Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Facebook’s new timeline adds depth to what used to be the "Wall" for users. Now, instead of scrolling back through just a few months of posts, you can view images and publications from previous years.
Facebook has become a valuable marketing tool and with this new timeline companies will have the opportunity to change the way they connect with the virtual community.
The new timeline will allow companies to share their news and reports, allowing users to be able to view the evolution the company. Customers will see the milestones, progress and success of each business. As companies create their timelines, there is no doubt that many brands will benefit from the labeling and dating of past photographs.
Of primary focus for companies is the opportunity for interaction with customers through this new timeline. The real challenge is to discover how it can be best used and most valuable for each individual company.
Some of the benefits of the new Facebook timeline for pages will be inherent and natural, while others will be developed over time. Companies that benefit most are those who, without hesitation, will take the plunge and discover how to get the most out of this new marketing tool.
Fan Page administrators have new options in their hands. For example, an administration panel is hidden or stretched, which means you do not have to move to another page to make changes, updates or improvements. This panel includes notifications of activity on your site, new "likes" and graphs based on account performance.
When you visit a Fan Page with the new timeline, the experience becomes more personal. The Landing Pages list statistics such as how many of your friends like that brand and well as public information about the brand.
Administrators and users have until March 30 to continue using their current profiles before the switch to the new Facebook timeline becomes universal.
Jorge Chavez is Senior Editor at Mijo! Brands in Mexico.

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