Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - There's nothing like a hot deal on a gourmet meal to cool you off this summer. From July 20th-25th Daiquiri Dick's introduces the Flavors of Oaxaca on their Summer Sizzle Menu, with your choice of appetizer, entrée and dessert for $299 pesos.
The Flavors of Oaxaca - Los Sabores de Oaxaca: July 20-25, 2011
Select one item from each part of the menu or select one starter and one entree item and substitute your dessert for a national drink or glass of house wine.
Escoja un platillo de cada sección del menú o escoja una entrada y un plato fuerte y sustituya su postre por una bebida nacional o copa de vino de la casa.
Appetizers - Primero
• Corn Soup with Roasted Poblano Chiles and Zucchini, garnished with fried tortilla strips
Sopa de elote con chile poblano asado, calabacita y tortillas fritas
• Duck Garnachas served with Onions Carmelized with Chipotle Chile
Garnachas de Pato al confit con cebolla carmelizada al chipotle
• Mini Marinated Beef Tostadas, served with Radishes, Onions and a Roasted Habanero Chile Sauce
Tostaditas de salpicón de res, estilo Oaxaca, servidas con rábano, cebolla desflemada y salsa de chile habanero asado
Entrées - Segundo
• Chicken in Red Mole of Huajillo and Ancho Chiles, Almonds, Chocolate and Cinnamon, served with Green Rice
Pollo al mole rojo de chiles huajillo y ancho, pan, almendras, chocolate y canela con arroz verde
• Fillet of Sea Bass over Pureed Poblano Chile with Spinach in a Pomegranate Vinaigrette
Filete de robalo sobre puré de chile poblano y espinaca con vinagreta de granada
• Pork Loin in Oaxacan Green Mole with Chayote and Corn, served over Rice
Lomo de cerdo en mole verde estilo oaxaqueño con chayote blanco y ejote, servido con arroz
Dessert - Postre
• Chocolate Bread Pudding with Roasted Banana
Budín de chocolate con plátano
• Coconut Flan
Flan de coco
The Summer Sizzle dinner menu starts at 5 pm. Enjoy a spectacular ocean view, sunset and irresistible offerings from India, this week at Daiquiri Dick's.
Open daily from 8:30 am to 11 pm, Daiquiri Dick's offers elegant dining in a relaxed atmosphere for breakfast, lunch or dinner. (Closed on Tuesdays and the month of September.) Visa, MasterCard and Banamex accepted. Reservations are recommended.

Click HERE to read more about Daiquiri Dick's.