Puerto Vallarta Real Estate | October 2007  
Real Estate Association to Turn 100
John K. Glaab - CIPS
 In May of 1908, 120 Realtors met to form what would become The National Association of Realtors® (NAR). Today, the membership is 1,366,869 with 1442 local associations. Internationally it has cooperating agreements with 71 associations in 55 countries. Mexico of course is one of those countries.
 Last year, the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals (AMPI) celebrated its 50th Anniversary. A major initiative for AMPI, last year was a joint venture with NAR. As a result, AMPI members are now members of NAR and have the right to use NAR's copyright logos and the word Realtor® which is also protected by international copyright.
 Centennial celebrations will kick off on November 11th in Las Vegas at NAR's annual conference. This writer will be in attendance, as a member of the Mexican contingent.
 A strong international flavour will be seen at this year's Conference. Realtors® will travel from around the world to attend the event. I, personally look forward to renewing acquaintances with friends made over the past ten years.
 Always an event I enjoy is the annual Certified International Property Specialist (CIPS) breakfast. New designees will be presented with their pins and certification diplomas having met the qualifications to us the CIPS designation.
John Glaab has been a member of NAR's International Section for over a decade. He has earned the Certified International Property Specialist designation and is a founding member of AMPI Los Cabos. He spends half the year in La Paz, Baja California Sur and the other half in Uruapan, Michoacan. For further information, contact John at John.Glaab@settlement-co.com. | 
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