News Around the Americas 
World Marks International Women’s Day
Associated Press
 Now in its second and final week, the gathering has drawn delegates from 130 countries and 6,000 representatives from women’s and human rights organizations. more »»»
Blake Found Not Guilty In Wife's Killing
 Four years of a real-life crime story ended Wednesday for actor Robert Blake, the star of "In Cold Blood" and "Baretta," when a California jury acquitted him of murder in the 2001 slaying of his wife. more »»»
Israel Handover of West Bank Town of Jericho Begins
The Associated Press
 Israeli troops pulled away from this West Bank town on Wednesday, lowering their national flag and dismantling a roadblock, but the formal handover to Palestinian security was shrouded in confusion until the last minute. more »»»
White House to Agencies: Ignore GAO's Ruling on 'Illegal' TV News Releases
Ken Herman
 The White House, intent on continuing to crank out "video news releases" that look like television news stories, has told government agency heads to ignore a Government Accountability Office memo criticizing the practice as illegal propaganda. more »»»
US and Pakistan Admit bin Laden Trail Is Cold
MSNBC News Services
 Pakistani and American officials said Tuesday the hunt for top al-Qaida and Taliban leaders would continue, but acknowledged the trail was cold. more »»»
US Congress Mulls Cutting Food Aid to Poor
Libby Quaid
 Cuts in food programs for the poor are getting support in Congress as an alternative to President Bush's idea of slicing billions of dollars from the payments that go to large farm operations. more »»»
Vanunu 'Wanted to Avert Holocaust'
BBC News
 Former technician, Mordechai Vanunu, jailed for 18 years for leaking Israel's nuclear secrets has said he was trying to prevent a nuclear holocaust. "I felt it was not about betraying; it was about reporting. It was about saving Israel from a new holocaust." more »»»
Vietnam Fury at Agent Orange Case
BBC News
 Vietnamese plaintiffs have condemned a US court's decision to dismiss their legal action against manufacturers of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. more »»»
Canada 'Nowhere Near' Internet Pharmacy Clampdown
 Canada said on Friday it was "nowhere near" deciding how to clamp down on Internet pharmacies that send cheap medicine to the United States, often without Canadian doctors having seen the patients. more »»»
Internet Impact Grew Sixfold Since ’96 Races
Associated Press
 Reliance on the Internet for political news during last year’s presidential campaign grew sixfold from 1996, while the influence of newspapers dropped sharply, according to a study issued Sunday. more »»»
Report Examines Afghan Drug Production
George Gedda
 More than three years after a pro-U.S. government was installed, Afghanistan has been unable to contain opium poppy production and is "on the verge of becoming a narcotics state." more »»»
Fossett Sets Solo Flight Record
 US adventurer Steve Fossett has achieved the first solo non-stop flight around the globe. He completed his mission despite a fuel shortage, landing the Virgin GlobalFlyer at 1948 GMT in Salina, Kansas, where he took off on Tuesday. more »»»
Amnesty International Founder Benenson Dies
 Peter Benenson, the British lawyer whose outrage at the jailing of two Portuguese students in 1960 spawned the Nobel Prize-winning human rights group Amnesty International, has died at the age of 83. more »»»
Vietnam Looks to Win Agent Orange Law Suit
Ho Binh Minh
 A New York court will begin hearing a lawsuit brought by more than 100 Vietnamese seeking compensation and a clean-up of contaminated areas from more than 30 firms, among them Dow Chemical Co and Monsanto Co, the largest makers of Agent Orange. more »»»
US Supreme Court Refuses to Reconsider Abortion Rights Decision
Feminist Daily News
 The US Supreme Court recently declined to hear an appeal from Norma McCorvey, also known as Jane Roe, to overturn the landmark case she won in 1973 that legalized abortion. more »»»
Bush Says Talk of Attacking Iran Ridiculous
 President Bush said on Tuesday the idea that he was preparing to bomb Iran was "ridiculous" but he failed to satisfy European calls to offer Tehran incentives to curtail its nuclear program. more »»»
U.S. Calls Chavez's Charges Ridiculous
Agence France-Presse
 The United States State Department slammed as "ridiculous and untrue" Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's allegations that Washington is hatching a plot to have him killed. more »»»
Chavez Says Us Plans To Kill Him
 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has said he believes the US government is planning to assassinate him. "If they kill me, the name of the person responsible is [President] George Bush," Mr Chavez said. more »»»
First Arrest Made in Nun's Slaying in Amazon
Associated Press
 The man accused of hiring two gunmen to kill 73-year-old Sister Dorothy Stang, an American nun in the Amazon rain forest, was charged Sunday with conspiracy to murder, authorities said. more »»»
New Course by Royal Navy: A Campaign to Recruit Gays
Sarah Lyall
 Five years after Britain lifted its ban on gays in the military, the Royal Navy has begun actively encouraging them to enlist and has pledged to make life easier when they do. more »»»
Secret Tapes: Bush Weighed Religion, Behavior
David D. Kirkpatrick
 As George W. Bush was first moving onto the national political stage, he often turned for advice to an old friend who secretly taped some of their private conversations, creating a rare record of the future president as a politician and a personality. more »»»
Public Health Agency of Canada Seeks Genetic Info from U.S. on New Resistant Hiv Strain
Helen Branswell
 The Public Health Agency of Canada has asked its U.S. counterpart for the genetic blueprint of a new and potentially frightening strain of HIV which has emerged in New York City. more »»»
U.S. Seems Sure of the Hand of Syria, Hinting at Penalties
Steven R. Weisman
 The Bush administration, condemning the assassination of the former prime minister, Rafik Hariri, in Lebanon, suggested Monday that Syria was to blame and moved to get a new condemnation of Syria's domination of Lebanon at the United Nations Security Council. more »»»
United States Withdraws Ambassador From Syria
Associated Press
 The United States has recalled its ambassador to Syria amid rising tensions over the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri of Lebanon. more »»»
Bush Chides Democrats Over Judges
 US President George W Bush has made a fresh push on behalf of his contested judicial nominees, blocked by Democrats during his first term. more »»»
By the Numbers
US Census Bureau
 What is America? Who are its people and what do they do? Find out here in a comprehensive look at America's economic, sociological and racial breakdown. more »»»
It's (Northern) Whale Watching Season Again
Langley Times
 March is fast approaching and so are about 25,000 gray whales en route from Mexico along North America's west coast. more »»»
Bush Immigration Plan A Tough Sell
Associated Press
 An estimated 10 million immigrants live in the United States illegally; the vast majority are from Mexico, with an additional million arriving every year. more »»»
Iran Guards Say Rushdie Still Faces Execution
AFP News
 Iran's hardline Revolutionary Guards said Salman Rushdie still faced eventual execution, 16 years after revolutionary leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini imposed a death sentence on the British novelist. more »»»
U.N. Human Rights Experts: 'U.S. Treatment of Detainees Inhuman and Degrading'
t r u t h o u t
 In January 2005 the detention centre in Guantanamo Bay entered into its fourth year of existence, and many of the inmates are completing their third year of virtually incommunicado detention. more »»»
Smoking Curbs: The Global Picture
 As Cuba becomes the latest country to bring in tough anti-smoking laws, we look at what some other countries are doing to curb the habit. more »»»
9/11 Report Cites Many Warnings about Hijackings
Eric Lichtblau
 In the months before the Sept. 11 attacks, federal aviation officials reviewed dozens of intelligence reports that warned about Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, some of which specifically discussed airline hijackings and suicide operations. more »»»
Iran-Contra Figure to Lead US Democracy Efforts Abroad
The Washington Post
 Elliott Abrams, who pleaded guilty in 1991 to withholding information from a US Congress in the Iran-contra affair, was promoted to deputy national security adviser to US President Bush. more »»»
Bush Sets Ambitious Domestic and Foreign Policy Agenda for Second Term
Scott Stearns - Voice Of America
 US President Bush outlined his second term priorities in the annual State of the Union address Wednesday, saying he will continue to pursue democracy in the Middle East and will push for changes to the federal pension program in the United States. more »»»
Coalition Nations Look Ahead to Exit
Stephen J. Hedges - The Chicago Tribune
 Now that Iraq's election has passed, several of the 28 nations in the American-led military coalition intend to withdraw their troops, citing the costs - in lives and money - of operating for two years in Iraq. more »»»
A Texas Paper Bets on Español, Not Assimilation
Simon Romero - NYTimes
 The headquarters of Rumbo, a new chain of Spanish-language newspapers, are in an old office building here, a short stroll away from the Alamo, where Mexican troops in 1836 sought to quell the secessionist ambitions of English-speaking colonists in Texas. more »»»
Iraqis Hand Bush His First Foreign Policy Victory of New Term
Aileen McCabe - CanWest News Service
 It was historic, it was bloody and - amazingly - the Iraqi election Sunday was more successful than anyone dared hope, as defiant Iraqis came out in unexpected numbers to vote for their first democratic assembly in half a century. more »»»
False Tips Cost Antiterror Officials Time and Credibility
Shelley Murphy - The Boston Globe
 The tips were frightening and specific: Six people smuggled in from Mexico were seeking nuclear material for an attack on Boston; a Canadian Al Qaeda cell planned to bomb a Los Angeles shopping mall; a terrorist sought to blow up a New Jersey bridge. more »»»
World Leaders Mark Auschwitz Liberation
Vanessa Gera - Associated Press
 As candles flickered in the snowy, winter gloom, world leaders and Auschwitz survivors Thursday remembered victims of the Holocaust on the 60th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi death camp. more »»»
Canada, US and Mexico Planning Summit
 Prime Minister Paul Martin says he wants to negotiate changes to NAFTA, and that US President George W. Bush has agreed to a Canada-US-Mexico summit on the matter. more »»»
World Media: Bush Inaugural a Jolt
Jim Bencivenga - The Christian Science Monitor
 Presidential inauguration speeches, especially in time of war, spark intense personal and political passions. The press is not immune to this tendency. But the press has an outlet in editorials, commentaries, and individual columns. more »»»
Global Poll: Much Of World Thinks Bush Is Dangerous
 More than half of people surveyed in a BBC World Service poll say the re-election of U.S. President George W. Bush has made the world more dangerous. Only three countries - India, Poland and the Philippines - out of 21 polled believed the world was now safer. more »»»
Tribes Gather to Talk Indigenous Rights
Leslie Hoffman - The Associated Press
 Carlos Chex knows well the struggle of indigenous tribes to control their land, resources and destiny - this is a battle he and his fellow Mayans in Guatemala have fought for years. more »»»
Hey, Remember Us, Right Next Door?
New York Times
 What will it take to get the United States to pay attention to Latin America? A resurgence of anti-American guerrillas? more »»»
9.0 On Ungrateful Scale - Ingrates!
New York Daily News
 The Indonesian government yesterday showed its appreciation to U.S. soldiers who have been risking their lives helping tsunami victims by ordering them to get out of the country by the end of March. more »»»
Living LARGE in the USA
 Houston tops a U.S. magazine's annual "fattest" cities list for the fourth time in five years, with four other Texas cities waddling into the top 25, while Seattle tops the list as the "fittest." more »»»
Trapped Dolphins Symbol of Hope
Associated Press
 Singing, clapping and banging their boats with paddles, rescue workers tried unsuccessfully Tuesday to herd a humpback dolphin and her calf into nets so they could be rescued from a small lagoon where the Asian tsunamis dumped them nine days earlier. more »»» Annan Picks New Chief of Staff at U.N.
 U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan has chosen the head of the U.N. Development Program as his new chief of staff, who will be looked at to help push through reforms as the global body faces corruption allegations and strained relations with Washington. more »»»
Bush Immigration Plan Meets GOP Opposition
Washington Post
 President Bush's plan to liberalize the nation's immigration laws to allow millions of undocumented workers the opportunity for legal status appears to be on a collision course with newly aroused sentiment among House Republicans pushing for a crackdown. more »»»
Survivors Organize Relief as Death Toll Rises
 Residents ran relief efforts themselves, going round with megaphones, asking people to donate pots and pans, buckets of fresh water and sarongs, while people worldwide opened their hearts and wallets to give millions of dollars to help relief efforts, jamming phone lines and websites, outpacing governments in their generosity. more »»»
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