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Two Bengal Tigers Born at Vallarta Zoo
PVNN December 08, 2010

| Two Bengal Tiger cubs were recently born at the Zoologico de Vallarta facilities in Mismaloya. |  | On December 4, 2010 Puerto Vallarta Zoo owners, Martin, Antonio and Alfredo Castañeda, proudly announced the recent birth of two Bengal Tigers at the Zoologico de Vallarta facilities in Mismaloya.
 The cubs, which were born just in time for Christmas, reflect the season's colors - the female is as white as a snowflake and the male is the color of gold. The male was named "Cheque" in honor of Mexican singer Ezequiel (Cheque) Peña, who has already asked to sponsor the cub by providing funds for its care and well being.
 Originating from India, Bengal tigers are the world's largest species of felines - and they are in danger of extinction. Over the past century tiger numbers have fallen dramatically, with a decreasing population trend. In fact, in 2010, the population of wild Bengal tigers in the Indian subcontinent is estimated to be fewer than 2,500.
 Famous actors, such as Leonardo DiCaprio are working hard on campaigns to save the tigers. According to the World Wildlife Fund, DiCaprio committed $1 million to help support anti-poaching efforts and protect tiger habitats. This was in addition to his efforts earlier in the year to help the group raise $20 million for tiger conservation.
 The Castañeda family is also deeply devoted to the preservation of not only Bengal tigers, but all endangered species. They believe that providing the animals with excellent care and a safe environment encourages them to reproduce in captivity.
 With between 28 and 35 cubs born every year, the Puerto Vallarta Zoo is one of the most famous in the world because of its extraordinary success in big cat births. In fact, Zoologico de Vallarta was recently asked by the Indian consulate in Mexico to sign an agreement promising to donate 4 of the Bengal tigers born at the zoo each year to be freed on a protected reserve in India.
 The success of the Puerto Vallarta Zoo's reproduction in captivity program has already been proven, and the Castañeda brothers are very motivated to fulfill the contract. And, with the recent captive birth of these two Bengal tiger cubs, they are not only proud of the recognition they've received for their contributions to the preservation of the species, but also the fact that white and gold cubs are very rare.
 For those unable to visit the zoo in person, the tiger cubs and many other animals can be seen on the zoo’s website: ZoologicoDeVallarta.com.

Located just south of Vallarta in the jungles of Mismaloya, Zoologico de Vallarta is open daily from 10 am to 6 pm. For more information, call (322) 228-0501, click HERE or visit ZoologicoDeVallarta.com.

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