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Gays y la Policía en Vallarta
Paul Crist

A group of business owners and managers recently met with the new Director General of the Municipal Police, Transit Police and Firemen, Lic. Luis Carlos Vega, to discuss problems and misunderstandings between the police and the Gay community.

More Gifts for Peter Gray Museum

Thanks to the generosity of donors like Lucille Shipley and Jose Guerrero, the Peter Gray Museum continues to develop as an important cultural addition to both the Centro Universitario de la Costa and the city of Puerto Vallarta.

Things and Everybody
Polly G. Vicars

As I thought about the many questions Husband and I often get about our 19 years of living in Puerto Vallarta, a friend's favorite phrase "things and everybody" popped into my mind - and suddenly many things and many people seemed newsworthy to me.

Vallarta Jewish Community Passover Seder

The Puerto Vallarta Jewish Community is having a Passover Seder Dinner at El Set restaurant on April 2nd at 7 pm - and you and your family and friends are invited. The Seder will start at 8 pm, followed by a full course dinner.

"Goodbye Houston, Hello Higuera Blanca"
Peggy Grodinsky

Houston foodies likely remember her as the Lettuce Lady, or sometimes the Lettuce Queen. Now, sustainable-gardening pioneer Camille Waters is about to say goodbye to Houston and move to Higuera Blanca, but she isn't hanging up her trowel.

Transformation, Patzcuaro Style
Eileen Pierce

We three women friends from the same pueblo in Mexico, middle-aged and then some, had come to Patzcuaro to shop. At the end of our third day, legs and hips sore from walking up and down the city streets, we found treasure - the massage of a lifetime.

Easter Bunnies & Eggs - Make Mine Chocolate!
Patrick Harrison

Puerto Vallarta's favorite new store - Xocodiva - has been hard at work teaching the Easter Bunny a little Spanish. The result: a new line of molded chocolate bunnies and eggs just in time for the Easter Holidays.

Book Offers Tricks to Bring Mexican Style Home
Claire Whitcomb

The hothouse colors, the hand-painted tiles, the lazy drift of hammocks and mosquito netting: If you visit Mexico, it's hard not to fall in love with the look and the lifestyle. But unlike a craft or curio that you can pack in your suitcase, Mexican style isn't always easy to bring back home.

Goodbye Old Friend
Laura Gelezunas

Puerto Vallarta has lost one of its legends. Mary Sue Morris, owner of Viva Jewelry Store, died March 17, 2007 after a battle with cancer in Houston, Texas. She leaves behind a legacy of exuberance, business success and friends who will miss her.

Festival Indigena 2007 - A Curious Mix of Ancient and Modern Cultures
Kathy Taylor

The Festival Indigena 2007, which continues through March 25th at Plaza Caracol, is an oasis of culture and ancient civilization in extreme contrast to the contemporary atmosphere, merchandising and entertainment found in this ultramodern mall.

Visitors Help Mexicans Build Stable Futures
Tom Carter

Many in Chacala, a small fishing village of about 300 people overlooking a scenic bay about 60 miles north of Puerto Vallarta, owe their good fortune to a program called Techos de Mexico - Roofs Over Mexico - founded by Mexican social activists from the 1960s and modeled after Habitat for Humanity, but designed to meet the needs of Mexico's poor.

Americans Abroad Get an Advocacy Group in Congress

The four million or more Americans working and living overseas have gained perhaps the most conspicuous political platform they have ever had in Washington: a congressional Americans Abroad Caucus.

Vallarta Nights
Polly G. Vicars

As you know, Husband and I are often asked, "But what do you do all day?" After we've answered that question, the next query is often "But is there anything to do at night in Puerto Vallarta?"

"They Love Us Here": American Migrants in Mexico
Foundation for Study of Independent Ideas

Writing for Dissent, Sheila Croucher spent time with a growing American community in San Miguel Allende, Mexico, and asked, "To what extent do these American migrants assimilate into Mexican society?" She discovered that "the answer is minimally."

The Crocodile Hunters
Sue Fornoff

Imagine going outside for your morning swim and finding a crocodile in the pool! Recently, the residents of the Seibal Mayan Palace Island Resort development in Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit had just that happen.

"Undocumented Boomers" Headed to Mexico!
Satire By John W. Lillpop

Dear President Calderon: As you are no doubt aware, America the Great is quickly becoming America the Gray. The so-called "boomer" generation, comprised of approximately 40 million Americans, will soon reach retirement age, and have decided to move en masse to your beloved Mexico.

St. Petersburg Ballet Visits Puerto Vallarta

On March 9th the Centro Universitario de la Costa in Puerto Vallarta will be hosting the St. Petersburg Grand Ballet Company as they perform three acts featuring 40 talented Russian dancers on the stage in the college's auditorium.

Galeria Yelapa
R. K. Liggin

Literally, Yelapa is that land lost in time you always hear travel agents squawking about. There are no zoning laws here or municipal planning codes. No cops, no rules, no stinking badges. Instead, expect to find a little bit of sea, a little bit of sun and a little crescent of white sand yawning across the bay - what more does a budget-minded wanderer need?

Artist Ropi and Chef Art Mendoza Join Forces
The Latin Palate

Famous artist Ropi, known for his brilliant architecture as well as his artwork, has agreed to join forces with artist and chef Art Mendoza to create a mural on one wall of Punta Mita Time, the popular North Shore restaurant formerly known as Café Luna.

Celebrating Women

Every year on March 8th, International Women's Day is celebrated throughout the world. Here in Puerto Vallarta, Esperanza y Alegria, a group of women who run a support group for Cancer survivors, are planning a series of forums for women.

Guanajuato, Mexico, Marriage, and Freedom of Speech
Doug Bower

Experiencing culture shock is very much like getting married. You spend the first year or so in rapturous enjoyment of one another. One day, you wake up and wonder “What have I done?” Moving to a new culture, as I discovered when moving to Mexico to live, is very much the same.

Can't Get Better Than This!
Polly G. Vicars

This past week I celebrated my 75th wonderful year with amazing people who helped me commemorate this very special birthday. I told everyone that we would just have a small celebratory dinner with a few good friends - but that was not to be...

Access Makes Puerto Vallarta a Perfect Snowbird Perch
Tom Kelly

Snowbirds usually are able to be away from home for long periods of time, often can afford to purchase a second home and have even been known to use their primary and second homes for creative tax purposes and income streams. By definition, snowbirds take flight for the sun.

Festival Bahia de Banderas 2007
Sue Fornoff

This year's International Festival de Bahia de Banderas features a lineup of activities sure to interest everyone. There are sporting events for participants and spectators, a whale photo contest, a ceviche competition and plenty of entertainment.

But What Do You Do All Day?
Polly G. Vicars

Husband and I are often asked, "But what do you do all day?" Husband's stock answer? "In the mornings I don't do anything. In the afternoons I rest." But lately, with March 9th looming, all of my attention has been focused on this year's Becas Ball.

Vallarta Orchid Society Lecture Series
T.J. Hartung

The Vallarta Orchid Society, a group of Puerto Vallarta residents who have a common love of orchids, will continue their free series of lectures on orchid care at the Vallarta Botanical Gardens on Saturday, February 24th, starting at 1 pm.

Living in Mexico: The Guanajuato Shove
Doug Bower

Finally, some of our American expat friends are beginning to wake up to the ranting and raving I’ve been doing about living in Guanajuato. Now, if you’ve been reading my columns on a regular basis you know from time to time I lose my mind, rather totally, and go all Pancho Villa about life in Guanajuato.

Tale Of The Dead Cat
Patrick Butler

Why would anyone knowingly try to take a dead cat from Mexico into the United States? I did once and it sure taught me something.

Some Days Are Better than Others
Polly G. Vicars

My motto has always been a paraphrase of "There ain't no bad days sisters and brothers, it's just that some are better than others." And last Saturday was one of those days that was "better than others."

Heed These Valuable Lessons Before You Retire South of the Border
Robert DiGiacomo

If a place with beautiful beaches, flowing margaritas and a low cost of living is your idea of retirement paradise, Mexico is within reach. But what would it really be like?

Far Enough!
Polly G. Vicars

A few weeks ago I reported that during a concert, Los Bambinos asked Husband to join them on stage for the singing of "Elvira" and gave him his very own microphone. Now he's asking me what is going to happen when he goes on tour with Los Bambinos.

Mexico a Retirement Hotspot Despite Recent Crime, Group Says
CBC News

Some Calgarians aren't shying away from Mexico as a retirement destination, despite a number of recent high-profile crimes involving Canadians. Rod Burylo, with the organization Canadians Retiring Abroad, says that Mexico remains by far the most popular destination for seniors.

Staying Ahead of the Crowd on the Nayarit Coast
Christine Delsol

By the time I got to Sayulita, on the Pacific coast north of Puerto Vallarta, it was almost too late. San Pancho was the new Sayulita, and Lo de Marco, a few miles farther north, stood ready to become the next San Pancho. Confused yet?

Charros on Horseback: Icons of Mexican Sport, History
Associated Press

Flashy, well-dressed and reckless, the bronco riding cowboys known as charros are Mexican icons, displaying a style and macho bravery romanticized in the nation's folk songs, paintings and movies.

The Show Did Go On!
Polly G. Vicars

If anyone had doubts that Los Bambinos have what it takes to make it to the top, they only had to have been there during Monday night's windstorm when those five young guys made lemonade out of lemons and gave the performance of their lives.

Casa de Milagros Opens its Doors to Recovery
Bob Cohen

The first Medical Detox and Treatment Center in the Puerto Vallarta area, Casa de Milagros, will be opening its doors on April 15, 2007 in the beautiful and tranquil Sierra Madres of San Sebastian del Oeste.

What Your Home Wants You to Know
Jim Morrison - PVNN

The very first thing that Canadians and Americans learn when they come to live in Puerto Vallarta is this: We've been spoiled. Most Mexicans get by on a lot less, and with thinner margins of safety than most gringos are used to - especially around the house.

Chickens, Mexico, and NAFTA
Doug Bower

Americans never understand their responsibility in the Mexican Immigration to the U.S. debacle. They will blame everyone under the sun, and then some, rather than look inward to themselves as major contributors to the problem.

Your Mexican Dream Home
Alan Caplan

I still hear rumours that a foreigner can't buy property in Mexico without great difficulty. However, once you have the rules in place and understand some cultural and legal differences, it's not so hard.

HELP! Is On It's Way

Tired of paying the yearly fees for renewing your FM2 or FM3? Stop by the Santa Barbara Theater at 11 am or 4 pm on January 25th to see Bonnie Sumlin, the General Director of the HELP! Association, who can help you obtain Mexican citizenship.

Guanajuato: The Death of Heritage
Doug Bower

San Miguel de Allende is a perfect example of how the influence of such a large, and might I add, excessively demanding American enclave has changed the town from colonial Mexico to Gentrified Mexico.

A Dog's Paradise
Eileen Pierce

In Mexico, it's not only easy to believe in miracles, but you begin to expect them. And when a dog with a question mark for a tail, all bones and no flesh, survives, you move over, and make room as they begin to fill up your life.

Mexican Village of Bucerias is a Diamond in the Rough
Sheryl Salloum

Our hectic schedule allowed for only a 10-day getaway. We wanted to avoid tourist-jammed resorts, and we did not want to rough it. Our travel agent recommended Bucerias, Mexico, as a safe, tranquil sojourn.

Why Hire a Home Inspector?
Jim Morrison

Buying a home in Mexico is harrowing. Sure, real estate here costs less than in the US and Canada, but it's still expensive. Mexican construction, laws, and customs are so very different from Canada and the US, that the risk often feels magnified.

Who Talks Funny?
Polly G. Vicars

"You talk funny!" I have been told that since I was a 6 year old Florida cracker visiting my kinfolk in New York City. And I hear it even more now when I reel off Spanish with a definite southern accent.

What's Hot!
101 Hottest for 2006
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