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Puerto Vallarta News NetworkEntertainment | April 2008 

New Meth Abuse Commercials Created By Mexican Film Director
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Respected Mexican film director makes anti-Meth ads to air in Montana.

According to Reuters, Mexican film director Alejandro Gonzales Inarritu has created a set of TV commercials which discourage methamphetamine use among teenagers in the United States.

Inarritu has gained respect for his direction of the films “Babel” and “21 Grams.” Now, the director has created three public-service ads for a nonprofit anti-drug program called the Meth Project. The ads center around the theme “This isn’t normal, but on meth it is,” and features disturbing images. For example, Inarritu shows two teenage girls who are prostituting themselves for money to support their meth habit.

The newly designed campaign began airing in Montana on Monday night. Montana is ranked No. 5 in the nation for meth abuse. Eventually the ads will air in the other top-ranking meth abuse states including Arizona, Idaho, Illinois and Wyoming.

The Meth Project was launched in 2005 and campaign organizers have stated the efforts are working. The Montana Attorney General’s Office reported that teen meth use has decreased approximately 45 percent since the 2005 launch.

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