News from Around Banderas Bay | August 2007  
U.S. Consular Agency Vallarta Has Moved

| Puerto Vallarta's U.S. Consular Agency has moved from its provisional quarters in Paradise Village to the Paradise Plaza Shopping Center, located at 85 Paseo de los Cocoteros Sur, Local #l–7, in Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit. | Puerto Vallarta's U.S. Consular Agency has moved from its provisional quarters in Paradise Village to the Paradise Plaza Shopping Center, located at 85 Paseo de los Cocoteros Sur, Local #l–7, in Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit.
 Open to the public Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, except for US and Mexican holidays, the U.S. Consular Agency provides emergency services to American Citizens residing in or visiting the area around Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.
 The Consular Agency also provides notary service and receives applications for U.S. passports and consular reports of birth abroad (CRBAs.) Passport and CRBA applications are forwarded to the US Consulate General Guadalajara (the Consular Agency's supervisory post) for processing.
 According to Consular Agent Kelly Trainor, "The American Consulate is here to be of service to US citizens. We welcome ideas for programs to better serve the public."
 For more information, please contact the U.S. Consular Agency from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, Monday to Friday at (322) 222-0069 and 223-3301, or by email at consularagentpvr@prodigy.net.mx. | 
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