News Around the Americas 
««« Click HERE for Recent World News Feds to Bypass Laws to Build Border Fence
Eileen Sullivan
 The Bush administration plans to use its authority to bypass more than 30 laws and regulations in an effort to finish building 670 miles of fence along the southwest U.S. border by the end of this year, federal officials said Tuesday.
Condemned Mexican Inmates Denied Appeals
Michael Graczyk
 Seven Mexican-born inmates on Texas' death row lost their bid Monday to state their case before the U.S. Supreme Court, following the court's ruling last week that another Mexican-born inmate's case couldn't be reopened despite an order from President Bush.
Arizona Approves Ban on Mexican Sport of Horse Tripping
Cronkite News Service
 For centuries, the sport of horse tripping has been a part of traditional "charreadas," Mexican-style rodeos, but the practice may soon be a thing of the past in Arizona. On Monday, the House approved and sent to the Senate a bill that would ban horse tripping as entertainment.
Latin America's Fiesta Revs Up
Ruben Ramirez
 Latin America is enjoying the benefits of a boom in commodities - pushing the price of everything from steel to oil to record levels.
Women Upset Over Clinton's Treatment
Beth Fouhy
 Amid mounting calls from top Democrats for Clinton to step aside and clear the path for rival Barack Obama, strategists are warning of damage to the party's chances in November if women sense a mostly male party establishment is unfairly muscling Clinton out of the race.
Democratic Mess Helps McCain
Liz Sidoti
 John McCain's standing in the presidential race grows stronger each day as he benefits from the increasingly personal and extraordinarily protracted Democratic nomination fight between Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama.
Canadians Rally for Martin's Release
Elisabeth Johns
 Standing on Parliament Hill, Marjorie Bletcher held up a cellphone so that a small group of protesters rallying for her daughter, Brenda Martin, could hear her words. "I miss you, Mommy," Martin said from her Mexican jail cell. "I need to see you."
Obama: Clinton Should Not Quit
Devlin Barrett & Beth Fouhy
 Barack Obama refused Saturday to go along with other Democrats who are calling for Hillary Rodham Clinton to step away from the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Libs to File Complaint Over Brenda Martin Leak
Charles Rusnell
 The Liberals say they will file a complaint with Canada's privacy commissioner over a leaked internal government report that a Canadian woman jailed in Mexico believes was meant to smear her reputation.
Guatemala Says Mexico Drug Lord Not in Shootout Dead
Mica Rosenberg
 Mexico's most wanted man is not among 11 victims of a drug gang shootout this week in Guatemala as had been suspected, a presidential spokesman said on Friday.
Nipple Rings Fall Foul of Airport Check
Dan Whitcomb
 A woman who claims she was ordered by federal airport screeners to remove her nipple rings with pliers demanded an apology from the U.S. Transportation Security Administration on Thursday.
Cops Beat Peaceful Tibetan Protesters In America
 Disgusting video footage of New York cops clubbing and arresting peaceful Tibetan protesters who were merely walking down the street has gone relatively ignored beyond Youtube.
Colombia Says It Found Uranium Linked To FARC
Frances Robles
 The seizure of up to 66 pounds of low-grade uranium linked to the FARC rebels adds weight to the evidence found in a captured rebel laptop that the guerrillas were interested in buying and selling the material, according to the Colombian Defense Ministry.
Minuteman Volunteers Heading to Border for Annual Spring Watch
Arthur H. Rotstein
 Volunteers who intermittently stake out portions of the southern Arizona desert hoping to spot and report suspected illegal immigrants will begin another monthlong operation this weekend.
Supporters to Press for Jailed Canadian's Release
The Canadian Press
 The organizer of a rally which will be held on Parliament Hill Saturday says he hopes the event will put more pressure on the Conservative government to help Brenda Martin, a Canadian who has been held in a Mexican jail for more than two years without trial.
Charge by Martin's Former Boss 'An Interesting Theory': Macklin
Valerie MacDonald
 Northumberland-Quinte West Conservative MP Rick Norlock and his Liberal predecessor, Paul Macklin, question the veracity of allegations that the Mexican judicial system is looking for $500,000 before Canadian Brenda Martin is released from a Mexican prison.
Obama Tries to Stem Pastor Fallout
Associated Press
 Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Wednesday sought to quell concerns over anti-American remarks by his former pastor, saying people are paying too much attention to a small number of "stupid" comments.
McCain Calls For Global League Of Democracies
David Jackson
 John McCain urged more U.S. engagement with the world on Wednesday, including the creation of a new global warming plan and a global "League of Democracies."
New Polls Look Bad for Clinton
 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's positive rating has dropped to a new low of 37 percent in an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll released on Wednesday.
Guatemala Checks Shootout Dead for Mexican Drug Lord
Mica Rosenberg
 Guatemalan police are running blood tests on the charred bodies of two victims of a violent gun battle to see if Mexico's most-wanted drug lord could be among them, officials said on Wednesday.
US Supreme Court Rules Bush Exceeded His Powers
David G. Savage
 Saying he does not have "unilateral authority" to force states to comply with an international treaty, justices vote 6-3 to reject presidential order to reopen cases of foreign nationals.
New Allegations Surface in Mexican Jail Stalemate
Dave Sykes
 An Ontario woman continues to be held in Mexican jail without charges as new allegations surrounding the case suggest that two women are being held as collateral by Mexican authorities for unpaid debt.
U.S. High Court Denies Hearing to Death Row Mexicans
Greg Stohr
 The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that Texas and other states don't have to grant new hearings to dozens of Mexicans who weren't told they could seek consular assistance upon arrest and are now on death row for murder.
Death Toll of US Soldiers in Iraq Reaches 4,000
Ross Colvin
 The number of U.S. soldiers to die in Iraq has reached 4,000, the U.S. military said on Monday, just days after the fifth anniversary of a war that President George W. Bush says the United States is on track to win.
Mexican Mafia Members Sentenced to Life in Prison
San Diego Union-Tribune
 A federal judge sentenced seven members of a notorious state prison gang to life in prison this past week, capping an extensive investigation into the Mexican Mafia that targeted upper echelon members of the gang on racketeering and conspiracy charges.
UN Scolds Washington for War on Migrants
Cyril Mychalejko
 The United Nations released a report this month scolding the United States for disregarding international law and violating the human rights of migrants.
Extrajudicial Slayings on Rise in Colombia
Chris Kraul
 A macabre facet of a general increase in "extrajudicial killings" by the military, "false positives" are a result of intense pressure to show progress in Colombia's U.S.-funded war against leftist insurgents, the activists say.
Plans for Canada Anti-Terror Unit Found in Garbage
David Ljunggren
 Canada will probe how blueprints for the new headquarters of an elite military counter-terrorism unit ended up in a pile of garbage, Public Safety Minister Stockwell Day said on Thursday.
Hundreds Arrested in War Protests
Chris Kuttruff
 On Monday, more than 200 protesters across the nation were arrested in response to their demonstrations against the war. The protests, rallying thousands across the nation, were organized by United for Peace and Justice.
Bill Richardson Endorses Obama
Patrick Healy
 Gov. Bill Richardson of New Mexico, who sought to become the nation's first Hispanic president this year, plans to endorse Senator Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination on Friday at a campaign event in Oregon, according to an Obama adviser.
Canada Blasts Mexico's Jailing of Canadian Woman Without Trial
Agence France-Presse
 Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Wednesday blasted the snail's pace of Mexico's judiciary in deciding the fate of a Canadian woman jailed for two years without trial for alleged fraud.
Hillary Was Nearby While Bill Did Monica
Calvin Woodward
 Hillary Rodham Clinton was home in the White House on at least seven days when her husband had sexual encounters there with intern Monica Lewinsky, according to Sen. Clinton's schedule, released Wednesday among 11,000 pages of papers from her years as first lady.
Iraq War Protesters Take to the Streets
Michael Ruane, Sue Anne Pressley Montes & Petula Dvorak
 Hundreds of antiwar demonstrators this morning tried to stop workers from entering federal government buildings, sat down in busy streets to block traffic, and staged a "March of the Dead" parade from Arlington National Cemetery into the District to protest five years of fighting in Iraq.
Harper Says Government Working to Help Martin
Meagan Fitzpatrick & Charles Rusnell
 Prime Minister Stephen Harper says his government is working diligently to help a Canadian woman imprisoned in Mexico without trial for more than two years - but he's stressing that Mexico's courts, just like Canada's, are independent.
One Million People Vote to Support Impeachment of Bush and Cheney!
 "It was the war in Iraq that led to more than one million Americans voting to support the impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney in the largest on-line impeachment survey in US history," stated Ramsey Clark, the former US Attorney General.
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