|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay | May 2009  
In Vallarta, All's Quiet on the Home Front

| We have received numerous reports that this WILL NOT BE the theater poster for John Boorman's potential remake of his 1972 blockbuster movie, Deliverance. |  | Many savvy and well-seasoned international travelers have decided NOT to cancel or postpone their upcoming Puerto Vallarta vacations due to the global Swine Flu outbreak - but they are concerned that once they get here, the city will be closed down and there will be nothing to do.
 While the night clubs and bars in the El Centro and Old Town areas are closed until May 4-6, and several events have been canceled or postponed as a precaution against the spread of swine flu, most all restaurants are open from 12 pm to 12 am and they are serving alcohol with the purchase of food. In addition, many events, tours and activities are continuing on schedule.
 In fact, several local businesses are sending out newsletters to inform the public that they are still open, like the River Cafe, which recently announced that they will remain open 7 days a week for breakfast, lunch and dinner with live music every night and a brand-new Coffee Bar. For more information, call (322) 223-0788.
 And, since school is out and the kids are starting to get a little stir crazy, Vallarta Adventures is offering local residents a special $500 peso price on most all of their tours through May 15, 2009. To obtain this special discount you must show proof of residency, such as a phone or cable bill. (Not valid for Scuba Diving or Dolphin Trainer for a Day Program. No other discounts apply.) For more information, call (322) 297-1212 ext 3.
 While you are out on the town, you will most likely see people wearing face masks, mostly food handlers, delivery people, hospital workers and children. But once again, this is a precautionary measure, as there have been no confirmed cases of H1N1 swine flu in Jalisco, Nayarit or Colima to date.
 To stay on top of all the precautionary measures being taken in the Banderas Bay area, be sure to check out PVScene.com, they post local updates several times a day, like this one, which they posted on May 2, 2009 at 8 am:
 May 1, 2009
 • All 70 May Fiesta Events have been canceled
 • The Filippa Giordano Concert on May 9 is postponed to an unspecified date
 • No more than 30 people can gather at any one time and restaurants may serve no more than 100 customers at one time
 • The Mexican Secretariat for Communications and Transportation has announced enhanced health screening for all international passengers departing Mexico from the following six airports: Mexico City (Benito Juarez), Guadalajara, Monterrey, Cancun, Cabo San Lucas, and Puerto Vallarta. Any passengers displaying obvious flu-like symptoms may have their temperature taken by health officials; tests for the H1N1 virus may then be administered to those with fevers. Passengers with high temperatures or testing positive for the H1N1 virus will be denied boarding. All passengers should allow ample time for any delays the new health screening may add to the check-in process at the airport. At this time, the Embassy does not know of any plans to expand this screening to other airports or to arriving passengers, but the traveling public should be alert to this possibility. Other than the health screening, neither the U.S. government nor the government of Mexico has imposed any restrictions on travel between the U.S. and Mexico.
 • Government Announcement closing Federal offices and some businesses from May 1 to May 5
 • The 2009 Vallarta Altruism Festival on May 24 has been canceled. Ticket refunds are available.
 May 2, 2009
 • There are now roadblocks at all major highways into Puerto Vallarta and people with out of state license plates are being stopped and ordered to fill out a questionnaire like the one used in the airport.
 The good news for a world rattled by the threat of a flu pandemic is that new laboratory data showed fewer people have died in Mexico than first thought - so hopefully, the fear and paranoia that has been spreading like wildfire will soon burn itself out and flicker away... Should you be afraid to travel to Puerto Vallarta? Health Care Resources Puerto Vallarta's Pamela Thompson has the latest news and health reports from around Banderas Bay. (Click HERE for local swine flu updates) |

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