|  |  | News from Around Banderas Bay  
The Rivera Cuale Newsletter
The Rivera Cuale Team June 30, 2010

| |  | This is it, summer is now upon us! We already have had a couple nights of rain here in Puerto Vallarta, it's warming up, and we are seeing more and more lush greenery all around us.
| Holy Guacamole!
 The weather is starting to warm up here in Vallarta. Recently I was craving a tasty and easy to make snack that doesn't involve cooking with heat, so I went and selected some fresh ingredients at the outdoor market just around the corner from Rivera Cuale, and headed up to the model unit to make...guacamole! There is tons of counter space in the roomy kitchen and lots of light both from the many windows and excellent built-in lighting.
 Here is my guacamole recipe:
 2 ripe avocados 1 tomato (Roma is good) ¼ of a white onion Couple sprigs of cilantro Two cloves of garlic Chile serrano A few limes (the small ones) Salt
 Wash all the produce. Peel the avocados, remove the pits, and mash the avocado up in a bowl. Chop up the tomato, onion and cilantro and add in. Mince the garlic (or use a garlic crusher) and add in to the mixture. Throw in a little minced chile serrano and a bit of salt. Squeeze in the juice of a few limes. Mix. Taste the guacamole, then add in more chile, salt and lime to your liking.
 Serve with totopos, on a chicken burger, as a side with fajitas... There are so many options! It's a quick, nutritious dish to make, and it's great in hot weather!
 PROVECHO! leanne(at)riveracuale.com
 Click here for more photos. |  |
 We are in the middle of the always exciting World Cup Soccer! 32 national teams from around the world have come together to face off for the World Cup title, and down here, that means World Cup Fever.
 We are also bringing you some exciting news and offers from Rivera Cuale, so read on for details!
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 Financing Your Home at Rivera Cuale
 As financing options become increasingly available, the question of how to structure your Rivera Cuale property investment becomes fundamental.
 So, you have decided to purchase at Rivera Cuale - that puts you ahead of the curve, but the question is, how far? Choosing the right investment to meet both financial and lifestyle needs is only half of the equation - how you structure that investment can be the difference between your property here becoming a fortunate part of your life, or its being a part of your life's fortune.
 Foreign Nationals purchasing a Mexican property have traditionally been able to do so only with 'cash' - meaning that however they were able to arrange financing, from the perspective of the property - and of Mexico for that matter - it was paid in full, free and clear.
 There are numerous reasons for this. First, Mexican Banks had not established a uniform or accessible mortgage market, nor did they participate in secondary markets in any meaningful way. Mortgage lending has seen major structural improvement within each of the lending processes' critical dimensions: gauging creditworthiness, backing loans and obtaining funds.
 Advances in accounting rules, a commitment to capital adequacy, loan classification, auditing, and risk evaluation and management procedures, which have been implemented and refined since 2005, now all meet or exceed international standards and requirements. The government has also made important advances to allow the actual property (generally an appreciating asset) as collateral, and in bankruptcy law uniformity, removing variances municipality to municipality.
 The second major reason for cash being almost universal in Mexican property transactions is the requirement that each property sale be brought before a Notary Public who executes a transfer and conveyance to the new owner. This ensures title, movement of the property free and clear of any issues, and that the property transaction is correctly entered into the public register. If the seller is not cashed out, there can be no conveyance, as the seller retains title until such a time as they are paid in full. For the purposes of actually completing the operation, cash has been the least resistive method in the absence of a formal mortgaging system.
 Click here to read more.
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 World Cup Soccer
 World Cup Soccer fever is upon us again!
 Here in Mexico, soccer ("futbol") is taken very seriously and is a great source of national pride. It is a cultural phenomenon. Whether from a sports bar downtown, or from homes lining the cobblestone streets, cries of distress and of victory fly out the windows to the ears of passersby, as World Cup viewers shout out in unison with the ups and downs of the matches. Even if Mexico is not playing, they still have other favourite teams to cheer for.
 I enjoy the sport. I played recreationally for a few years in Canada, in a local league. Although it is very popular where I come from, I had not anticipated the fever and passion that accompany the sport down here.
 And so I asked myself, what makes soccer so popular here? What makes is so popular worldwide? Here is what I came up with.
 Click here to read more.
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 Beach & River Clean-Ups
 PEACE is still working hard with their weekly clean-ups around Vallarta. Currently they are focusing on the Cuale River and surrounding area to prevent as much garbage as possible from flowing into the Bay of Banderas.
 Upcoming clean-up is: Saturday, July 3rd
 For further information and to help out, please contact Jennifer: jennifermariepeters(at)gmail.com
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Old Town Farmers' Market
 Without a doubt, the must do activity on a Saturday morning is a visit to the Old Town Farmers' Market. In addition to seeing everyone you know, you will experience a bit of sensory overload as you make the circuit of all the goodies being offered.
 Old Town Farmers' MarketAs you enter, there is a full butcher shop set up, with every deli item you could want, from pancetta to fresh horseradish, and gourmet cuts of meat, to fabulous sandwiches. As you continue your stroll through, you can order such delights as Pad Thai or green curry chicken from a lovely Thai lady, ready to go when you are done shopping.
 You can pick up organic greens for your week's salads, high altitude coffee, exotic fruits, homemade pickles, pastas, salsas, breads, sauces, jellies, ready to bake pot pies, cheesecakes, and other desserts, and so much more. I could go on and on. The varieties are endless. It is a foodie's dream.
 Click here to read more.
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 We appreciate your continued interest in our development! As always, we are here to help with any questions you may have, and we welcome your comments on our newsletter. Sincerely,
 The Rivera Cuale Team Toll free from USA & Canada: 1(888) 226-0563 On-site office: 223-3770; In-town office: 222-6086
 Click here for more information on Rivera Cuale Puerto Vallarta, of visit the website at riveracuale.wordpress.com.

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