Travel Writers' Resources  
Research & Reference Materials The right piece of information, historical fact, word or turn of phrase can transform your writing efforts into a literary masterpiece. You'll find links to Grammar and Style Resources, Dictionaries, Thesauruses, and reference materials here.

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Categories: • Research Libraries and Encyclopedias • Experts, Sources, Press Release Services, Etc. • Magazine, Publishing and Writer-Related Information • Health • Business & Finance • Government and Politics • Law, Crime & Justice • Art, Literature, Mythology, History, Religion • Grammar, Style, Dictionaries, Thesauri and More • Quotations • Canada, U.K. and other Foreign Resources • Miscellaneous
|  Research Libraries and Encyclopedias
 The Argus Clearinghouse An internet research library. Has categories and subcategories on a variety of topics to help you track down information, plus searchable resources.
 Association of Research Libraries Links to university and other research libraries.
 Britannica.com Britannica.com's editors claim to provide the best websites, leading magazines, related books, and the complete Encyclopædia Britannica. Features the world's top news of the day and has searchable categories in a variety of subjects.
 Electric Library Fee-based searchable database of magazines, newspapers, TV and radio transcripts, maps, pictures and books. Can sign up for regular searches on specified topics with information sent to you by email.
 HOLLIS Plus: Library Resources at Harvard and Beyond Library catalog, electronic journals, periodical index and more.
 Internet Public Library Reference, magazines, resources and more.
 Library of Congress Catalogs, collections, legislative information, copyright information and more.
 New York Public Library Catalogs, digital library collections, electronic resources and more.
 OnLine Reference and Research Tools Links to hundreds of research and database sites in wide range of areas, from women's issues to gay/lesbian to medical to maps to automobiles.
 Smithsonian Institution Research centers, libraries, archives, publications and more.
 Stumpers-L An email-based resource where reference librarians help each other find the answers to difficult questions. Has a searchable archive. Moderated by a graduate student at the Dominican University Library and Information Science program. They request that you ask a real-live librarian before you turn to Stumpers.
 Virtual Reference Desk Links to English, international, acronym, and technical dictionaries; thesauri; maps; travel information (including exchange rates); phone books; reference sources and more. Brought to you by Purdue University Libraries.
 WWW Virtual Library Hundreds of links on hundreds of topics. Cataloged by subject.Experts, Sources, Press Release Services, Etc. (Many of the health sites also provide free press release services.)
 AskMeHelpDesk.com Q-and-A service claims to have 30,000 experts who have answered more than 200,000 questions to date in more than 2,000 categories. Experts range from people with professional degrees to people who have knowledge based on life experiences.
 An Expert Rolodex Institute of Alternative Journalism's page of expert resources on a variety of subjects. Can't tell when it was last updated, so some of the information may be dated.
 Forum One Search engine for discussion forums on a wide variety of topics.
 Internet News Bureau Service that posts and archives press releases for a variety of companies. Also can have press releases sent to you regularly by email.
 Newswise Comprehensive database of news releases from top institutions engaged in scientific, medical, liberal arts and business research. Search, browse or download any article or abstract. Expert query available for fulltime professional journalists who register for free. Searchable database and individualized request service for hundreds of experts in a variety of fields.
 Yearbook.com Interactive guide to thousands of the country's leading experts and sources on topics ranging from lawsuits to landfills.Magazine, Publishing and Writer-Related Information (also see Writers' Organizations)
 ASJA Contracts Watch Information on various publications' writers' contracts. Service for free email updates.
 Bartleby Columbia University project bills itself as the "preeminent Internet publisher of literature, reference and verse, providing students, researchers and the intellectually curious with unlimited access to books and information on the web, free of charge."
 BookWire Links to books in and out of print, library resource guide, Ulrich's and more.
 E&P Media Links Online media directory helps locate newspapers, magazines, syndicates, TV stations, city guides and more around the world. Searchable, browse-able.
 Electric Library Fee-based searchable database of magazines, newspapers, TV and radio transcripts, maps, pictures and books. Can sign up for regular searches on specified topics with information sent to you by email.
 E-News: Your Online Newsstand Try any magazine free for 90 days; subscribe online. Search for information by title, keyword and/or subject category.
 InfoJump An article search engine that indexes electronic periodicals and online versions of print publications. Database consists of 5 million articles, increasing at the rate of 10,000 articles per day. Continuously captures the latest updates to approximately 4,000 periodicals listed in its database.
 Journalism Net Find newspapers, radio stations, government information, databases, archives and more from around the globe.
 Journalism-Related Trade Associations Links to trade associations relating to journalism industry.
 Media Central News of the magazine world.
 Media UK News about and links to U.K. newspapers, magazines and other media.
 NewsDirectory.com Browse global newspapers and magazines, and more.
 Publishing Law Center Searchable site with information on copyright, trademarks, marketing plans, acquisition information, subsidiary rights, electronic rights and more. Free newsletter available.
 PubList.com Database of more than 150,000 magazines, journals, newsletters and other periodicals. Information on familiar and hard-to-find publications from around the world.
 United Kingdom Magazines Links to more than 200 U.K. magazines.
 Writers Guidelines Database Database of magazine's writers' guidelines, plus deadline reminder service and writer's home page and desktop, more. Provided by two Freelance Success members.Health
 allhealth.com Part of ivillage.com, medical information with slant toward comfort and understanding. Has drug database. Free email newsletters on topics you choose.
 American Health Line Look for free trial subscription to this daily health care news briefing, which provides political leaders, patient advocacy groups, providers, insurers, industry leaders, consultants, government agencies, and the U.S. Congress with need-to-know information regarding health care, policy, politics and the health care industry.
 American Medical Association Features Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), medical news, women's health, consumer health information and more.
 Centers for Disease Control News, travelers' health, health reports, data and statistics and more.
 drkoop.com Health news, drug checker, clinical trials, free newsletter service. All under the auspices of former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop.
 EurekAlert Produced by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, featuring the latest research advances in science, medicine, health and technology. Some of the site's material and news releases are embargoed and available only to journalists who register and offer clips to show medical coverage.
 InteliHealth News, drug search, medical dictionary, diseases and conditions, plus regular news releases emailed to you on any health topic you specify. More than 150 top health care organizations contribute information, including the National Institutes of Health, other government agencies, major non-profits and others.
 Literature, Arts and Medicine Database Has art, film/video, literature databases, plus information on medical humanities. Some databases have audio or video links. Provided by New York University.
 Medscape Medical news, journals, treatment updates, patient resources, ask the experts and more. Searchable database.
 The Merck Manual of Medical Information Online version of the best-selling medical reference book.
 National Center for Health Statistics Part of the Centers for Disease Control, among its Top 10 downloads is information on births and deaths.
 National Library of Medicine Features PubMed (free version of MedLine), ToxNet (toxicology database), Catalog of books, journals, audiovisuals and access points to other medical research tools.
 OnHealth Health news, searchable site. Promotes "a new way to look at everything."
 Thrive Online Part of Oxygen.com, this site is geared toward women but provides information on a variety of conditions and diseases, plus has features like pregnancy calculator, recipe index, body mass index calculator, and a personalized health page that helps you track medical records and get individualized health information.
 WebMD Health news and medical information for consumers, physicians, nurses and teachers.
 World Health Organization Health and health-related statistical information.Business & Finance
 Annual Reports Library A collection of over 1.5 million original reports (and proxies) from corporations, foundations, banks, mutual funds and public institutions.
 Brint.com: The BizTech Network Business and technology portal and global community network for e-business, information, technology, and knowledge management.
 Bureau of Labor Statistics News, statistics, publications, data, occupational outlook and more.
 BusinessWire.com Latest business news, searchable database of news from the past week by date and/or region. Industry-specific news, trade show news and more. Expert Source area links industry expert information with recent business news advisories. Also allows reporters to request experts on a particular subject.
 FINWeb Links to internet resources for economic and finance-related topics.
 Financial Scandals Information on and links to other sources on classic financial scandals.
 Hoover's Online: The Business Network Company, corporate, business information.
 Internal Revenue Service Tax forms, tax regulations, statistics and more.
 Internet Nonprofit Center The world's leading provider of government information on U.S. nonprofits. Information on every nonprofit organization in the U.S. -- more than 1.4 million groups. Includes information gathered from federal and state government offices, as well as from a few nonprofits outside the U.S.
 InternetStats.com InternetStats.com directs business professionals to Web sites that have Internet trends, marketing and advertising information, e-commerce statistics, and surveys they need.
 Mondaq Business Briefing News from around the world, connections to experts mentioned therein.
 News Index News-only search engine of current news from publications around the world. Not an archive of old news.
 PayWatch An AFL-CIO page that monitors the pay and perks of top CEOs. "In addition to revealing the massive disparities between CEO and U.S. worker pay, this site includes a new CEO Pay and Global Unfairness area."
 Securities and Exchange Commission's Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval System Performs automated collection, validation, indexing, acceptance, and forwarding of submissions by companies and others who are required by law to file forms with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
 Securities Class Action Clearinghouse From Stanford Law School, this site provides a deep look into the workings of class action litigation. It features full text of complaints, motions, judicial opinions, and other major class action filings. Has a search engine.
 Statistics Canada News and statistics on education, government, census, products and much more.Government & Politics
 The Canada Site Starting point for Canada government information.
 Census Bureau Home Page Census 2000 information, plus estimates, projections, links and more.
 Center for Responsive Politics' OpenSecrets.org Tracks political contributions at the federal level. information on PACS, lobbyists, and more. Features databases, links, news, publications and more.
 Contacting the Congress Up-to-date database of congressional contact information. There are 489 email addresses (of which 118 are Web-based email homepages), and 532 WWW homepages known for the 540 members of the 106th Congress. Snail mail addresses are available for all Congress members.
 Copyright Office (U.S.) Copyright basics, forms, laws, etc.
 Federal Government Sites Web sites for various offices within the executive branch of the U.S. government. Also links to legislative and judicial sites.
 FECInfo Home Page A place to discover who gave what to which federal candidates when.
 Federal Elections Commission Home Page News releases, campaign finance law resources, Freedom of Information Act Guide, etc.
 FedStats Statistics from more than 70 government agencies.
 FedWorld A host of links to government information.
 Government Printing Office (U.S.) GPO Access databases contain the full text of selected information published by the U.S. Government. Helps citizens easily access the laws, regulations, reports, data and other information. Among the titles available: Federal Register, Congressional Record, Congressional Bills, United States Code, Economic Indicators and GAO Reports.
 Internal Revenue Service Tax forms, tax regulations, statistics and more.
 Library of Congress Catalogs, collections, legislative information, copyright information and more.
 National Center for Education Statistics Searchable site of collected and analyzed education statistics from the U.S. and other countries.
 National Endowment for the Arts Arts features, interviews, resources, links and more.
 NationalJournal.com Links to Almanac of American Politics, The Capital Source, The Federal Technology Source, CongressDaily, The Hotline, Greenwire (environmental politics news), American Health Line (health care policy and business) and more.
 Patent and Trademark Office (U.S.) Searchable database, statistics and more relating to patents and trademarks.
 Population Reference Bureau Timely and objective information on U.S. and international population trends and their implications.
 Post Office Zip codes, postage rates, stamps online, USPS eBillPay, and more.
 Public Agenda Online Resource for public opinion and policy analysis. Features issues from gambling to welfare and current issues. Research, publications and reports.
 Social Action Archives Labor and working class history, featuring major issues of the day throughout the 20th century: socialism, communism, anarchism, Social Security and entitlements, welfare rights, civil liberties and free speech, civil rights, the New Left, student activism, community organizing, the battle over reproductive rights and right to life, and more. Compiled by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
 Social Security Administration Research information, policy, statistics and more.
 State Dept. (U.S.) International Information Program The principal international strategic communications service for the foreign affairs community. IIP designs, develops, and implements a variety of information initiatives and strategic communications programs, including Internet and print publications, traveling and electronically transmitted speaker programs, and information resource services.
 State Legislatures Links to internet sites for state legislatures.
 Statistics Canada News and statistics on education, government, census, products and much more.
 Thomas: U.S. Congress on the Internet Legislation, Congressional Record, committee information and more.
 Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse From Syracuse University, this page is a resource for independent, nonpartisan information on federal law enforcement.
 White House President and Vice President info, Briefing Room, tours, virtual library, help desk, etc. Law, Crime & Justice
 APBnews.com The source for news, information and data on crime, justice and safety.
 Lawguru.com Legal questions, answers and research, with variety of links.
 Law News Network Legal news, expert-witness directory, links to regional law sites, and more.
 Legal Information Institute Cornell Law School's site features spotlight on current issues, plus court opinions, constitutions and codes, legal ethics, directories and more.
 Publishing Law Center Searchable site with information on copyright, trademarks, marketing plans, acquisition information, subsidiary rights, electronic rights and more. Free newsletter available.
 The Smoking Gun The Smoking Gun brings you exclusive documents -- cool, confidential, quirky -- that can't be found elsewhere on the Web. Using material obtained from government and law enforcement sources, via Freedom of Information requests, and from court files nationwide.
 Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse From Syracuse University, this page is a resource for independent, nonpartisan information on federal law enforcement.Art, Literature, Mythology, History, Religion
 The Ancient World Web From the Seven Wonders of the World to the rune alphabet, this site has a fascinating collection of links to information about the past. Subtopics include history,language, law, philosophy, religion, buildings/cities, archaeology, alternative theories and more.
 Bartleby -- database of quotations and texts; searchable by keywords Columbia University project bills itself as the "preeminent Internet publisher of literature, reference and verse, providing students, researchers and the intellectually curious with unlimited access to books and information on the web, free of charge."
 Bible Searchable text of the Bible.
 BookWire -- information about books and publishing Links to books in and out of print, library resource guide, Ulrich's and more.
 Bullfinch's Mythology Stories of gods and heroes. Searchable.
 Classics Archive Select from a list of 441 works of classical literature by 59 different authors, including user-driven commentary and "reader's choice" web sites. Mainly Greco-Roman works (some Chinese and Persian), all in English translation. Also can search texts by work and author and can purchase books.
 Encyclopedia Mythica An encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, legends, and more. It contains over 5700 definitions of gods and goddesses, supernatural beings and legendary creatures and monsters from all over the world.
 Inlibris: The Literary Directory Nearly 50,000 literary links. Features etexts, writers, agents, books, ezines, prizes, publishers, workshops, genres, dictionaries, bookstores, libraries, hypertexts and other literary and language- or book-related sites.
 Literary Index An overview and a review of the more significant collections of Internet literary resources of interest to scholars, students, and lovers of literature.
 Literary Resources on the Net A collection of links to sites dealing mostly with English and American literature, excluding most single electronic texts and excluding most poetry journals. Searchable by category and/or word.
 Literature, Arts and Medicine Database Has art, film/video, literature databases, plus information on medical humanities. Some databases have audio or video links. Provided by New York University.
 Myths & Legends More resources than you can imagine on myths and legends from around the world.
 National Endowment for the Arts Arts features, interviews, resources, links and more.
 Project Guttenberg Downloadable texts of mostly pre-1923 books.Grammar, Style, Dictionaries, Thesauri and More
 Acronym and Abbreviation Site Submit acronym to find out its expansion, or submit word to find acronyms that contain it.
 American Heritage Dictionary, Third Edition Contains over 350,000 entries and meanings. Definitions are enhanced by more than 34,000 examples of use, more than 500 usage notes and an appendix of Indo-European roots. Amazon.com has dubbed it "the chosen reference of editors."
 Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition The largest one-volume general encyclopedia available, and currently the most timely and up-to-the minute encyclopedic reference source available. Features more than 50,000 article entries, 40,000 bibliographic citations, and more than 80,000 cross-reference entries. Full-text searchable.
 The Curmudgeon's Stylebook Intended to complement the AP Stylebook.
 Dictionary.com Dictionary, thesaurus, grammar/style guide, translator, links to other dictionaries and more.
 Elements of Style by Strunk & White Classic reference book gives the principal requirements of plain English style and concentrates attention on the rules of usage and principles of composition most commonly violated.
 Foreign Language Resources From Arabic and Cherokee to Yiddish and WWW Fonts, this page from UC Berkeley offers links to foreign-language resources -- often newspapers, sometimes dictionaries and other resources.
 Funk and Wagnalls Features an unabridged 29-volume encyclopedia, the Random House Webster's College Dictionary with over 165,000 entries, world news and search tools. Provides more than 10,000 multimedia items including new photos, sounds, animations and eventually video.
 Guide to Grammar and Style Compiled by Jack Lynch, assistant professor of English at Rutgers University.
 Oxford English Dictionary The granddaddy of dictionaries.
 Roget's II: The New Thesaurus Contains 35,000 synonyms in an easy-to-use format that eschews the traditionally classified or category-indexed thesaurus of old. It also contains succinct definitions as well as synonyms, and numerous cross-references.Quotations
 Bartlett's Familiar Quotations Classic collection of passages, phrases, and proverbs traced to their sources in ancient and modern literature. Contains more than 9,000 quotations from Hesiod and Plutarch, through Chaucer and Thomas à Kempis, up to the contemporary statesmen of the day.
 Charles Daney's Quotation Collection Organized by a few categories. The page's author says: "Imagine it as conversation at a slightly demented cocktail party, where some of the guests are perhaps a little tipsy (or, if you prefer, a pot party where some have had a brownie or two too many)."
 The Commonplace Book An edited collection of striking passages noted in a single place for future reference. Difficult to wade through, but an interesting collection of memorable passages.
 Simpson's Contemporary Quotations Provides more than 10,000 quotes from over 4000 sources, including 25 categories of quotes, and 60 sections ranging from "love" to "criminology." Full information is given for each quotation, including source, date, and occasion. Includes such notables as Ezra Pound, Henry Kissinger, George Orwell, Dorothy Parker, and Desmond Tutu.Canada, U.K., European and other Foreign Resources
 Car Park UK Aimed at UK journalists. Resource links on a variety of subjects.
 Statistics Canada News and statistics on education, government, census, products and much more.
 United Kingdom Magazines Links to more than 200 U.K. magazines.Miscellaneous (Demographics, Maps, Almanacs, Travel and more)
 Book of Cliches Lists phrases to say in times of trouble in a number of categories.
 Acronym and Abbreviation Site Submit acronym to find out its expansion, or submit word to find acronyms that contain it.
 American Demographics Magazine's website offers demographics news plus links to sites with demographic information.
 Bartleby Columbia University project bills itself as the "preeminent Internet publisher of literature, reference and verse, providing students, researchers and the intellectually curious with unlimited access to books and information on the web, free of charge."
 Britannica.com Britannica.com's editors claim to provide the best websites, leading magazines, related books, and the complete Encyclopædia Britannica. Features the world's top news of the day and has searchable categories in a variety of subjects.
 Demography and Population Studies Links to census and data information from around the globe. Searchable library.
 Educational Resources and Information Center A personalized Internet-based service providing education information to teachers, librarians, counselors, administrators, parents, and others throughout the United States and the world.
 Foreign Language Resources From Arabic and Cherokee to Yiddish and WWW Fonts, this page from UC Berkeley offers links to foreign-language resources -- often newspapers, sometimes dictionaries and other resources.
 Information Please Almanac Online almanac and general reference information
 InternetStats.com InternetStats.com directs business professionals to Web sites that have Internet trends, marketing and advertising information, e-commerce statistics, and surveys they need.
 MapQuest Driving directions, maps, live traffic reports and more.
 National Center for Education Statistics Searchable site of collected and analyzed education statistics from the U.S. and other countries.
 News Index News-only search engine of current news from publications around the world. Not an archive of old news.
 OnLine Reference and Research Tools Links to hundreds of research and database sites in wide range of areas, from women's issues to gay/lesbian to medical to maps to automobiles.
 Perry-Castañada Map Collection Maps from all around the world, plus historical maps, country and city maps, and electronic cartographic resources.
 Population Reference Bureau Timely and objective information on U.S. and international population trends and their implications.
 State Fact Sheets From the U.S. Department of Agriculture, these fact sheets include aggregate population, farm and agribusiness statistics.
 Stumpers-L An email-based resource where reference librarians help each other find the answers to difficult questions. Has a searchable archive. Moderated by a graduate student at the Dominican University Library and Information Science program. They request that you ask a real-live librarian before you turn to Stumpers.
 Time Service Department Can't remember how many hours ahead Japan is? This U.S. Naval Observatory site will help you find the correct time anywhere in the world, as well as information on sunrise/sunset and moon phases.
 USA CityLink Travel, tourism and relocation information for U.S. states and cities.
 Virtual Reference Desk Links to dictionaries/thesauri, maps, travel information (including exchange rates), phone books, reference sources and more. Brought to you by Purdue University Libraries. | 
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