News Around the Americas 
Hidden Depths to US Monitoring
Josh Meyer
 As Americans consider whether they are more safe or less five years after the Sept. 11 attacks, one thing is certain: They are being monitored by their own government in ways unforeseen before terrorists flew planes into the World Trade Center and Pentagon. more »»»
US Senate Republicans Block Attempt to Curb Wiretapping
Laurie Kellman
 Senate Republicans blocked Democratic attempts to rein in President Bush's domestic wiretapping program Wednesday amid a sustained White House campaign to give the administration broad authority to monitor, interrogate and prosecute terrorism suspects. more »»»
US Official Touts Nonlethal Weapons for Use
Lolita C. Baldor
 Nonlethal weapons such as high-power microwave devices should be used on American citizens in crowd- control situations before they are used on the battlefield, the Air Force secretary said Tuesday. more »»»
American Airlines Latest to Hit ABC's 9/11 Film: Legal Action to Follow?
Editor & Publisher
 The controversial ABC film "The Path to 9/11," which concluded its two-day run on Monday night, has been hit for alleged political bias, and fictional or compressed events, but a major corporation has now denounced its treatment in the movie, as well. more »»»
Global Media Abhors US Response to 9/11
Agence France Presse
 Newspapers across the world have strongly criticised the US response to September 11, accusing the Bush administration of bungling its "war on terror" and squandering global goodwill by invading Iraq. more »»»
Mexican Pride: East L.A. Parade Marks Country's Battle Against Spain
Susan Abram
 To hearty shouts of Viva Mexico!, Mexican Independence Day festivities kicked off Sunday with a parade in East Los Angeles, where thousands gathered in one of the largest celebrations of its kind in the US. more »»»
Immigration Rally In Los Angeles of Hispanic Leaders is Dismal Failure
Peter Prengaman
 Only 200 people turned out this weekend for a rally demanding amnesty for 11 million illegal immigrants, the latest sign of pro-immigrant groups' struggle to regain momentum after hundreds of thousands marched for the cause in the spring. more »»»
9/11 Changed Border
Lynn Brezosky
 Five years later, the outcome of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks is visible here on the international bridges. And it's felt in the way many in the almost binational region at the tip of South Texas have seen the back-and-forth part of their culture threatened. more »»»
Cheney Says Did "Helluva Job" Since September 11
Steve Holland & Thomas Ferraro
 The government has done "a helluva job" guarding America, Vice President Dick Cheney said on Sunday, as President George W. Bush prepared to visit Ground Zero amid an election-year debate on whether the country is safer five years after the September 11 attacks. more »»»
Rice Stands by Claims of Al-Qaeda-Saddam Links
 US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, giving a series of interviews ahead of the fifth anniversary of the September 11 Al-Qaeda attacks on the United States, brushed aside a recently released US intelligence report saying there was no evidence Saddam's regime was helping Al-Qaeda obtain such arms. more »»»
Bush's Approval Ratings Slumping Further in Europe
Chris Cillizza & Zachary A. Goldfarb
 President Bush's approval ratings in the United States are nothing to cheer about, but he can count himself lucky that the midterm elections will not be held in Europe. A comprehensive survey of public opinion in a dozen European nations and the United States found that things have gone from bad to worse. more »»»
9/11 Conspiracy Theorists Gather in N.Y.
Ellen Barry
 The scattered movement has mainly gained steam on the Internet, but for the anniversary of the attacks, activists make their voices heard. more »»»
Survey Finds No Surge of Hispanic Voters
Michael R. Blood & Peter Prengaman
 Immigration protests that drew hundreds of thousands of flag-waving demonstrators to the nation's streets last spring promised a potent political legacy — a surge of new Hispanic voters. "Today We March, Tomorrow We Vote," they proclaimed. more »»»
GOP Senators' Bid to Confirm Bolton Is Called Off
Jonathan Weisman
 Republican efforts to formally confirm John R. Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations hit an unexpected snag yesterday when a Republican senator in a tough reelection bid said he could not support the diplomat until the Bush administration answers his questions on Middle East policy. more »»»
Senate Intel Committee Bloodies Bush's Nose
Larry C. Johnson
 WOW! WOW! and Wow! Message to Karl Rove and Dick Cheney - read it and weep baby. Cheney's newly appointed biographer, Stephen Hayes, is blown out of the water. Bottomline, Saddam rebuffed cooperation with Bin Laden, tried to capture Zarqawi, and did NOT repeat NOT train foreign terrorists at Salman Pak. more »»»
US Paid Miami Journalists to Publish Anti-Castro News
 At least 10 Florida journalists received regular payments from a U.S. government program aimed at undermining the Cuban government of Fidel Castro, The Miami Herald reported on Friday. more »»»
European Watchdog Calls for Clampdown on CIA
Nicholas Watt & Suzanne Goldenberg
 The head of Europe's human rights watchdog yesterday called for monitoring of CIA agents operating in Britain and other European countries, after President George Bush's admission that the US had detained terrorist suspects in secret prisons. more »»»
Friedman Wants 10,000 Troops at Border
Michael Graczyk
 Kinky Friedman, the proudly politically incorrect entertainer running for governor, said he wouldn't put just 1,500 National Guard troops on the Texas-Mexico border, he'd send 10,000. more »»»
Blair Says He'll Resign Within a Year
Beth Gardiner
 Prime Minister Tony Blair reluctantly promised Thursday to resign within a year, hoping that revealing a general time frame for his departure will appease critics who are calling for him to step down. more »»»
Anti-War Message Travels From Texas to Washington
Petula Dvorak
 The antiwar activists who picketed near the president's ranch this summer traded dusty Texas for soggy Washington yesterday, when they set up camp near the White House to continue their vigil. more »»»
Six Indicted in $16 Million Counterfeit Shoe Scheme
Alexis Huicochea
 More than $16 million worth of counterfeit Nike athletic shoes were seized in Arizona in what authorities are calling one of the largest counterfeit merchandising smuggling schemes in U.S. history. more »»»
US Congratulates Mexico's Calderon On Win
 The United States congratulated conservative Felipe Calderon on being formally declared president-elect of Mexico and said it looked forward to "broad, deep and productive" relations. more »»»
Afghanistan's Opium Production Jumps by Nearly 50 Percent: UN
Agence France-Presse
 Afghanistan's opium production will increase by nearly 50 percent this year to a record 6,100 tonnes after an "alarming" jump in cultivation in the lawless south. The area of land planted with opium rose 59 percent this year as compared to last year. more »»»
More US Immigration Marches to Come
Nicole Gaouette
 Immigrants and their supporters will take to the streets to start a weeklong encore of the rallies that brought millions out last spring. But as they prepare marches in Chicago, Washington, Phoenix and Los Angeles, immigration advocates are facing a less friendly political climate in the nation's capital. more »»»
Death Penalty Sought for US Soldiers Accused of Iraqi Murders
Alicia A. Caldwell
 An Army investigator has recommended that four soldiers accused of murder in a raid in Iraq should face the death penalty, according to a report obtained Saturday by The Associated Press. more »»»
Polls Show US Opposition to Iraq War at All-Time High
Tom Regan
 A series of polls taken over the last few weeks of August show that support for the war in Iraq among Americans is at an all-time low. Almost two-thirds of Americans in each of three major polls say that they oppose the war, the highest totals since pollsters starting asking Americans the question three years ago. more »»»
Guatemala Suspends Rights Over Drugs
Associated Press
 The Guatemalan government announced Tuesday that it had suspended some constitutional rights in five cities along Mexico's border as it cracks down on drug growers and traffickers in the remote region. more »»»
Authorities Investigate Shooting of Mexican Man at Border
Associated Press
 Federal authorities are investigating the fatal shooting of a Mexican man who allegedly threw rocks at United States Border Patrol agents from the Mexican side of the border. more »»»
Gulf Coast Mourns One Year After Katrina
Rukmini Callimachi
 The tiny town of Buras was swept into the Gulf of Mexico by Katrina, and hours later, New Orleans' crucial levees were breached, unleashing one of the worst natural disasters in U.S. history, killing over 1,800 people, most in Louisiana. One year later, the Gulf Coast commemorated the storm that brought the region to its breaking point. more »»»
Venezuela White Collars Back Chavez
Prensa Latina
 A one hundred vehicle caravan toured the eastern zone of Caracas, mainly settled by the middle and upper class, to support Venezuela s President Hugo Chavez re- election on December 3. more »»»
Hispanic Exodus from Calif. Reshapes Makeup of Phoenix and Other Cities
Anushka Asthana
 An influx of Hispanics has reshaped many urban areas' demographics across the US; demographers say white people soon will be a minority in 35 of the country's 50 largest cities. more »»»
Hundreds March on the Streets of East LA
Jose X
 La Coordinadora Estudiantil de la Raza marched forcefully and loudly during the 36th Annual Chicano Moratorium. Mexican flags wove high and proud as the CER led the largest contingent of students at the March. more »»»
Mexican Mom Defies Deportation in Bold US Immigration Standoff
Louise Daly
 On the face of it, Elvira Arellano seems an unlikely fugitive from justice. But the illegal immigrant is in standoff mode, deftly using the media and sensitive issues such as faith, parenting and culture to try to win the right to stay in the United States. more »»»
GOP Candidate Says 9/11 Attacks Were a Hoax
Albert McKeon
 In an editorial board interview with New Hampshire Republican candidate, Mary Maxwell, said the U.S. government had a role in killing nearly 3,000 people at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, so it could make Americans hate Arabs and allow the military to bomb Muslim nations such as Iraq. more »»»
Border Agents Make Zero-Tolerance Zone
Alicia A. Caldwell
 A 210-mile stretch of the Texas-Mexico border has been set up as zero-tolerance zone for illegal immigration. Instead of merely getting sent back home, immigrants here are arrested, prosecuted, and sometimes sentenced to prison before they are kicked out of the country. more »»»
Bush and Saddam Should Both Stand Trial, Says Nuremberg Prosecutor
Aaron Glantz
 A chief prosecutor of Nazi war crimes at Nuremberg has said George W. Bush should be tried for war crimes along with Saddam Hussein. Benjamin Ferenccz told OneWorld both Bush and Saddam should be tried for starting "aggressive" wars - Saddam for his 1990 attack on Kuwait and Bush for his 2003 invasion of Iraq. more »»»
Suspect in Mexican Killings Underscores Revolving Door at U.S.-Mexico Border
Jay Root
 For years young women have been raped, mutilated, killed and dumped into shallow graves in Ciudad Juarez, the gritty Mexican city across the border from El Paso, Texas. For just as long, the perpetrators have gone unpunished, sparking international outrage at an inept Mexican justice system. more »»»
Border Governors Discuss Immigration
Liz Austin Peterson
 U.S. and Mexican border-state governors on Thursday began a two-day conference seeking to find common ground on issues of immigration and border security. The governors were expected to discuss a proposed joint declaration that would establish a cross-border law enforcement task force that would target human traffickers, drug smugglers and other criminals. more »»»
U.S. Warns Travelers About Oaxaca City
Associated Press
 U.S. citizens were warned Thursday that increasing political violence in Oaxaca City, Mexico, might make the mountain resort too risky to visit. more »»»
In US, Christian Coalition Losing Chapters
David Crary
 Three disgruntled state affiliates have severed ties with the Christian Coalition of America, one of the nation's most powerful conservative groups during the 1990s but now buffeted by complaints over finances, leadership and its plans to veer into nontraditional policy areas. more »»»
SWAT Teams May Step Up Role on US-Mexico Border
Tim Gaynor
 Elite U.S. Border Patrol units armed with assault rifles and stun grenades may be set to play a more prominent role as authorities gain greater control over the porous border with Mexico, border police say. more »»»
US May Seek Death Penalty for Accused Drug Lord
Associated Press
 A US federal government may seek the death penalty for the accused kingpin of one of Mexico’s oldest and most notorious drug cartels. Francisco Javier Arellano Felix, 36, did not seek bail during his second court appearance in five days. more »»»
Poll: US Opposition to Iraq War at All-Time High
 Opposition among Americans to the war in Iraq has reached a new high, with only about a third of respondents saying they favor it, according to a poll released Monday. more »»»
Mexico Migrants Use Cycles to Cross Arizona Desert
 Illegal immigrants and drug traffickers are using dilapidated bicycles to make a swift, night-time dash over the desert to Arizona from Mexico, United States border police say. more »»»
Argentina’s Dictatorship Stands Trial
Larry Rohter
 The horrific events under a military dictatorship had gone unpunished for nearly 30 years. But last year Argentina’s Supreme Court overturned a pair of amnesty laws, and now the trials of military and police officials accused of human rights violations are finally under way. more »»»
Pundits Renounce Bush
Peter Baker
 For 10 minutes, the talk show host grilled his guests about whether "George Bush's mental weakness is damaging America's credibility at home and abroad." For 10 minutes, the caption across the bottom of the television screen read, "IS BUSH AN 'IDIOT'?" more »»»
Raul Castro Says Cuba Open to U.S. Ties
Associated Press
 Acting President Raul Castro said Cuba remains open to normalized relations with the United States, but warned the Bush administration in his first comments since assuming power that it will get nowhere with threats or pressure. more »»»
Blair "Feels Betrayed by Bush on Lebanon"
Simon Walters
 The alliance between George Bush and Tony Blair is in danger after it was revealed that the Prime Minister believes the President has 'let him down badly' over the Middle East crisis. more »»»
Colombia's Coca Survives US Plan to Uproot It
Juan Forero
 The latest chapter in America's long war on drugs - a six-year, $4.7 billion effort to slash Colombia's coca crop - has left the price, quality and availability of cocaine on American streets virtually unchanged. more »»»
New International Language Gains Popularity
Mtra. Martha Cárdenas
 Experts from all over the world agree that many of today's problems between both countries and people is a lack of communication. But there are those who are trying to remedy this situation with a simple language that is easy to learn, logical, phonetic and a neutral instrument of international communication for all - Esperanto. more »»»
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