Media Matters
««« Click HERE for Recent Media Matters It's All About Telling the Truth Jose de la Isla
When she accepted the National Association of Hispanic Journalists 2008 leadership award at the National Press Club last week, Maria Hinojosa mentioned a conversation she had with her friend, Univision news anchor Maria Elena Salinas, who complimented Hinojosa for her advocacy journalism.
Brazilian President Wins IPS Award Thalif Deen
President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of Brazil, who has successfully championed the cause of fair trade, social justice and economic equity for the developing world, has been named the winner of the Inter Press Service (IPS) International Achievement Award 2008.
Newspapers Deliver Millions of "Terror" DVDs to Subscribers Greg Mitchell & Joe Strupp
The arrival of tens of millions of DVDs of a controversial film on doorsteps around the nation - but almost exclusively in election "swing states" - via newspaper home delivery continues this weekend, with explanatory articles and subscriber feedback appearing on some of the papers' websites.
MSNBC Demotes Keith Olbermann David Bauder
MSNBC said Sunday it is replacing Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews as co-anchors of political night coverage with David Gregory, and will use the two newsmen as commentators. The change reflects tensions between the freewheeling, opinionated MSNBC and the impartial newsgatherers at NBC News.
Police Arrest 200 in March on GOP Convention, Including Journalists Ryan J. Foley & Martiga Lohn
Police surrounded and arrested about 200 protesters Thursday night after a lengthy series of marches and sit-ins timed to coincide with Sen. John McCain's acceptance of the Republican Party's nomination for president.
Latin American Media See Mexico as New Drug King Teo Ballvé
While U.S. media express concern about Mexican narco-violence spreading into the United States, media in Latin American countries highlight a different reason for worry: Mexican cartels are already there.
Polls, the Media and Who Will Win in 2008 The Real Network
Barry Kay on the accuracy of polling and the presidential elections.
Mexico Gangsters Waive Press Freedom Rights Lucy Popescu
Barely a week goes by in Mexico without a journalist being harassed, persecuted or even killed for attempting to do their job. The situation has become so bad that the Committee to Protect Journalists now cites Mexico as the most dangerous country in Latin America for media professionals.
President Calderón Assures Media Owners and Directors of His Continued Commitment to Freedom of Expression Presidencia de la República
Mexican President Felipe Calderón held a working meeting this week at the official Los Pinos residence with Mexican media owners and directors, during which he repeated his government’s firm commitment to defending freedom of expression and the free exercise of journalism.
Latin America: Behind-the-Scenes Censorship Marcela Valente
A study carried out in seven countries of Latin America found a "growing trend" in the region of subtle, largely invisible government interference with the media and journalistic independence.
Anti-War Website Operator Threatened By Armed Thugs Paul Joseph Watson
The operator of a leading alternative news and strongly anti-war website has become the target of nefarious thugs apparently in the employ of the U.S. government who have continually harassed him and ordered him to shut down his website.
Manufactured News Ain't News John M. Crisp
This is a cautionary tale about how journalism sometimes gets practiced in contemporary America.
4,000 U.S. Combat Deaths, and Just a Handful of Images Michael Kamber & Tim Arango
The case of a freelance photographer in Iraq who was barred from covering the Marines after he posted photos on the Internet of several of them dead has underscored what some journalists say is a growing effort by the American military to control graphic images from the war.
Dam Breaks As Media Covers Impeachment Hearing Prisonplanet.com
The House Judiciary Committee hearing on the Bush Administration’s use of executive power has finally been covered by the corporate media.
Collusion for Tyranny: The Media is Just as Guilty as Bush Vemrion
Kucinich has introduced the Articles of Impeachment against Bush... and the Media hasn't said shit. "Liberal Media" my ass! The Media is fucking fascist, end of story.
Hard Times for Press Freedoms Marshall Loeb
While the media are under ever tougher economic pressure to produce higher profits, they also face mounting political challenges to protect and preserve their freedoms.
Media Ignores Ron Paul March For Liberty Steve Watson
Thousands of people marched peacefully in Washington D.C. on Saturday, to honor Texas Congressman Ron Paul’s campaign for liberty, yet the mainstream media uniformly failed to issue a single written report on the event in its aftermath.
Reporters Covering Mexico Drug Wars Risk Their Lives Ken Ellingwood
In many ways, Mexico's democratic evolution has afforded the news media greater freedom than at any time in modern history. But at the same time, reporters are working on a battlefield: Mexico is considered the most dangerous Latin American nation in which to be a journalist, and one of the riskiest in the world.
Mexican Human Traffickers Behead Young Girl In Florida For Resisting Rape Sue D.
One has to wonder why this hasn't been reported by the major news outlets, why outrage hasn't been expressed, and why it took a blogger to bring the Florida House of Representatives -State Affairs Committee video segment to our attention?
Iraq Story Buried by US Networks The Real Network
The three major US networks spend on average 2 minutes per week covering the Iraq war, this according to the New York Times. Lara Logan of CBS joins critique.
Travel Classics West Writers Conference PVNN
Registration is now open for the Travel Classics West 2008 Writers Conference at The Boulders Resort and Golden Door Spa in Scottsdale, AZ from October 23-26, 2008. Don't miss what could be the most rewarding experience of your writing career!
New Visa/Work Authorization Information for Journalists Panafrican Press Association
We understand that some of you have received conflicting information regarding visas from various Mexican embassies around the world, and have experienced some frustration in your visa application efforts. We have been in touch with Mexican immigration authorities, and we take this opportunity to share the following information.
Talkshow Host Michael Reagan Wants to Kill 9/11 Truthers YouTube
Michael Reagan on his Tuesday June 10th show, during the 2nd hour, called for the murder of political activist Mark Dice and wants to pay for the bullets. Said all people who believe 9/11 attacks were aided by elements within U.S. government should be killed also.
Mexico Pays Dear in Drug War Paul Tash
On the day I arrived here, as part of a group seeking greater protection for journalists and punishment for their killers, an editor in the provinces found a message outside his newspaper. "You are next," said the note. It was attached to a severed human head.
Note, Head Found Near Mexican Newspaper Office Associated Press
note threatening a Mexican journalist was found outside the office of a newspaper in southern Mexico on Monday, two days after someone left a severed head there.
Dan Rather Slams Corporate News Free Press
Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather delivered a blistering critique of corporate news on Saturday night at the National Conference for Media Reform hosted by Free Press.
September 11: What Happened to Building 7? Peter Barber
What happened to building 7? To the truthers, the third building in the World Trade Center complex to collapse on September 11 is evidence that the mainstream media is in on the plot.
Attack of the Speech Police Dan K. Thomasson
If there is any other reason to be sick and tired of the presidential election campaign aside from the fact it has gone on longer than America's participation in World War I, it is the sudden emergence of the speech police ready to parse every remark for political correctness.
Media: An Economy That Needs Reinventing Jean-Marc Vittori
A new media world is emerging in which former landmarks disappear one after the other, where everyone is looking for its new brand names, where uncertainty has never been so great. The economy of which needs to be reinvented.
Dutch Cartoonist Arrested for 'Insulting People' Associated Press
A Dutch political cartoonist was arrested this week on suspicion of insulting people because of their race or religion through his work, authorities said Friday.
Indymedia Journalists Targeted in Ecuador Daniel Denvir
Ecuadorian police detained five journalists associated with Ecuador Indymedia late Tuesday night. Four of the five were released from custody on Wednesday afternoon.
The AFP Is Not a Blog Christophe Beaudufe
Information supplier to over 10,000 media outlets in the world Agence France-Presse has just been the object of a virulent attack by [France's ruling party] the UMP, which reproaches the agency for "censoring" some of its communiqués.
That Pundit on Fox News? An Upstart Named Rove Jim Rutenberg & Jacques Steinberg
Late Thursday night, Karl Rove, the architect of the last two Republican presidential victories, was on his new television perch at Fox News, offering free advice to Senator Barack Obama as he closed in on the Democratic nomination.
Poet Fined for Insulting Mexican Flag, Calls Ruling Threat to Free Speech Associated Press
Mexican poet Sergio Witz Rodriguez, has been fined about US $5 for desecrating the country's flag by writing a poem in 2000 about using it to wipe up urine and excrement.
A Picture Worth a Thousand Words: Newspaper Criticized for Publishing Photo Helen Thomas
Some readers resented The Washington Post for publishing an Associated Press photograph of a critically wounded Iraqi child being lifted from the rubble of his home in Baghdad's Sadr City "after a U.S. airstrike." Two-year-old Ali Hussein later died in a hospital. As the saying goes, the picture was worth a thousand words because it showed the true horrors of this war.
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