Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - October brings many things - a return to all of our clinics, speakers programs, the beginning of the return of our 'snowbirds' and some cooler weather! Please take your time, read through the entire newsletter and then send on any questions, requests and/or comments you may have.
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We have so many activities that the event calendar has been published separately. (Click HERE) We look forward to seeing you at some (or all!) of these events.
October's Hot Topics
Our Hot Topic Programs are no charge events but do require an RSVP.
"Everything You Need to Know About Insurance"
Tuesday, October 4, 2016 at 10:00 am
Hospital San Javier Marina
We will cover all aspects of insurance, how it works here, what is covered, what isn't - from travelers insurance to air evacuation policies. Does your insurance work here? What is the difference between a Mexican (private) policy and an International policy? Join us and find out!
"Breakfast With a Urologist"
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 at 10:00 am
Hospital San Javier Marina
Gather round the table and ask our urologist, Dr. Carlos Garcia questions about everything from Bio-Identical Hormones for men to prostate problems. He is one of our star physicians, bi-lingual and a lot of fun too!
October Health Clinics
These are screening clinics. If you would like to participate, please send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com stating which clinic and name of patient. We try to schedule according to the person's request (time frame) so please include that information as well.
Skin Clinic
October 11, 2016 and October 26, 2016
$300 pesos - PLUS members pay $250 pesos
This is a skin cancer screening check by an oncologist (not by a dermatologist). He checks from your scalp all the way to the bottoms of your feet.
Mammogram Clinic
October 13, 2016 and October 27, 2016
$1100 pesos - PLUS members pay $950 pesos
Includes a digital mammogram using low-radiation technique, breast ultrasound (if deemed necessary), manual exam and a complete review and explanation of your films. These are performed by a breast specialist and an oncologist.
Foot Clinic
October 14, 2016
$300 pesos - PLUS members pay $250 pesos
Have a complete evaluation of your feet and toes by our foot specialist. Check for fungus, corns, and bunions - the works! Our feet take a beating on the cobblestones here. **BONUS** All participants in the Foot Clinic have the opportunity to have a wonderful Medical Pedicure the day of the clinic for just $100 pesos! (Regular price: $300 pesos)
Thyroid Clinic
October 17, 2016
$450 pesos - PLUS members pay $400 pesos
Includes consult/interview with our endocrinologist. We highly recommend a thyroid profile (lab study) prior to the appointment. We offer this at a discounted price.
Ear Clinic
October 18, 2016
$375 pesos - PLUS members pay $325 pesos
These clinics are performed by an ENT who will check inside your ears and clean if necessary. Note: This is NOT a hearing test!
Women's Clinic
October 20, 2016
Option #1:
$775 pesos - PLUS members pay $690 pesos
Includes consult, pap smear, pelvic exam by a female GYN.
Option #2:
$1,000 pesos - PLUS members pay $900 pesos
Includes consult, pap smear, pelvic exam and trans-vaginal ultrasound by a female GYN.
Vascular Clinic
October 24, 2016
$400 pesos - PLUS members pay $350 pesos
Our vascular specialist will evaluate your blood flow, varicose veins, and your risk factors for vascular disease.
Cardiac Clinic
October 26, 2016
$550 pesos - PLUS members pay $500 pesos
Includes consult/interview with a cardiologist, EKG, Blood Pressure check. We recommend that prior to your appointment, you have a cholesterol profile and we are offering this at a discounted price. (This is an amazing savings - outside of our clinic, the price for this is $1,200 pesos.)
Men's Urology Clinic
October 27, 2016
$700 pesos - PLUS members pay $650 pesos
Includes consult/interview with our urologist, ultrasound of kidneys, bladder and prostate, measurement of residual urine. We recommend prior to your appointment a PSA and Urinalysis and we offer these at a discounted price.
Eye Clinic
October 28, 2016
$425 pesos - PLUS members pay $400 pesos
Vision exam, pressure test for glaucoma, exam and evaluation by an ophthalmologist.
We are THRILLED to have Christina Boover-Lawrence here full time! She is our star audiologist. She and her family have moved to Puerto Vallarta! And, her husband Nick is a speech pathologist! Look for a little welcome open house for them in November. Please contact me if you need an appointment. Anything and everything to do with hearing aids, hearing testing and speech pathology.
What is the Healthcare Resources PLUS Program?
First, one absolutely does not need to be a PLUS member to receive our services, but, there are a few perks. You can see the chart/information here: healthcareresourcespv.com. Let us know if you have any questions.
Let's Chat!
We are happy to set up a one-on-one chat to go over general health care information - from insurance to Emergency Services. Email pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com to schedule. No charge of course.
How does Healthcare Resources work?
There is never a referral fee, commission! Healthcare Resources has individual contracts (set payment) with each of our physicians and hospitals. These contracts cover everything from referrals for consults to inpatient services provided by Healthcare Resources.
We are very proud of our physicians. We have all specialties available. All of our physicians are board-certified, bi-lingual and professional.
We are able to arrange any diagnostic procedure for you - from a colonoscopy to an MRI and everything in between, often at a discounted price. All we need is an email from you!
You can follow us on Facebook HERE.
From the Heart
We attempt to assist the people that "fall through the cracks" with clothing, medical needs, education materials. If you would like our "Wish List" - please send an email to pamela(at)healthcareresourcespv.com Thank you!
Fantastic New Dermatology Shop
We are thrilled learn of a new store, LumaDerm, offering anything and everything related to dermatology - from makeup to sunscreen. It's sleek, clean and classy and has very good prices! We will be doing an Open House in November but, in the meantime, if you would like further information and/or directions, please send an email to me.
Save the Date
This year's Medical Matters will be on February 13, 2017! This will be our 7th year. As always, the location is the Hotel Marriott Casamagna with nearly 60 health-related providers/exhibitors along with non-stop (new topics) speakers programs. Always a no-charge event to the public. Watch for details! And as always, volunteers are needed! If you are able to donate a few hours to assist at Medical Matters, please let me know.
Vaccines are a personal decision! We have Shingles vaccines available. Flu Vaccines have not yet arrived but will soon. And - in the next week or so I will have information on the new Dengue vaccine. If you would like to receive that information (or any other vaccine info) please email!
New Clinics in November
We will be adding some new clinics in November including a Lung Clinic and Knee Clinic. Our line-up of Speakers Programs coming up this season is exciting! We look forward to some workshops with psychologist, Jean Martin. We are wide open to your suggestions for topics so send those on. We can also do presentations to groups (condo associations, clubs, etc) on a wide variety of topics.
Here's to a happy, healthy and wonderful "high season" here in Puerto Vallarta. There are so many good causes to participate in here. Choose your passion!
We are here for all of your health care needs!
Pamela Thompson
Cell: 322-107-7007

Click HERE to learn more about the health and well-being services offered by HealthCare Resources Puerto Vallarta.