Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - You can look and feel much younger than you are. It’s just a matter of getting your hormones under control. Our hormones regulate everything from our sex drive to our metabolism and stress levels. As you get older they start to decline and go out of balance.
This happens because of the foods we eat, the air we breathe, and the products we use. And, when your hormones are out of balance, it can play havoc with our overall health. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Your body can stay fit and trim like you were in your 20s. You can sleep like a baby every night and wake up feeling refreshed and focused. You can always be energetic, whether at work or play.
When you’re young, your skin is smooth, clear and has a natural elasticity. But as you age, your face takes on a new look. It gains crow’s feet and worry lines. Once taut muscles start to relax, your skin begins to sag.
Not only that, but every area of your health is affected. You begin to store more fat and build less muscle. Your energy levels drop. And you’re more susceptible to infection, disease and illness.
You can tell your hormones are out of sync when you experience:
• Mood swings
• Low energy
• Cravings for sugar or salt
• Restless sleep
• Waning libido
• Weight gain
• Changes in skin tone
For example, the hormone Ghrelin normally tells you when you’re hungry. It’s triggered by an empty stomach. When you’ve had enough to eat, fat cells release Leptin. This hormone tells your brain it’s time to stop eating. But if your Leptin levels become unbalanced, they won’t send that signal. As a result, you’ll always feel hungry, probably eat more, and start packing on the pounds.
But it’s never too late to reverse the trend. By balancing your hormones, you can restore the looks and vitality you had when you were younger. Here’s what you can do:
• Eat foods that support energy and weight hormones – These include natural, organic, and whole foods such as raw fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Also stick with hormone-free dairy products and eat fish – including salmon, tuna and mackerel – about three times a week. If you don’t like seafood, take a fish oil supplement.
• Steer clear of high-fat and highly-processed foods. Pre-packaged meats, white bread, cookies and frozen dinners contain chemicals that adversely affect hormone levels.
• Manage stress hormones with exercise and relaxation. In stressful situations, your hormones release cortisol and adrenaline. When that happens, glucose is released into your blood to provide energy. Constant stress elevates cortisol, which disrupts your metabolic system, signals your cells to store fat, and ultimately disables your brain cells. You can lower cortisol levels in your body by reducing stress.
Breathing techniques and meditation can help calm your body. Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Listen to your breathing and follow it. Or repeat a word or short phrase that means something. You can speak it or just think it in a rhythm that is comfortable. Clear your mind of worries, and focus on relaxing. Take 10 or 15 minutes out of your day to this. You can even meditate as you lie in bed at night.
Another way to manage stress is through exercise. Physical activity helps boost the product of endorphins, your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters. After a fast-paced game of tennis or several laps in the pool, your mood will improve and you’ll forget your worries as you focus on your body’s movements.
• Clean up your environment – Replace chemically harmful items in your home or office with non-toxic products. Potentially dangerous household items include air fresheners, carpet and upholstery shampoo, dishwasher detergents, furniture polish, oven and toiler bowl cleaners, and laundry detergents. Avoid using insecticides and herbicides. Be selective about beauty products as well. Many items such as cosmetics, shampoos, conditioners, lotions and nail polish contain toxins.
• Store food in glass, ceramic or metal containers rather than in toxic plastics. Drink filtered water out of glass jars instead of plastic bottles.
• Get a good night’s sleep every night – Sleep helps regulate the hormones that affect your appetite. Studies show that when your body is deprived of sleep, normal hormone balances are interrupted and your appetite increases. Sleep also helps lower elevated levels of stress hormones. So be sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.