Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Want to get acquainted with 200 cats and kittens up close and PuRR-sonal? Jump on the air-conditioned Superior Tours van and come with us to visit the PuRR Project ranch where you can pet, cuddle, hug, nuzzle, pamper, and snuggle to your heart's content!
You've heard many times about the 200+ cats and kittens living happily at the PuRR Project Ranch. Now you have an opportunity to meet them every other Wednesday throughout the season. If you love cats and either live in Puerto Vallarta or plan to visit this winter, this is the PuRR-fect way to spend a Wednesday morning.
Here's how it works:
Choose your pick-up location - we depart Plaza Romy in Old Town at 9:00 am, VIPS Restaurant by the Marina Walmart at 9:20 am, or the Autozone Store in the Lago Real parking lot in Nuevo Vallarta at approximately 9:45 am.
After considerable snuggle time with all our furry residents, we make a quick stop in San Juan de Valle, a charming little Mexican town near the ranch where we've discovered a great taco stand and some interesting little tiendas. You'll be back at your pick-up point in Vallarta by 1:30 pm.
Reserving your spot is a breeze. Just go to purrproject.com, and click on 'I Want To Visit' at the top of the page, where you'll find all the info you need about visiting the ranch, or send an email to visit(at)purrproject.com.
The cost is only $400 pesos if you pay on the van or $20 USD if you pay online via PayPal. Please note that these tours have been completely funded so every peso of your donation goes directly to the care of the cats residing at the ranch. (Please respect the fact that van space is limited - last-minute no-shows result in an empty seat and a loss of donations.)
You can sign up now for any of the following dates: November 28, December 12 & 26, January 9 & 23, February 6 & 20, and March 6 & 20.