|  |  | Americas & Beyond  
U.S. Socialist Stewart Alexander Will Run for President in 2012
Socialist Party USA July 16, 2010

| Stewart Alexander 2012 |  | During the 2008 presidential campaign, Stewart Alexander was the Vice Presidential Nominee for Socialist Party USA; now with the US economy falling deeper into an endless recession and President Obama’s approval rating dipping below 50 percent, Stewart Alexander says he will run for president in 2012 to make Washington accountable to working people.
 Stewart Alexander says he will seek the 2012 presidential nomination of the Socialist Party USA and will present socialist solutions to address the needs of the working class. “The Democrats and Republicans have failed to listen to the working class concerning jobs, education, health care, homelessness, immigration, the environment and the war; the two corporate parties only represent the nation’s wealthy elite. If we continue on this same path as a nation, we will continue to reap the same results.”
 Ending the U.S. occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan is at the top of Alexander’s priority list. Alexander says President Obama has set July 2011 as a deadline to start withdrawing troops out of Afghanistan only to boost his presidential hopes for 2012; however, “I don’t think Obama will bamboozle Americans with more of his promises. Obama has failed to end the war and he has failed to produce results.”
 President Obama has accomplished very little after being in office for seventeen months. During his first year in office, the president received the Nobel Peace Prize and organized the first White House beer summit; however, the president’s $787 billion stimulus package has failed to stimulate the economy and the national unemployment is close to 10 percent. The real unemployment rate, which counts discouraged workers and the other groups excluded by the post-1992 methodology from the work force, will probably remain in the 17 percent range.
 Alexander says, as president he will focus on creating good paying jobs for working people repairing the nation’s infrastructure, creating jobs in the building and construction industry, and developing mass transportation. He will also work with Congress to address immigration reform and to create stronger relations with our southern neighbors. To address the needs of a global economy, Alexander says he will introduce a plan to establish a Universal Basic Income to alleviate poverty and homelessness.
 Alexander says his platform for change is simple, “It comes directly from the National Platform for the Socialist Party USA.” Stewart Alexander is a member of the Socialist Party USA and is presently the State Chairperson for the Socialist Party of California.
 For more information search the Web for: Stewart A. Alexander
 SPUSA 2008 Presidential Candidate Questionnaire- Stewart A. Alexander Washington and Capitalism is in Shambles
 Articles by Stewart Alexander
 Socialist Party USA
 Socialist Party of California 40485 Murrieta Hot Springs Road, #149 Murrieta, CA 92563

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