Puerto Vallarta Real Estate | September 2007  
Jeffrey Hornberger in New NAR Post
John K. Glaab - CIPS
 For more than a decade, Jeffrey Hornberger served as International Market Development Manager for the National Association of Realtors (NAR). During that time, he made many friends and contacts in AMPI Los Cabos, AMPI across Mexico and within NAR's 57 affiliate associations. In addition to his achievements in working with AMPI, he was successful in various projects in Brazil, Panama and Spain.
 I first met Jeff in Aguascalientes at the first annual meeting of the 43% Club. This group had been established the year before at the AMPI Conference in Merida. It brought together AMPI members from the restricted zone, places such as Acapulco, Cancun, Mazatlan and Los Cabos. Its purpose was to exchange information and discuss problems common to those marketing Mexican real estate in the "Forbidden Zone."
 Jeff, Jan Tarnow (then Manager of NAR's Resort group) Linda Neil and John Glaab met in Chicago, following NAR's 2001 Annual Conference. Jeff and Jan came to Los Cabos in the summer of 2002 to check out facilities for the first annual Resort Marketing Forum. This took place in Los Cabos in February 2003. Several would follow in places like Cape Cod, Hawaii and Vail. According to feed back from resort marketers, the on in Los Cabos was the best in terms of location, organization and educational content.
 AMPI celebrated its 50th Anniversary in 2006. This was marked by the signing of a joint venture between AMPI and NAR. There are many benefits to AMPI members, including automatic membership in NAR. Jeffrey Hornberger was one of the architects of this initiative. He will be missed by many in our industry. Jeff has become Managing Director Member Development, Commercial Real estate for NAR.
 Meanwhile at AMPI headquarters, Barbara Gaxoet has replaced Vanessa Finson as Director, International Relations AMPI/NAR.
John Glaab has been a member of NAR's International Section for over a decade. He has earned the Certified International Property Specialist designation and is a founding member of AMPI Los Cabos. He spends half the year in La Paz, Baja California Sur and the other half in Uruapan, Michoacan. For further information, contact John at John.Glaab@settlement-co.com. | 
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