Health & Beauty | May 2008  
Wesak – Making the Most of the Spiritual New Year

| To many, Wesak is a time to review one's commitments to personal growth, to receive new information, inspiration and guidance as well as deep healing. | | There is a valley, in the foothills of the Himalayan-Tibet ranges, it is surrounded by high mountains on all sides except towards the northeast where there is a narrow opening in the mountain ranges making it bottle-shaped. Close to the neck of the bottle, there is a huge flat rock upon which rests a great crystal bowl full of water placed there by the High Holy men who have gathered for this occasion.
 The open part of the valley is filled with pilgrims who have come for miles to bear witness to Buddha's blessing. As the hour of the full moon approaches a stillness settles upon the crowd. A few minutes before the exact time of the full moon, a tiny speck can be seen in the far distant sky. It comes nearer and nearer, until the form of the Buddha can be seen, seated cross-legged, clad in His saffron-colored robe, bathed in light and color, His hand extended in blessing.
 He arrives at a point exactly over the great rock, hovering in the air while a mantra, used only once a year at this Festival, is intoned.
 This Great Invocation sets up a vibration of such potency that it marks the supreme moment of intensive spiritual effort throughout the entire year, the spiritual vitalization of humanity, the effects of which last throughout the succeeding months.
 The blessing is poured forth, and received in trust, for distribution.
 The Buddha then slowly recedes into the distance again, until only a faint speck can be seen in the sky. The whole ceremonial blessing, from the time of the first appearance in the distance until the moment the Buddha fades out of view, takes just eight minutes.
 When the Buddha has disappeared, the water in the bowl - which now contains properties of a decidedly healing and helpful nature - is distributed to the Masters, initiates and disciples, and then to the crowd.
 Thus blessed, the crowd silently disperses and the Masters and disciples return with renewed strength, to undertake another year of world service.
 It is a momentous time, one shared in spirit by people all over the globe. To many, Wesak marks the beginning of the Spiritual New Year. It is a time to review one's commitments to personal growth, to receive new information, inspiration and guidance as well as deep healing.
 It happens each year when the full moon is in Taurus. Two great streams of energy - one focused through the Buddha and the other through the Christ - are fused and blended. These combined energies bring about a linking that blends East and West, uniting the world's major religions in a shared holy day in which religious distinctions disappear.
 Of course you don't have to be in the Himalayan-Tibet ranges to benefit, the blessing of the Masters encompasses the entire world. It's popular practice to put water out in a bowl in the light of the moon and the stars of Taurus to receive the blessings that will be distributed on the 19th. It is the perfect time to join hearts and minds and intent with the millions of others around the world, receiving guidance and healing so that we can more powerfully bring light and love to Mother Earth; she never needed it more.
 When a spiritually aware group gathers to celebrate and consciously receive the focused attention of the energy of Buddha, "The Illumination of Light," and Christ, "The Embodiment of Love," ALL kinds of miracles happen!
 And it's happening on Monday May 19th. The entire week leading up to Wesak, (also known as Buddha's Birthday) holds high holy energy for anyone to tap into. But Monday's moon will be the kicker. The combined aspiration, consecration, devotion and intelligence of millions of dedicated groups carries everyone to greater heights than could be attained alone. Expansions of consciousness are made possible that are not possible at other times.
 Which is why I am holding a miniature Wesak Festival at the hidden hot springs that day. I plan on getting covered head to toe in Mother Earth, courtesy of David's magic mud, creating a sacred circle, and stepping into it with any other spiritual adventurer who knows its time to take the next big step on this journey.
 Mud massage is a highly recommended option in the environment of rebirth I'll be creating. We'll be using the big round mineral pool for Watsu and we'll tap into the Wesak power renown for providing new insights and a sense of renewal of purpose.
 Wesak marks an intense period of spiritual evaluation in all dimensions. This evaluation sets humanity's vibrational destiny for the next twelve-month cycle. On Monday May l9th we will have our opportunity to influence that destiny. Let's make the most of it.
 Come join me at the Hot Springs. We'll start from the gazebo at Lazaro Cardenas Park at the end of Olas Altas at 10 am Monday, and go out together.
 Bring light and luscious food and drinks to share,
 Your crystals or any other sacred objects that would benefit from cleansing and powering up,
 Walking shoes and comfy clothes – it's an easy 40 minute walk into the jungle crossing the river several times, with a really steep bit just before the hidden pool.
 This will be a whole day dedicated to personal and planetary healing and restoration. Topics will include:
 • Interacting with Nature Spirits • Working with Crystals • How to receive Healing from Trees • Creating and holding Sacred Space • Namaste
 Suggested donation: $500 pesos not including mud treatments. If you have more please give more, if you don't have it, come anyway as long as your intent and focus is healing and positive forward movement.
 Contact me at joy(at)experiencejoy.com or (322) 129-1128 for more information.
JOY! Is an internationally acclaimed life transformation coach, famous for her unreasonable success in helping people move through their challenges with her unorthodox approach and emPOWERment tools. For more information, visit her website ExperienceJoy.com or call 044-322-129-1128.
 Click HERE for more articles by JOY! | 
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