - or AEXA, for short. The Mexican Senate must first deliberate on the matter, before such an organization obtains legal status.
The $8.5 Million High Tech Penthouse
 Eight large flat screen monitors, a vintage game room with a twist, and 6-foot speakers with a girlish figure, highlight the ideal bachelor pad.
Mexico Welcomes Telefonica, Dismissing Slim's Outcry
Adriana Arai
 Mexico welcomes Telefonica SA's entry in local telecommunications to foster competition and lower prices, a government minister said, dismissing claims by Carlos Slim's Telefonos de Mexico SAB that the Spanish company is breaking a law that restricts foreign investment in the industry.
Stuff Stages Show for Gadget Lovers
 As it publishes its 2007 Cool List of the year's hottest gadgets, Stuff Magazine is putting on an event targeted at technology enthusiasts.
Pancho Villa's Guns Up for Auction
Zeke MacCormack
 Guns reportedly brandished by Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa headline this weekend's auction of more than 800 collectibles that range from historic to odd.
Getting Familiar With eBay; How, What To Sell
Jamie Herzlich
 So here's a brainteaser for you: What do a time share in Puerto Vallarta, an American Indian wedding vase and a 5-cent Jefferson Davis postage stamp have in common? Not a heck of a lot, except for the fact that they're all being sold on eBay.
Marriott and Renaissance Caribbean & Mexico Resorts Launch Interactive Online Experience
 Thanks to Marriott and Renaissance Caribbean & Mexico Resorts, vacationers can take advantage of a new interactive experience that combines cutting edge web technology with an easy to use format: Introducing the Virtual Trip Kit.
Researchers To Auction Butterfly Naming Rights Online
Nidhi Sharma
 In attempt to raise money for their research, the University of Florida researchers George Austin and Andrew Warren are offering to sell the naming rights for a newly discovered species online.
A Novel Marketing Approach for Condos 
Tom Kelly
 What's new in Puerto Vallarta condos? Want to see the latest San Diego high-rise? No longer do you have to wait for a national road show to get a feel for new developments around the world.
Online Tools For US Voters Abroad
 The Pew Charitable Trusts and Overseas Vote Foundation (OVF) announced new web-based voter services to help the more than six million Americans living overseas take the steps necessary to vote in upcoming elections.
Mexican Politician Stumbles Over ChampionChip in Berlin Marathon
 Former Mexican presidential candidate Roberto Madrazo was disqualified from the Berlin Marathon after he failed to register on the ChampionChip timing system that registers all runners' results and split times. In an event this size, stopwatch timekeeping is a thing of the past.
Dreams of Collecting Riches Abound for eBay Classmates
Monique Polak
 The 600 students who showed up at the Hilton Bonaventure on a Saturday morning last month for eBay University brought something besides the usual pens and notepaper - they brought their schemes.
Fake-Check Schemes Grow In Sophistication
David Colker
 It was Fred Tracomm's lucky day. Two checks came in the mail to a Chicago office - one for $4,000 and the other for $4,000.50. Both were made out to Fred. But Tracomm wasn't expecting any checks. In fact, he doesn't exist.
No Drudge Grudge in Clinton Camp
Capitol Hill Blue
 Internet gossip monger Matt Drudge may have little use or regard for the truth but he remains a power player in political circles - so much in fact that even the campaign of Hillary Clinton may be using his web site to leak stories and gain an edge on the competition.
Feds to Test Virtual Fence Along Border
Arthur H. Rotstein
 The first section of a high-tech "virtual fence" along the U.S.-Mexico border will be tested this month after defense contractor Boeing Co. reported it solved most of the computer glitches that have delayed the program for months, a federal official said this week.
Canada Leads World In Searching For "Marijuana" On Google
 Google has released a country-by-country breakdown of the most searched for terms on the planet. And you'll never guess what's number one in Canada. While many places, list "sex" as the top keyword, searchers in your home and native land place first on the list for those looking up "marijuana."
AT&T Cuts Wireless Long Distance Rates to Mexico
 Wireless giant, AT&T Inc., revealed earlier this week that it is cutting its rates on calls to Mexico, allowing American cell phone users to call Mexican landlines for as little as $0.05 per minute on the AT&T World Connect Mexico plan.

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