Health & Beauty 
Balance Caution and Hypochondria
Jacob Franek
 You've heard it many times before: Even with all the wealth and prosperity in the world, if you don't have your health, you have nothing. Maintaining good health is the one chore that no one can look after but you.
A Dad's Point-of-View: Taking Risks: When, How, and If
Bruce Sallan
 Lots of sports have risks attached to them. When, as a parent, should we limit our kid's activities and when should we show restraint? I enjoy pushing my limits on skis, as I do tricks in the terrain park on the half-pipe, jumps, boxes, as well as hard mogul and steep runs. Am I being irresponsible?
A Dad's Point-of-View: The Best Thing About Getting Older Is...
Bruce Sallan
 The subjects of a recent conversation with a good friend really made an impact on me. Among the topics were the new technologies that are now a big part of our culture, the medical maladies that come with aging and how the future will affect our children as both technology and medicine evolve.
The Top 10 Male Life Regrets
Jon Skindzier
 The worst thing about regret is that it sneaks up on you. You're cruising through life, satisfied and happy, and one day the stuff you screwed up or missed entirely suddenly hits you. And at that point there's no way to go back and correct things.
Condom Requirement for Porn Film Actors to be Voted On in California
Molly Hennessy-Fiske
 State regulators are expected to vote on a petition asking them to require porn industry performers to use condoms and to take other safety measures.
The 7 Types of Dads
 If you think straight A's, varsity athletics, and charity work are going to impress this Dad, you better shut the f*@# up and not speak unless spoken to.
Good Health Care News
Associated Press
 New advice from the American Cancer Society puts a sharper focus on the risks of prostate cancer screening, emphasizing that annual testing can lead to unnecessary biopsies and treatments that do more harm than good.
Extra Small Condoms for 12 Year-Old Boys Go on Sale in Switzerland
Alexandra Williams
 Called the Hotshot, the condom has been produced after government research showed 12 to 14-year-olds did not use sufficient protection when having sex.
STDs that Show on Your Face
Jacob Franek
 Save yourself the embarrassment and protect your health by learning how to spot an STD before it gets to you - as AskMen.com examines STDs that show on your face.
A Dad's Point-of-View: Stick With Your Rules, Even When It's Hard
Bruce Sallan
 Nobody promised that being a parent would be easy nor were we assured that we'd get kids that were easy to handle. If you're like most of us, you face regular challenges to your authority, your rules, and the way you expect your kids to behave.
Male College Students Also Victims of Violence at Girlfriends' Hands
Sandra Stith
 Thinking about a typical victim of college dating violence, you're probably imagining her, not him. Researchers often think the same way, according to a Kansas State University expert on intimate partner violence.
A Dad's Point-of-View: Marriage - It's Complicated
Bruce Sallan
 My wife took me to see Nancy Meyers' new movie, It's Complicated, with Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, and Steve Martin. I didn't expect what followed. Throughout the movie, my wife was jabbing me in the ribs whenever she wanted me to notice a point being made that she felt related to me or us.
5 Reasons Why You're Overeating
Sarah Keefe
 You may have recently put on a few pounds and are not sure why. Or, perhaps you've been working out diligently, but still can't get rid of those pesky love handles. You may, in fact, need to start paying closer attention to your eating habits.
A Dad's Point-of-View: Making the Correct Decision
Bruce Sallan
 One of the many things that we try to teach our children is how to make a good decision. Sometimes the problem can be that we may not always make good decisions ourselves or we may allow emotions to influence our choices. I found this to be true in a recent argument I had with my older son...
Give That Thing A Rest!
John Casey
 Given the bind that many prominent American men have thrust themselves into — think Tiger Woods, Mark Sanford, Eliot Spitzer, et al. — it seems it really is possible to have too much of a good thing. And your prostate gland appears to agree.
Radheyan Simonpillai
 A decade after its release, P.T. Anderson's emotionally epic Magnolia gets the glorious Blu-ray treatment it deserves. Magnolia just might be one of the few melodramas - call it a soap opera even - for and about men. Consider if you will all the phallic imagery on display.
Counterfeit Internet Drugs Pose Significant Risks and Discourage Vital Health Checks
Annette Whibley
 Men who buy fake internet drugs for erection problems can face significant risks from potentially hazardous contents and bypassing healthcare systems could leave associated problems like diabetes and high blood pressure undiagnosed.
A Dad's Point-of-View: What I Learned This Past Holiday Season
Bruce Sallan
 Every holiday season brings both wonderful times and challenging family situations. This past season included my in-laws' first visit to our home and the first time my family and I would be apart. Can I say I learned more about our relationships? You bet. Was it easy and fun? You be the judge.
Updating the Cohiba
Nick Foulkes
 There are now more than a dozen different sizes of Cohibas, ranging from the anorexic Panetela to the chunky Siglo VI. What accounts for Cohiba's reputation is the quality of the tobacco harvested from the five best plantations in the Vuelta Abajo area and the extra fermentation of the filler leaves, which provide a cigar's flavor.
When the Gym Isn’t Enough
Max Roosevelt
 The fitness supplements industry is primarily aimed at young men. Bodybuilding-related products — powders and pills with names like Muscle Milk, Amplified Mass XXX and N.O.-Xplode — represented a $2.7 billion industry in 2008, but one whose benefits are in serious dispute.
A Dad's Point-of-View: A Different Set of New Year's Resolutions
Bruce Sallan
 I hate New Year's Resolutions. I swore I'd never write one. I misspoke. So, this is going to be a New Year's Resolutions column, with a twist: it will include both resolutions and wishes. I am going to mix my own personal resolutions and wishes with those I project for others, and the world.
Study Links Restless Leg Syndrome with Erectile Dysfunction in Older Men
Kelly Wagner
 A study in the Jan. 1 issue of the journal Sleep shows that erectile dysfunction was more common in older men with restless leg syndrome (RLS) than in those without RLS, and the magnitude of this association increased with a higher frequency of RLS symptoms.
Top 10 New Year's Resolutions All Men Should Make
Steven Shaw
 These are New Year's resolutions that every man should make - and that any man can manage. We aren’t suggesting very specific aims; rather, these are designed to make you think about what you really want out of life and you should interpret them in a way that is appropriate to you.
Modernizing the Treatment of Sexual Dysfunction in Men
E. Bartholomaeus
 Modern, couple-oriented treatment for male sexual dysfunction takes the psychosocial aspects of sex into account, as well as focussing on the purely physical aspects of the problem.
A Dad's Point-of-View: Christmas Trees, Menorahs, and Being Apart (on Christmas)
Bruce Sallan
 This holiday season my wife and I will celebrate our first year of marriage on separate continents. As we are different races and religions, there are usually challenges we encounter at this time of year, so maybe being 7,000 miles apart will make it easier...
Dirty Talk Basics
David Strovny
 Talking dirty can be a lot of fun and can give a boost to your sex life. Being an effective dirty talker takes practice and perseverance. Blurting out rude things may come naturally to you, but being a successful filth merchant probably doesn’t. Just remember: Take it easy and work your way into it.
Brazil AG's Appeal Backs US Dad in Custody Battle
Bradley Brooks
 A U.S. man caught in a tug-of-war with his late ex-wife's relatives for custody of his son got a boost from Brazil's top prosecutor in a dispute that is testing an international child abduction treaty and heating up into a political tussle.
A Dad's Point-of-View: A Man and His Dogs
Bruce Sallan
 When I was a child, my mother brought home a little dog that was so small that she carried it in her purse. Fully grown, she weighed maybe 7 pounds. However, I always wanted a bigger dog. Like Lassie or Rin Tin Tin. Little dogs belong to girls or Paris Hilton, not to men...
Transgender/Transsexual People
Alex Gomez
 It must have been about ten years ago that Paco Paco was the 'in' gay bar in Puerto Vallarta. It had a gorgeous bouncer, who was apparently in love with one of the transvestite performers there, Marilyn. I hit on him more than once, but he always insisted that he was straight, not gay...
A Dad's Point-of-View: A Dad, His Son, and Poor Grades
Bruce Sallan
 What parent hasn't dreaded report card time, especially when a child is underperforming? How do two kids, born of the same genetic material, turn out so differently when it comes to school performance and their work ethic?
'The Pill' for Him: Scientists Find a Hormonal On-and-Off Switch for Male Fertility
 A new research report published in the December 2009 print issue of The FASEB Journal could one day give men similar type of control over their fertility that women have had since the 1960s.
Men's Genes 'May Limit Lifespan'
BBC News
 Scientists working on mice have highlighted a specific gene that, although carried by both sexes, appears to be active only in males. They believe it allows males to grow bigger bodies - but at the expense of their longevity.
UN Recruits Men to Help End Violence Against Women
Liza Jansen
 Marking the 10th anniversary of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on Nov. 25, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon launched a Network of Men Leaders to battle violence against women and girls.
How DNA Testing is Changing Fatherhood
Ruth Padawer
 Stricter federal rules have pressed states to chase down fathers and hold them responsible for children born outside of marriage, a category that includes 40 percent of all births. At the same time, DNA tests have become easier, cheaper and more reliable. Swiping a few cheek cells and paying a couple hundred dollars can answer the question that has plagued men since the dawn of time: Am I really the father?
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