Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Local author Alex Gomez has written a dangerous book. Dangerous because when you read it, you'll run the risk of falling in love with it, and it might be the first time in your life that you have fallen in love with a book. Dangerous because its main character is a Dracula, but a beautiful, bisexual Dracula, or Radu, Vlad the Impaler's youngest brother.
The Sultan's Boy is dangerous because most of the story it tells has been derived from the annals of world history, and cannot be dismissed as harmless fiction. Dangerous because Mr. Gomez examines four major world religions and finds three of them worthy of ridicule and satire-save one: the world's oldest religion, that of the Goddess.
Dangerous because it toys with war - in Alex's rather breathless description of wars between the Europeans and the Ottomans, neither side is the winner. In a match-up between Christianity and Islam, both sides are sore losers. In a comparison of hetero, homo and bi-sexual intercourse, guess which triumphs as the most erotic and titillating? Alex picks up where Mary Renault left off-he writes what she could not, either from inexperience or social strictures. And Alex loves nothing more than to flaunt social strictures...
Alex Gomez has been writing and publishing fiction since he was twelve, when he published his first short story. He published its sequel the following year (in grade eight). He moved back to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico after he finished university and continued his writing career there, in English papers and their bi-lingual counterparts. He wrote and published hundreds of articles, mostly book and movie reviews. He wrote and published two short stories while in Puerto Vallarta, and one of them, A Distant Drum, won a short story contest in English.
He wrote his first adult novel, A Simple Heart, and it received an honorable mention from the novel contest he submitted it to. A few years ago, Alex researched and wrote a historical novel, The Sultan's Boy, after reading all of Mary Renault's books, historical or otherwise. It was accepted and soon after rejected by three literary agents, two in Canada and one in England.
Alex was desperate to have his novel published so that it would coincide with his home town's first-ever gay pride festival, so he went ahead and self-published it on Lulu.com, which is now selling it for as an e-book for $3.49 USD. It is also available at Barnes and Noble's Nook as well as at the Apple iTunes store.

Click HERE to read articles by Alex Gomez.