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Technology News 
««« Click HERE for Recent Technology News Now Google Expands Into TV
Daily Mail UK
 Sony is to launch a new range of television sets which used Google’s new web-surfing technology it was announced this week.
Study Shows Video Games Highly Effective Training Tools
David Kelly
 Long derided as mere entertainment, new research now shows that organizations using video games to train employees end up with smarter, more motivated workers who learn more and forget less.
Shocking Map That Shows Rise of 'Botnet' PC Infections Across the World
Daily Mail UK
 More than 2.2 million US PCs were found to be part of botnets, networks of hijacked home computers, in the first six months of 2010, according to a new report from Microsoft.
Researchers Demonstrate Portable, Solar-Powered Water Desalination System
Stephen C. Webster
 About one in eight humans do not have access to clean drinking water, according to the World Health Organization. That's approximately 884 million people. The repercussion of this reality are a daily reality in developing nations.
Study: It's Hard to Bring Down the Electric Grid
Joshua E. Brown
 Last March, the U.S. Congress heard testimony about a scientific study in the journal Safety Science. A military analyst worried that the paper presented a model of how an attack on a small, unimportant part of the U.S. power grid might, like dominoes, bring the whole grid down.
Vallarta Comes to Life: Puerto Vallarta CVB Launches New Website
 The Puerto Vallarta CVB is betting on the Internet for 2011. Yesterday, the city's Convention and Visitors Bureau launched its newly redesigned website, rich with tourist information, descriptive articles, photographs and videos that bring Vallarta to life.
New Web Code Draws Concern Over Privacy Risks
Tanzina Vega
 Worries over Internet privacy have spurred lawsuits, conspiracy theories and consumer anxiety as marketers and others invent new ways to track computer users on the Internet. But the alarmists have not seen anything yet.
New Class of Malware Will Steal Behavioral Patterns
Technology Review
 Computer scientists predict that a new generation of malware will mine social networks for people's private patterns of behavior.
The Implications Of Blogging
 The difference between blogs of the future and many of the most familiar ones today will be like the difference between lightning and the lightning bug.
Election Technology Provider VOTEC Corporation Now Serves 50% of Texas’ Registered Voters
Business Wires
 VoteSafe integrates with magnetic card readers and bar code scanners allowing fast and accurate lookup and voter verification. The system is fully encrypted behind the scenes for added security and is able to process voters utilizing any voting system.
What’s New In Facebook? The Film
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 The big concern here is that recently facebook has indicated more “privacy” for facebook users which is far from being “more private”.
Microsoft's PC Quarantine Plan
Jim Rapoza
 A plan by Microsoft Security Chief Scott Charney would place infected or unsecured PCs in an Internet isolation ward. And block users from Internet access.
Researchers Using Rat-Robot Hybrid to Design Better Brain Machine Interfaces
Tim Hornyak
 A strange creature, half robot, half rat, has been seen scuttling across a laboratory in Japan. It's RatCar, a rat-vehicle experiment that scientists hope could lead to improved mobility for people with disabilities.
Internet Explorer’s Market Share Under 50%
 Despite Windows 7 and the millions of dollars invested by Microsoft to convince Internet users that their browser is the fastest, Bill Gates company’s browser for the first time since 1998 fell under 50% of the global market share.
DC Internet Vote Scheme Hacker
Brad Friedman
 Within 36 hours of the system going live, our team had found and exploited a vulnerability that gave us almost total control of the server software, including the ability to change votes and reveal voters’ secret ballots.
Mexican Drug War Crimes Go Live On the Internet
Henry Orrego
 In the midst of the brutal drug trafficking war encroaching on their lives, thousands of Mexicans every morning check social network websites to see if they will encounter any unpleasant surprises on the way to work or school. But they are not the only ones.
Mexico to Launch 3 New Satellites
María del Carmen Martínez
 President Felipe Calderón announced that Mexico will launch three new satellites, not just for security reasons, but to bolster the country’s telecommunications industry and L-band international frequency.
Ad Group Unveils Plan to Improve Web Privacy
Tanzina Vega
 As the debate around online privacy and advertiser access to users’ data continues, a group of the advertising industry’s largest trade organizations was to announce on Monday the details of a self-regulatory program that would allow users to opt out of being tracked by its member organizations.
Global Anti-Counterfeiting Agreement Still Weeks Away
Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck
 Negotiators come closer than expected in adopting and anti-counterfeit accord, but key differences between the U.S. and the EU remain.
US Congress Abandons Net Neutrality Bill
Nadia Prupis
 House Energy and Commerce Committee Chairman Henry Waxman (D-California) has given up for the year on an effort to create bipartisan legislation that would prevent broadband providers from interfering with traffic over their networks.
'Feds Radiating Americans'? Mobile X-Ray Vans Hit US Streets
Patrik Jonsson
 For many living in a terror-spooked country, it might seem like a great government innovation: Use vans equipped with mobile X-ray units to scan vehicles at major sporting events, or even randomly, for bombs or contraband.
Report: Israeli Scientists Discover Way to Counterfeit DNA
Haaretz Service
 Israeli scientists have shown it is possible to fabricate DNA evidence, according to an article published in the New York Times this week. The findings could possibly call into question the credibility of DNA as evidence in criminal cases.
Iris Scanning Set To Secure City in Mexico, Then the World
Aaron Saenz
 The million-plus citizens of Leon, Mexico are set to become the first example of a city secured through the power of biometric identification.
Darpa Moves a Step Closer to Its Flying Humvee
Spencer Ackerman
 In the spring, the futurists at Darpa rethought troop transport. Instead of adding armor or changing the shape to deflect bomb blasts, the agency reasoned, why not let it leap into the sky at the first sign of danger or inconvenience?
To Better Track Criminals, U.S. Wants to Be Able to Wiretap Online Communications
Charlie Savage
 Federal law enforcement and national security officials are preparing to seek sweeping new regulations of the Internet, arguing that their ability to wiretap criminal and terrorism suspects is "going dark" as people increasingly communicate online instead of by telephone.
Some Problems With the Electronic Vote
Guillermo Ramón Adames y Suari
 If we're going to spend money on voting technology, it makes sense to spend it on technology that makes the problem easier instead of harder.
UN to Appoint Space Ambassador to Greet Alien Visitors
Heidi Blake
 A space ambassador could be appointed by the United Nations to act as the first point of contact for aliens trying to communicate with Earth.
Video Gaming Prepares Brain for Bigger Tasks
Laura Farbi
 Playing video games for hours on end may prepare your child to become a laparoscopic surgeon one day, a new study has shown.
US Lawmakers Seek Power to ‘Shut Down’ Websites in Other Countries
Agence France-Presse
 US lawmakers seek power to shut down Web sites in other countriesA bill introduced in the US Senate on Monday would give US law enforcement authorities more tools to crack down on websites engaged in piracy of movies, television shows and music.
Global 'Internet Treaty' Proposed
Claudine Beaumont
 The EU wants to set out principles to govern the internet. Deal would enshrine in law the founding principles of open standards and net neutrality, and protect the web from political interference.
A Little Money, Big Ideas: Crowd-Funding Helps Jumpstart Grassroots Projects, Films
Barbara Ortutay
 Their projects cost anywhere from a few hundred to tens of thousands of dollars. And to help pay for them, their creators are turning not to deep-pocketed investors but to friends and strangers online.
The Very Last In Technology...
Guillermo R. Adames y Suari
 My recent article described the interlink that is done behind our backs, without our open consent, between our social personal networks’ accounts and contents and our personal email accounts’ contents, to amass all information possible about a single person: you. Now the new info consists of physical scanning.
US States Working Harder to Collect Online Sales Taxes
Alex Johnson
 It’s too early to know exactly how much the Nebraska chapter of the March of Dimes raised this week at its annual Signature Chefs Auction in Omaha, but odds are that more than 10 percent of the charity’s proceeds are going straight to the tax man.
Mijo! Brands Launches Qlick.com.mx - An Innovative B2B Portal
Daniel Gomez
 The fast approaching federal government legislation that all companies operating in Mexico must issue electronic or digital facturas by the end of the year has helped Qlick.com.mx, the new Mexican business to business portal recently launched by Vallarta based Mijo! Brands, gain new momentum.

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