Health & Beauty | January 2008
Challenge Yourself in 2008 JOY!
A new year brings opportunity for reflection and resolution. We tend to make all kinds of promises to ourselves, vowing to start this or stop that or improve something in some way, but as good as our intentions start out to be, all too often they fall by the wayside.
Everyone wants a better life, but putting in the effort to make that happen doesn't always get the priority it needs in order to be effective.
With these thoughts in mind I welcome you to the Challenge Corner, where every week you are given the opportunity to play with a body, mind or spirit expansion exercise that will help you improve your life in some way.
Don't take my word for it, try the challenges yourself and see what happens. They are easy to do, take very little time and are fun, so you have nothing to lose and all kinds of interesting things to gain by playing along. enJOY!
If you want to become a non-smoker this year, this challenge is for you:
In fact, don't give up anything. The very thought of having to give up something makes one cling on to that very thing.
Instead choose what it is that you do want to do and focus on that. When we place our attention on what we want, rather than what we don't want, we are very much more empowered.
Why do you want to be a non-smoker? Write those reasons down, make sure they are compelling enough to inspire you to fight back when a craving hits. Arm yourself with clear visions of new healthier, fitter, better smelling self, master of your own destiny, no longer a slave to cigarettes.
Give yourself other options – like breathing! When you feel the need to smoke because you want to relax, realise that your body is requesting deep breaths with long exhalations and try it without the cigarette. JOY! Is an internationally acclaimed life transformation coach, famous for her unreasonable success in helping people move through their challenges with her unorthodox approach and emPOWERment tools. For more information, visit her website ExperienceJoy.com or call 044-322-129-1128.
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