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Update: Punta Colonet Port and Riviera Maya Airport Plans
Omar González - Mexico Investor Digest go to original January 19, 2010

| Punta Colonet, Baja California |  | The Secretariat of Communications and Transportation (SCT), the leading agency of networks and communication channels in Mexico, plans to redesign the bidding processes for two of last year’s major projects: Punta Colonet in Ensenada, Baja California; and the construction of the airport in the Riviera Maya.
 Punta Colonet was launched as a project in early September 2008, but that same year, in October, the SCT announced a new schedule of activities within the bidding process. A few months later, in early 2009, it announced that the mega project would be postponed.
 This project was originally proposed as an attractive alternative to handle containers of Asian origin that could not land directly at the Port of Long Beach, California, in the U.S., due to saturation, and after that forward the goods to the U.S. via rail.
 The global economic crisis that started in 2009 also hit exports by sea. This factor led the Port of Long Beach to receive fewer vessels, which influenced the decision to slow down the bid for Punta Colonet.
 According to what SCT Secretary Juan Francisco Molinar Horcasitas said in a press conference, the port project is also affected by permits the United States must give to Mexico to open its borders to rail; these take at least eight years to be granted.
 Therefore, the SCT announced that it is currently working with companies, port operators and large users of this port to jointly redesign the bid that will make this project viable.
 The agency said the redesign does not mean a reduction in the amount of investment for the port located in the municipality of Ensenada, Baja California, which amounts to about US$5 billion, since instead of one large project there will be several small ones.
 The SCT also announced that the bid to build a new airport in the Riviera Maya will be redesigned into three parts: the first is to invite global consortia that want to invest in studies of land for the construction of the airport terminal.
 Subsequently, the SCT will launch the bases that will have a high cost. And finally, they will make the presentation of projects by companies.
 The bidding process will be launched around July this year and the project will take 3 to 4 years to be completed. SCT Seeks to Make Mexico a Primary Logistics Platform Omar González - Mexico Investor Digest go to original January 19, 2010
 The Secretariat of Communications and Transport (SCT), the lead agency of networks and communication channels, plans to turn Mexico into the main logistical platform of North America, declared Juan Francisco Molinar Horcasitas, head of the agency.
 During the presentation of major investment projects that the SCT has set for this year, Molinar Horcasitas, said it is of utmost importance that Mexican ports receive Asian containers before they arrive at American ports.
 To encourage this sector, the secretary urged investment in the modernization and expansion of the national infrastructure in ports, especially at Lazaro Cardenas, Michoacan, which "will be the second largest port in the American Pacific."
 Regarding the road sector, the SCT will invest $36 billion pesos, of which $16.0 will be used for new construction and modernization of land routes; $8.5 to the conservation of those already existing; $10.0 to roads and bridges; and $1.5 to the Temporary Employment Program.
 Highlighted among the highway projects presented by the agency was the South Arc corridor that will be part of Mexico, Puebla, Oaxaca and Hidalgo, and require an investment of $25.2 billion pesos.
 The agency will also provide resources for the Matamoros Railroad beltway, a project that will give great impetus to the Tamaulipas border region since it is planned to access the international bridges from Reynosa and Matamoros.
 Molinar Horcasitas described the administration of President Felipe Calderon as "the six-year term of infrastructure" by revealing that during the first three years of his term public and private investment in communications and transportation is 2.5 times higher than the six-year terms of Vicente Fox and Ernesto Zedillo.
 e-mid (Mexico Investor Digest), Jan. 14, 2010; Mexico Investor Digest is a reference for the business market, which offers integral products and services that help and promote the development of highly competitive businesses in Mexico; Universidad de las Americas, Mexico City; translation e-mid.

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