Health & Beauty | March 2008  
Challenge to Stay Happy and Healthy

 |  | "If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want." - Elbert Hubbard |  |  | | "Who do you go to for healing?" my friend asked. It's an important question for anyone to consider. There is nothing more imperative than your health and quality of life. Without those two things everything else is compromised.
 I'm very particular about who I let work on me. I have worked too hard to attain my health to risk it with an incompetent, and I have worked on too many people who have come to me to reverse the effects of mis-diagnosing, mis-prescribing and other malpractices.
 So when I'm looking for a healer I first make sure that a treatment with them will not harm me in any way. If I need to go to a doctor I muscle test any drugs he prescribes, and make sure I understand exactly what they do and what their side effects might be.
 I do my research; does the health practitioner have a good track record, are their testimonials credible; are they signed by people who only have a first name and last initial or are there photos of real people, perhaps someone I can talk to? Personal referrals are always preferable but not always possible, especially when you are a tourist.
 Do they walk their talk; how is the healer's health, well being and appearance? I'd no more go to a sad sack, overweight, cigarette smoking practitioner than I would go to a gardener whose plants are all dying from neglect.
 Are they willing to answer my questions? Do they take a personal interest in me or am I just an income source?
 Having established who to go to, finding out whether they are the 'real deal' after a session is easy. I base it on one thing: Do I feel better? Is there a noticeable difference in me? That, to me, is the be all and end all; if it works, I'm happy, if it doesn't, I don't bother going back.
 It's fun to work with people who will help you improve your health and quality of life. I am always finding people to grow with and learn from, it one way I stay happy and healthy.
 I have a personal commitment to myself to make at least one big step forward in some area of my life every month. What could be more beneficial than that?
 Your challenge this week, do the same!If you need help with living the life of your dreams you can contact me at 044-322-129-1128 or joy(at)experiencejoy.com. I specialize in life transformation, and guarantee immediate positive results with all of my work. See ExperienceJoy.com for details.
 Click HERE for more Challenge Corner
JOY! Is an internationally acclaimed life transformation coach, famous for her unreasonable success in helping people move through their challenges with her unorthodox approach and emPOWERment tools. For more information, visit her website ExperienceJoy.com or call 044-322-129-1128.
 Click HERE for more articles by JOY! | 
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