Puerto Vallarta, Mexico - Summertime, from June to October, is Vallarta's rainy season. And while the summer rains can make your garden lush and green, without proper preparedness, they can also cause significant damage. Tropicasa Realty offers a few helpful tips for summer gardening in Puerto Vallarta.
• Check drainage. If water stagnates in your garden, it can rot the roots of your plants.
• If you would like to plant during the rainy season, bulbs are your best option and be sure that any pits around your plants are shallow, to keep water from collecting and not fully absorbing into the ground.
• Saplings or more willowy plants should be reinforced with stakes to keep them standing tall under the force of a tropical downpour.
• Remember not to walk on your garden soil after a rainfall, as footprints can compact the soil, causing rain to absorb unevenly.
• Keep a careful eye out for root rot and remove it quickly, before it spreads.
The Summer rains in Puerto Vallarta not only cool down our temperatures, but also keep our Sierra Madre jungle looking green and gorgeous, and your garden looking its best. Added bonus? No additional watering needed.
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